Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

The Morning After

Billie's POV

We all sat up all night discussing what we were going to do with Bodaceia, if she ever returned.

"I'm scared you guys, she seems out of control." Adrienne voiced. "I really don't think we can help her."

"Look, Addy, we've all been out of control, Holly knows that. That is why we've been asked to help. We've been there, we can deal and we know what forces you to sit up and smell the coffee." I reassured my lovely wife, except really inside I was scared myself. I was prepared for a niece who swore, who got a little happy. I was not prepared for Bodaceia to be a complete menace who smashed plates and ran off never to be seen or heard of.

"Bill, what if she's got really drunk somewhere and doesn't know her way home?" Addy asked, holding my arm.

"If by the morning, we don't get a phone call or she doesn't return, I swear I will go out and not come home until she is with me, ok?" I kissed Addy on the head as we heard the intercom buzz.

"Yes?" I answered as Tre ran to the window to look down at the gate.

"I think it's her!" He hissed as the reply crackled back through, Addy came to listen with me as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Present for you, young girl, do you know her?" The gruff mans voice replied.

"Oh thank god!" Addy gasped as I opened the gate. Adrienne ran to the door and flung it open with Mike and Tre and I hot on her heels. The man, obviously a cab driver we saw now, walked Bodaceia through the gate.

"Oh my," Mike tried not to laugh "Looks like we have a teen drunk." He smirked at me as Adrienne pushed past him to run down the stairs to try and bring Bodaceia in.

"Hey!" She shouted as the gates closed behind her and she stumbled to the side onto the grass, she noticed us. "I'm ho-omeeeeeee!" she giggled before passing out right there, flat on her face on the grass.

"Billie! Get her inside! NOW!" Adrienne ordered as I walked forward, picking her up effortlessly. She was like a ragdoll in my arms, totally lifeless from the alcohol she had obviously consummed. Addy picked up her bag and we walked back into the living room as I lay her down on the sofa, facing off the sofa incase she was going to be sick.

"What are we going to do?" Adrienne whispered as we watched her, worried.

"You don't need to do anything, last thing this girl needs is another mother figure trying to tell her what to do. We'll deal with her, she needs a dad." Mike consoled Adrienne as she wrapped a blanket around her.

"Yeah but - ?" Adrienne started.

"No, if she won't listen to her mother Addy, I think she has real problems with women. She's gotton away with being a terrible child towards her mother and probably gotton away with murder recently and she nows thinks women are pushovers, thats probably why she's so defensive towards everyone because she doesn't want to be a pushover like her mother. She's never had a father there to enforce total discipline, but now we're here." We stared at Mike. "What? Don't look at me like that, I'm clever." He smiled as we left Bodaceia sleeping softly, worried what the hell we were going to do tomorrow about her.

Normal/Bodaceia's POV

I came to the next morning feel rough but surprisingly not as bad as I usually feel. No headache, yet. I tried to sit up and immediately went dizzy. You got to battle through though, that is the secret, don't just lie there and take it. Move and get moving. I got up and walked to the kitchen, stumbling still.

"Ah, she awakes." Billie turned and smiled at me. "Why don't you go and get a shower and get cleaned up?"

"You saying I'm dirty?" I said before groaning as I caught sight of myself in a mirror. "Fucks sake, what a mess!" I pulled at my dreads which were looking worse, my makeup was smudged all over my face, at least if you looked down at my body I was still hot that way.

"Where's my clothes?" I asked trying to rub my makeup off.

"Upstairs, second bedroom on the right, thats your bedroom." Billie said "Why don't I take you up there?" He said coming towards me.

"No need. Don't think your going to try and get to know me. God, your as bad as my dad."

After I showered and sorted myself out, I came back downstairs wearing my black chaps with electric blue lycras shorts on under them, my blue furry leg warmers over my black platforms and a blue crop top. I put my black and blue dreads in and put them into pony tails, I also did my makeup all black swirly eyeliner with blue lashes. My god, I love to co-ordinate my outfit and my makeup, it's realy unbelievable how much I do it.

I came down to find two little boys running around talking rapidly over each other. I've never been aloud round little kids, I'm deemed 'unacceptable' usually by the parents. I stood in the doorway watching, not knowing what to do with myself until Adrienne spotted me and grabbed the kids around the waists and held them still.

"Joey, Jakob, say hello to your cousin Bodaceia. We told you she would be visiting didn't we?"

"HI BOO!" The littlest one waved and immediately wanted to start running around again. The other older boy, stared at me then came over slowly and hugged me around my middle. I stood awkwardly not knowing what to do before hugging him back briefly.

"How do you feel?" Adrienne asked me, turning back to the coffee pot. "Coffee?"

"No thanks. And fine, why?" I sat down at the table, looking around the house and feel angry at their obvious wealth. Wonder how they got it.

"Some state you were in last night, had us quite worried miss when you just ran off." She brought her coffee over and sat down opposite me at the dining table.

"I was fine and I got home okay didn't i?" I shrugged. "I've been worse."

"I dread to think. So where did you end up or do you not remember?" She smirked at me, mam would never dare play around about my boozy nights and this was a welcome change, I tell you now.

At that point, the blonde man walked into the room and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Mornin'!" He smiled at me. "Hey wanna come see something that I think you'll like?" He motioned for me to follow him. I gave Adrienne a worried look and she just nodded after him. I got up and walked after him, tentatively.

If he offers to show me his 'puppies', I'm running.