Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Cyber Dog

The next week and a half I tried to be on my best behaviour. The fact is my best behaviour ended up being unbelievably quiet, so much so that Billie Joe and his friends took to talking to me constantly and trying to cheer me up.
Adrienne keep on being sweet and caring and mothering and I just swallowed whatever insults I had to throw at them and smiled whenever they asked me anything.

“Hey? Good news.” Billie said one afternoon sitting down next to me on the sofa. I looked up at him.

“Oh yeah?” I asked curious. He handed me around $50 and smiled broadly.

“We figure since your being such a good girl, you can go shopping if you want? It would be nice for you to get out of the house and take a walk around town. It's only a 5 minute walk to the shopping district from here.” I looked at him shocked before I just grabbed him and hugged him, snapping up the money before he could change his mind. He stared after me shocked as I ran upstairs to retouch up my makeup and put my platforms on.

“BYE!” I shouted as I walked very quickly out of the house – unable to believe they are actually letting me out of the house on my own.

“Be careful!” Adrienne shouted out of the door after me as the gates closed behind me.

I nearly ran into town, going back to the bar where I had arrived on my very first night in Oakland.

“Hello stranger!” The bartender smiled at me. “I thought your holiday had finished and you'd gone home?”

“This ain't a holiday.” I smirked at him, sitting down at the bar. “Give me something strong babe that'll get me drunk in two minutes please?” I fluttered my massive blue eyelashes as him.

“Have you got some sort of drink problem?” He asked me. My mouth dropped.
“I just like a drink, I ain't had one in about 10 days okay? I'm not shaking, I ain't got withdrawel symptons have I?” I asked him shocked. He laughed.

“I was just kidding. Here.” He mixed up a cocktail and put around triple measures of many different spirits into it. I smiled at him. “First ones free for the pretty lady.” He refused my money. “So go on, tell me about yourself.”

I laughed. “Is that your chat up line?” He smirked.

“It gets me from A to B my dear.”

“Okay, I just can't stand anymore of your charming wit.” I smirked back at him. “Bodaceia – nice to meet me I know it is.”

“Bodaceia eh? Fancy. Will – its equally as nice to meet me.”

“You wish.” I said drinking half the cocktail coughing as the strength hit the back of my throat. “Oh my god. That will get me drunk fucking easily.”

“I know what I'm doing. So how come your in Oakland?” He asked, leaning on the bar drinking from a bottle of water.

“My mother sent me to live with my uncle because I was a naughty girl.” I said seductively. There was only me and him in the bar and he gave me his full attention.

“If I didn't know better, Bodaceia, I'd say you were trying to seduce me.” He leant over so our faces were almost touching.

“You want me and you know it.” He kissed me hungrily and looked at me.

“Course I want you.”

He crossed to the doors of the bar and he locked them. Walking back over to me, he took me in his arms and started to make out with me, all the lust we felt built up into one amazing kiss. He picked up and I wrapped my legs around his waist still not breaking the kiss as my hands ran through his gorgeous dark brown hair. He placed me onto the pool table and his hands found my thighs, rubbing them and caressing them making me purr.

“I want you so damn much that you been on my mind since I first saw you.” He murmured into my ear, kissing down my neck and his hands still busy on my thighs. He pulled off the platform boots and threw them to the side, making a bang on the floor. He pushed me backwards so I was lying on the pool table as I fiddled with the fly of his jeans and he removed my panties and pushed my neon blue skirt up around my waist. He threw my panties over the room and pushed his own pants and boxers down to reveal himself.

He entered me tenderly and continued to caress my thighs and kiss down my neck. It was some of the best sex I had ever had. I moaned for him and he groaned for me, giving amazing pleasure.

It lasted around 20minutes before we both climaxed. I lay on the pool table relaxing as he pulled up his own pants and boxers and kissed my thighs lovingly and kissed me deeply.

“Wow.” He murmured in my ear. “That was amazing.” He took a cigarette packet out of his pocket. “Cigarette?” He asked. I nodded and he placed one in my mouth – lighting it for me and I took a long hard drag of it.
A sharp quick knock one the door made us both jump.
“Stay right there, I'l get ridof them.” He whispered going over to the door and unlocking it. He opened it a tiny bit.

