Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Baby Mama

“Good morning Fatty!” Will burst into my room happily, brew and toast in his hands.

“Get out.” I growled, burying my head under my pillows. He sat on the side of my bed and placed my tea and toast on my bedside table and started to poke me to wake me up. “Will. Stop it right now or you will never have a chance to create a baby yourself.” I said, turning and fixing him with a stern stare. He gave my cheek a quick peck.

“And hello to you too, baby mama.” He smiled at me, leaving me to eat happily in bed. I rubbed my fat tummy and cooed a little to my baby growing inside of me.

It's been a rough five months. I'll tell you now. Me and my mother have had limited phone calls, I have phoned Tre a few times, visited Billie a little and apart from that, just stayed in the company of my lovely William. He has quickly become my best friend, I am not kidding. He's been there every single step of the way, took me to doctor appointments, the first ever scan, ran out at 2 in the morning because I was crying for ice cream, and helped me through getting stronger. He's really provided for me, and although I did manage to get a full time job at a book store down in the mall, it didn't bring me too much money and he's been there and he's helped buy food, pay the bills, pay medical fees.
Finishing up my lovely breakfast, I waddled into the living area to see him all ready to go and do the paper work at the bar and get it ready for later.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him, giving him a hug.

“No problem. What you up to today?” He asked me, checking his reflection in the mirror.

“Uhm, nothing. Day off. I thought I'd ring my mam and maybe go see Billie?” I gave him a puzzled look. “Why are you checking your reflection if your going to do paper work?”

He blushed. “I'm interviewing for part time bar staff today and there is this one girl who's applied who is absolutely drop dead stunning. I am really going to try and charm her.” He smirked at me. My stomach turned, I felt sick and jealousy stabbed my heart. I managed a smile back.

“Good luck.” I croaked out, waddling back to my room and shutting the door firmly behind me.

“Thank you. See you!” He shouted happily through the apartment as I heard him shut the door.

I glanced at myself at the mirror. I noticed my face has got chubbier and my body definitely had.

Tears prickled my eyes. Why did I assume that Will loved me and wanted me, and why the hell was I jealous that he fancied someone else now? I was angry with myself. So very angry. I had Tre and I loved him didn't I?

Harsh reality came back to me. No I didn't have Tre. I had left Tre behind. If I really had loved Tre, surely I would have tried to make it work harder instead of being a stupid girl and running away?

I nearly ran to the phone, picking up and dialling his number, listening to the phone ring and ring.

“Hello?” His voice crackled sexily over the line.

“I want you and I needyou.” I sobbed down the line.
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