Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

"Just a lost cause."

We went down to the basement of the house and I was still worried about what I was going to find.

"Who are you?" I asked the blonde guy and he looked around at me asif I should know who he was.

"Mike." He smiled as he pushed the door open to the basement room and the sound of loud guitar came bursting out at us.

"Bet your excited at seeing Green Day play eh!" He smiled, talking loudly over the noise.

"Who are Green Day?" I shouted the moment the loud guitar stopped. Billie and the other guy were in the basement, Billie was playing the guitar and the other guy was sat at the drums. "Ah god, your not sad old men who think their band are still going to make it are you?" I smirked at them.

"Now, I know your joking." The guy at the drums said looking confused. "Bill, tell me she's joking right?"

"Calm down, Tre, I'm sure she is... Aren't you?" Billie looked at me.

"Sorry, am I supposed to know who Green Day are?" I asked confused.

"Oh my..." Mike sat down with his head in his hands. "Where have you been?" He asked.

"Billie, are you sure this your niece and you haven't just picked her up randomly?" Tre asked Billie worried.

"I've been on the good music scene." I scoffed, turning and starting to walk back up the basement stairs.

"I thought you said she'd be impressed at the fact we're in a famous punk band and she'd listen to us." I paused on the stair case to listen to this conversation.

"I believed it would impress her, so sue me Tre." Mike shot back.

"Guys, come on. Maybe we'll have to shock her into listening?" Billie tried to reason.

"Face it, she's a lost cause. Good music scene? Cheeky bitch." Mike fumed, before coming to the door to close it. "Oh, Bodaceia I thought-" he began seeing me standing there.

"Leave it. Fuck you, you jumped up little bitch. Thinking your all that because you have a band that I'm supposed to have heard of? Variety is the spice of life." I began to walk up the stairs.

"Wait. Look I'm sorry, it's just not often-"

"Screw you." I interrupted him.

"Bodaceia. Stop right there now." Billie said in his most authoritarian voice he could muster, and I turned to face him.

"What?" I said.

"Mike is sorry. He was venting. It is a little strange that you haven't heard of Green Day but thats okay. Now, come back down, you might enjoy the music we play." Billie smiled.

"No thanks. I'm going to try and check out this town. Anyway, sorry doesn't cut it with this lost cause." I walked up the stair case coming out by the kitchen.

"Wait! We'll come with you." Billie shouted after me, motioning to Tre and Mike to follow him.

"No, I can go by myself." I picked up my purse from the living room table where someone had left my bag last night. It felt scary light. I opened it. Billie and the guys were watching me from the doorway looking shifty.

"Where's my money?" I asked rationally as I could, turning around to look at them. They avoided my eyes.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY?!" I threw my purse as hard as I could at them.

"Look calm down-"

"DON'T TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN YOU THEIF!" I screamed at Billie. Adrienne came running towards the living room.

"Whats going on?"

"Ask your theif of a husband!" I shouted at her. "Give me back my fucking money!" I fumed.

"Why? So you can go out and get drunk again? Or are you moving on to drugs? Your not having any money. If you need to go to the store for anything, one of us will take you." Adrienne said walking back to the kitchen.

"Fine! Don't give me money. I can get it other ways, I'm sure!" I said storming out of the room, pushing past Billie and his friends towards the front door.

"Where do you think your going?" Adrienne asked looking down the hall from the kitchen.

"Anyway away from here!" I shouted, throwing the front door open and storming out.

"BILLIE! Adrienne shouted, as I heard Billie press a button, the large gates at the end of the drive started to close. I stood shocked before trying to run down the drive.

Needless to say they shut just before I got to them.

I screamed, trying to pull the gates apart.

"Bodaceia, come back here!" Billie shouted, coming out of the house and coming down the drive.

"YOU GUYS ARE NAZI'S!" I screamed, and started to try and scale the large wall, using the gate for foot holes.

"Come on, calm down." Billie grabbed me around my waist and pulled me effortlessly off the wall. For a small guy, he's got some strength. He threw me over his shoulder and marched back to the house.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, beating down on his back trying to make him let go but tiring myself out in the process. A headache was starting to sneak up on me. Billie slammed the door shut behind us and turned the key in the lock.

"From now on, all doors and windows remain locked when she is in the house. Welcome to Bodaceia's rehab. Addy can I have some ice for my back?" Billie threw me down on the hallway floor while everyone else busied themselves locking all doors and windows to the outside world.

"You have got to be kidding me?!" I groaned, feeling defeated for the first time in forever. I screamed and lay there, unable to do anything else.