“Hey Will, whats the deal with the bar being closed?” I heard Uncle Billie's voice and saw the door being pushed over. I jumped off the pool table quickly with the cigarette still in my mouth. I tugged my skirt down and tried to keep my back Uncle Billie.

“What the-?” I heard the shock in his voice. “Bodaceia?” I turned around and that's when I noticed my underwear in the middle of the floor between me and Billie, my eyes shot down to them. Billie's eyes followed.

“Please tell me you didn't.” He said shocked as Mike and Tre entered the bar and looked shocked at me and Will, noticing my panties on the floor. I ran forward and grabbed them up, pulling them on quickly. I grabbed my platform boots from by the pool table and pulled them on as well. Will looked at me as I took a few drags of the cigarette going to the bar and knocking the ash off into the ashtray.

“ANSWER ME!!” Billie Joe shouted making me jump.

“This is a family matter obviously,” Will said trying to escape.

“You stay right there, Will.” Mike said sternly.

“Is this your Uncle?” Will asked me. I nodded drinking some cocktail. “Billie I swear to god, I never knew right.”

“I can't even look at you right now.” Billie said coldly. This man has a temper on him.

I finished the cocktail and smiled at Will. He couldn't help smiling back at me.
“Billie, calm down.” I heard Mike say, I kept my back towards them and heard their footsteps behind me.

“Bodaceia, I promise I won't be angry if you just come away with us right now.” Billie said calmly.

I sighed, knowing a calm Billie is probably a better one than an angry Billie.

“Wait, Bodaceia, Bow, babe,” Will said grabbing my arm. “When can I see you again?” The desperation in his voice was pathetic.

“Soon.” I smiled sweetly at him, kissing him tenderly on the lips before I took one last drag of the cigarette, then stumped it out in the ashtray and left with Green Day.

The walk into town was silent and I was quite aware that I probably smelt of sex and sweat. Billie could hardly look at me, same went for the other two. I sighed, it was a good idea at the time. Will was hot, you couldn't deny it. The way his hair flicked over his eyes was so sexy. His eyes were gorgeous, twinkling light blue. His hair was a beautiful chocolate brown and his sweet smile could make any girl melt. I hung back a little, daydreaming as Green Day walked on not even noticing I suddenly wasn't next to them.

We started to walk past a Cyber Dog and I just nipped inside, since they weren't paying attention to me. After all I still had the $50 from Billie.

I spotted a most gorgeous pair of white moon pants for $35 dollars and I just knew I had to have them straight away. I also got some new false eyelashes and some gorgeous bright red hot pants that would look gorgeous with my black platforms and tight white tee I decided. It thankfully all came to $49 and I left happily with my bags of stuff.

Glancing down the street, I couldn't see Billie and the guys anywhere so now with no money, I started to walk back towards the house.

Left alone with my thoughts, I couldn't deny that Billie had a right to go mad at me. I mean really, sleeping with some guy I've only met twice. What the hell was I thinking? I sighed as the dread and ashame sank deeply.

“Hey.” I heard some one running up to me. I turned my head and saw Tre catching me up, Billie and Mike on the other side of the road, walking slowly and chatting.

“Hey.” I said quietly. Tears filled my eyes and Tre just grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug, I sobbed on his chest as pain filled my heart.

“Hey shush, it's okay.” He smiled at me kissing my forehead. I jumped back from the attention. “Now why you crying?” He asked me.

I shrugged, wiping away my tears. We carried on walking with Tre's arm around my shoulder. Billie and Mike crossed over and caught up with us. I was still softly crying.

“Whats up?” Billie asked me. I shook my head and turned from him, carrying on walking home. We were on the street now and I could see the house upon us.

The gates were open and I walked quickly in, running up to my room before Adrienne could catch sight of me.

I lay on the bed, throwing my bags onto the floor and sobbed for hours onto my pillow.