Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Welcome to the Waltons

Tre's POV
I stormed downstairs, there was something about that girl that I just could not deny how it felt.

“What?” Mike asked lazily not even looking up from the TV.

“That girl!” I huffed, slamming my body down onto the sofa next to him. Billie glanced at me from his chair.

“Why what's happened?” He asked, focusing on the show as well.

“She's overdosed.” I said simply. Mike and Billie jumped and stared at me.


“Ah so now you'll pay attention.” I smirked. “She was all ready to come down and talk to you and get to know us all and then she just changed suddenly, and became nasty, shouting at me to get out and stuff.”

“Why are you surprised? She's a difficult kid.” Mike settled back down to the TV.

“You don't get it, it was like there was something there.” I blushed, I couldn't believe I was admitting to Billie that I had feelings for his 17 year old niece. How sick am I?

They both turned to me.

“Are you joking me?” Billie said quietly, his stare was icy and cold and shocked. Mike looked worried for me.

“I didn't act on it did I?” I shot back defensive.

“I swear to God, you so much as even think about feelings towards my niece then you will not live to the end of the week, right?” Billie said turning off the TV and getting up out of his chair.

“Bill, like he would act on it. Come on, he'll forget about this in an hour and see some girl on the street and proclaim she's his new love.” Mike smirked at me, trying to talk sense into Billie.

“BODACEIA COME DOWN HERE!” Billie shouted up the stairs. “I'm serious Tre.”

“NO!” The young girl called back.

“Daddy, why are you shouting?” Jakob came up to Billie and tugged on his arm, demanding his attention.

“I want your cousin to come down here but she won't, that's naughty isn't it?” Billie picked up his youngest son and started to walk up the stairs with him.

“Guys, you should go home now, let us have some family time yeah?” Billie walked down the long corridor. Me and Mike got up and looked at each other.

“Family time? More like he doesn't want you ogling her time” Mike smirked at me as we left.

“Shut up.” I shook my head at him, climbing into my car, he climbed into the other side and we drove out.

“Tre and Bodaceia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G” He sung childishly at me.

“Do you want to get out here?” I threatened, but didn't deny it. He got me thinking. I do want to kiss Bodaceia. Is that wrong?

Bodaceia's POV
Billie opened my door with Joey in his arms.

“Come downstairs, and get to know us, Bodaceia. We hardly know each other.” He smiled softly at me.

“That isn't my fault!” I shot at him from where I was lying on the bed, facing the door. My favourite band, Atreyu, blared out from the stereo. Billie crossed the room and turned it off.

“Its no one's fault. Please?”

“Pleaseeee Boo-da?” Jakob pleaded from Billie's arms. Billie smirked at me, and I couldn't help but smile at him.

“Ok, ok.” I sighed. “I'm so bored here, what have I got to lose?” I got up from the bed and walked out of my room.

“You might end up liking us.” Billie shut the door behind us and we walked down to the kitchen.

Jakob is a sweet kid, only around six I'd say.

In the kitchen, Adrienne and Joey were sat at the kitchen, he had colouring pencils and she had a book. They both looked up at us three as we entered and we sat down at the table, joining them.

“What do we owe to this pleasure?” Adrienne asked smiling putting down her book. It was the Other Boelyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory.

“I've read that.” I said pointing to it, shyly.

“Oh I am just loving it, I can not put it down.” She beamed at me.

“Ok this is a chance for us to get to know each other, alright everyone?” Billie smiled around the table.

“What do you want to know about me then?” I asked, feeling quite shy suddenly.

“When's your birthday?” Joey asked me quickly. “We always have big birthday parties here, you can now too.”

“I don't know if I'll be here for my birthday. It's the 10th of September.” I looked at him. “Anything else or is that it?” I asked.

“Whats your ambitions?” Adrienne asked. I groaned and put my head on the table.

“That is such a mam question to ask. I don't have any.” I lay my head on my arms.

“What?” Adrienne looked shocked.

“Well, I just don't. I got through school better than expected, got all B's. Apart from that, I don't know what I want to do. The past year has been my year of fun and relaxing, working a few hours at a clothing store near me, earning money, then going out and blowing it on my hobbies.” I shrugged.

“What hobbies?” Billie asked.

“My hobbies.” I said simply. “What about you lot then? Tell me something bout you.”

“I work part time in a nursery when Joey and Jakob are at school, but since it's summer holidays I have time off. Billie is in the band Green Day, his friends spend so much time here they might as well move in. Joey is 8 and Jakob is 5.” Adrienne smiled proudly about her family.

“Sweet.” I answered, thinking I really should be more impressed but I'm not.

“What about you and your mom?” Billie asked.

“Nothing to tell. She works 24/7 and I hardly ever see her, I only see her when she wakes me up of a morning. I've never wanted meet my dad although he always calls me hundred times a year, and she thinks I should be eternally grateful to her to bringing me up when I can hardly remember her from my childhood because she was so busy working.” I say.

“Your joking? Does your mom know this?”

“It's the topic of every argument we've ever had to be honest. I needed a mam and she needed money. Someone was going to lose out and it ended up being me. No big deal. I've gotten over it.”

“You poor thing!” Adrienne rushed round and hugged me tightly.

This is suddenly a very cosy family. Help?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoy this long chapter, it helps show us who Bodaceia is.