‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

010: 183 years old? 2015?

::Draco's P.O.V.::

You couldn't believe it. She said she's 8.

"Um...Emmany, please, stay here and don't, I mean don't touch anything alright?" She smiled and nodded her head. You left the room and panicked. You saw Potter heading your way with a worried look on his face.

"Is she alright?"

"Oh, she's fine! Just bloody peachy!" You started to band your head against the wall out of frustration.
"Malfoy! What's wrong with her?" Potter turned you around to face him.

"She's 8! She thinks she's bloody 8! Not to mention she thinks it's the year 1840!!" You slid down the wall utterly lost.

"I see. Let me go get Remus, see if he can help." Potter ran off and left you sitting there. You heard tiny footsteps running towards you and saw Athame run to you.

"Daddy! Is mummy alright?" She sat herself on your lap and you held her close.

"Mummy's fine, she's just...she can't remember. She thinks she's 8 years old." Athame's eyes went wide.

"Mummy...thinks she's 8 years old? Is it because that lady hit her?" You nodded your head and smiled sadly at her as she snuggled into you.

"Do you want to see mummy?" You asked her standing up and taking her into your arms. She nodded her head and you opened the door. Emmany stood up and smiled at you.

"Emmany, I'd like you to meet someone," You put Athame down and Emmany smiled.

"WOW! I absolutely adore that dress! You must be rich," she smiled at Athame and Athame looked at you.

"Um...Emmany...this is your...daughter..." She started laughing but quickly regained composure.

"Forgive me sir, but I'm eight years old, I could not possibly have a daughter." You smiled sadly and whispered to Athame to leave the two of you alone and close the door behind her. She did as she was told and left the two of you alone.

"Um...did your parents tell you about your curse? About when you turn 16?" Maybe you could explain it this way to her.

"Yes...I do hope I find my true love by then! That nasty Radien Malfoy did this to me, wait, how do you know about my curse?"

"Long story. Um...I'm sorry to tell you but, you're not 8. You're 183 years old. It's the year 2015." You saw her eyes go wide.

"Are you telling me that I've been alive for 183 years? And I have a daughter? Well who's my true love then? Who broke my curse? Is it really the year 2015?" She began to cry, becoming scared of what was around her.

"Shhh, it's ok. Yes, you have a daughter that was her. Athame Lena Malfoy is her name. My daughter also, I'm your true love. Draco Malfoy..." You saw her look up from her hands and at you. She was terrified.

"M-M-Malfoy? You're my husband?"

"We were supposed to be married today. A crazy woman hit you over the head with a chair and...well now this." You stared at the floor as she plopped onto the bed.

"Oh...I see...is this why I have this dress on? And I look old?" You nodded your head and saw her nod.

"I want to go to sleep. Can I go to sleep somewhere, please?" You nodded your head and appearated to her house and showed her, her room.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Malfoy."

"Please, Draco." She smiled and nodded her head. You noticed a sense of innocence within her eyes. You could see an eight year old looking back at you when you looked into her eyes.

"I'll let you sleep now." She nodded her head and closed the door when you left. You saw Lupin and Potter come through the door with a sleeping Athame in Potter's arms.

"Here, we told everyone what happened and that the wedding has been post-poned." Potter said handing you Athame. You nodded you head and quickly put Athame in her bed.

"Do you know what to do?" You asked confused. You wanted your Em back.

"Did you tell her anything?" Lupin asked.

"Yeah, how old she is, what year it is, about the curse and that I'm her true love. Small stuff, and about Athame." Lupin nodded his head.

"Tomorrow, we'll take her to St. Mungos and see what they can do. Get some rest Draco, you look like you need it." You nodded your head and they left. You took a seat on the couch and fell asleep there, wondering if you were ever going to get Emmany back.