Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

I'll give you a problem child!

I sat on the plane nervous as hell as it started to descend in the landing. I hated flying as it was, but today it felt even worse. How could my mam do this to me? I gripped the seat arms as we hit the runway. I couldn't wait to get off this flight.

I walked through the terminal moodily. American's couldnt stop staring and although I was used to it, lack of sleep made me more sensitive to this treatment.

I thought this was Hollywood, where they had all sorts of people living. I noticed a woman standing with an eldery woman holding up a card with my name on it,
"Bodaceia Armstrong"

I made my way over and stood before them, they seemed puzzeled as to who I was at first. They stared at me, looking like they didn't know what to make of me. I've got to admit, that's a normal reaction. I like to stand out from the ground, today I was wearing a typical outfit of mine. I was wearing my beautiful white corset leather dress with black arms and chest with black ribbons for the corset and it goes down to about mid thigh, I had on big black platforms also, with a heel, rather than my usual chunky wedge platforms and my hair was long black and blonde dreads down to about mid-back. In eye's of others, I am a cyber goth. My makeup was big, black eyes and white lashes, causing quite a contrast.

"Boo-de-ka?" She asked a bit tentatively.

"It's uhm Bow-da-see-a." I said slowly and nodded at her.

"Oh my! You're so different!"The eldery woman pulled me into a massive hug and I was shocked at first, but I soon hugged her back.

"I'm Anna." The other woman took my suitcase from the ground as she led the way. She walked infront of me and the eldery woman.

"You can call me grandma or nanna. Either one." We walked a little in silences, following Anna. "Listen, she doesnt mean to seem moody. I guess she still hasnt got over what your mom did yet. It was hardest for Anna." I looked at Anna and I could definately see the family resembelence.

We crossed the airports car park to a nice, suburban car. We haven't ever had a car, theres no point in the middle of a city. Buses and tubes every hour makes it stupid. Mam always borrowed a car off our neighbour, Rich, if we ever needed one. Anna put my suitcase in and held the door open for her mother.

"We'll just take you straight to Billie Joe's." She said helping my 'nanna' into the front seat and I just stood awkwardly.

"Get in!" My nanna urged as I sat slowly into the back of the seat.

It was pretty comfortable and I soon fell asleep in the back to sound of a soft radio and mutterings going on in the front seat.

"Its okay, we'll wake her up." I heard Anna saying to someone.

"Don't be silly Anna, she's been on what a 12 hour flight? Leave her sleeping, I'll carry her up." This guy started to try and pick me up and my reactions kicked in - literally.

I kicked out and pushed as hard as I could on whoever it was. I opened my eyes and saw it was dark out here in America.

"Ah fuck!" They exclaimed as I got out of the car, my platforms nearly standing on them. I grabbed my little purse off the backseat as I stood up and looked down at the man.

"Don't touch me - Billie Joe right?" I spat.

"That would be me actually." A voice from behind said, amused. I spun around to see two other guys and a woman stood there looking at me.

"Whatever." I said pissed off that I was even here. I looked up at the house and started to walk towards the door of it, which was wide open.

"Hey, don't you have bags?" Billie Joe asked me, trying to follow me up the stairs. I ignored him, hey you thought you were getting a problem child so you will get one.

"Hey?" I heard him shout after me as I walked into the house and gave myself the guided tour. It was impressive, and it made me angry that he was living like a king whilst we were forced to live in a tiny little flat in the inner city slums in London.

I walked through the massive family room with its adorations of guitars, how common, and its massive 12 seater sofas into the big kitchen where dirty plates and glasses sat on the side.

'I'll give you a problem child' I thought nastily, deliberately acting up.
I pushed all them off the side and the crash of them all smashing was music to my ears.

I tore open the french doors leading off in the garden and took a walk down to the very bottom of the garden and saw that the small wall was easily climbable and just round the corner was a busy road which I knew would take me into town. Perfect for those boring nights here, could easily take myself off to a bar when needed to. Thinking of that, I need a drink now. I can't believe I have not had a drink since that fateful night that made my mam push me off here.

Luckily I had my carry bag with me with my money and makeup in it, I decided as I started to climb the wall, surprisingly easy in my platforms.

"Bodaceia?" I heard a voice shouting for the kitchen.

"Whats happened here?!" I heard the woman nearly scream.

"Where is she?" One of the other men ask worryingly.

"What the - ?" I turned knowing I had been spotted and saw in the glow from the kitchen light Billie staring down the garden at me.

I carried on climbing and jumped over the other side, running in the heels down the road towards the busy street and running a little down there towards the twinkly lights of the city. I heard Billie and the other men trying to shout after me but I was way too far gone now.

Bring on the drink, I giggled to myself!