‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

011: Just Friends?

Draco's P.O.V.

"Daddy?" Athame was poking at your face, calling your name so that you would wake up.

"What time is it, love?" You sat up and brought her onto your lap.

"It's 12. Can I have something to eat?" She looked at you holding her stomach.

"You're hungry?" She nodded her head and you got up to get her some cereal.

"Thank you!" She took it and ran off into her room. You heard a click and then voices. You figured it was a TV.

"AHHHH!!!! GET AWAY!!!" You heard Emmany scream. You ran into her room seeing a guy about your age looking confused, sitting on her bed with her in the corner, terrified.

"Who are you?" You glared, going over to her.

"Me? Who are...you're Draco Malfoy aren't you?! The one who told her to leave!" He yelled at you. You didn't know who the hell, this guy was, but he knew who you were.

"Emmany what's wrong?" He asked her reaching out a hand. You slapped it away and he glared at you.

"I'm scared!" Emmany cried as she hid behind you.

"It's alright. Stay here, this...man and I, are going to talk okay. I'll find out who he is, don't worry." You placed her on her bed and she nodded her head.

"Would you like to go and play with Athame?" She nodded her head. You lead her to Athame's room and Athame smiled.

"MU-" You shook your head no and told her to say Emmany.

"Emmany...want to watch TV with me?" Shyly Emmany went in and you closed the door.

"WHO IN BLOODY HELL ARE YOU?!" You screamed at the guy causing him to move back.

"I'm a...friend of Emmany's. Why doesn't she remember me? Why is Athame calling her Emmany?"

"Friends...FRIENDS?! Looked like a lot more. If you must know, she lost her memory on our wedding day. She thinks she's eight." You explain glaring at him.

"What?! YOU! You were the one she's getting married to?"

"Yes. You have a problem?"

"Yes! You told her to leave, when she was PREGNANT, and now you two are getting married? She turned me down, all those times...just to end up with you!"

"I knew it! You fancy her!"

"I more than fancy her, alright! I-" He was cut off by two pops.

"Gabriel? What are you doing here?" It was Potter and Lupin.

"You know him?" You glanced back and forth between Lupin and Potter and noticed their nervous faces.

"Uh...yea. Um...where is she, I think we should take her to St. Mungos now." Lupin said looking around.

"Right..." You went into Athame's room and saw them playing cards.

"Emmany?" She turned around and smiled.

"We're going to take you to St. Mungo's, it's a hospital." She nodded her head and stood up. She was still in her wedding dress and you couldn't help but think she was still beautiful.

"These men are going to come with me to take you alright?" She nodded her head and curtsied at Potter and Lupin. Athame came out in dressed.

"Daddy!" You picked her up and held onto Emmany. You all apparated there, including Gabriel.

"Um...how may I help you?" The girl at the desk looked at you and Emmany oddly seeing as you were both still wearing the same clothes as last night.

"Um...memory...you know where we can get it fixed?"

"Was is a curse?" You all shook your head and she pointed down a hall.

"3rd door to your right." You all walked down there and walked in.

"How may I help you?" The doctor smiled at all of you, taking in all of you.

"She was hit over the head, and she thinks she's eight." The doctor nodded his head and walked over to Emmany.

"Please sit on the bed." He looked her over and into her eyes. He pulled out his wanted and pointed it at her. She got scared and ran behind you.

"No, no. He's going to bring your memory back alright?" She nodded her head and sat back down. the doctor smiled at her and pointed his wand again.

"Ricordare!" Her eyes shut and she fell back.

"What just happened!?" You shouted running over to her.

"Don't worry. She should be asleep for only about 18 hours or so. She'll be asleep until she reaches her correct age, the age she remembers. 26 right?" You all looked at each other and sighed.

"Wait, are you saying, that she's asleep for how many years she's missed?" He nods his head and Lupin looks down.

"She'll be asleep for 177 hours doctor." His eyes went wide.

"She's 183 years old?" You all nodded your heads at him.

"But...how?" He looked dumbfounded at her sleeping figure.

"A curse was put on her when she was just a baby." He nodded his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, you may take her home now. She'll be like that for 6 days and 33 minutes." You sighed and picked her up.

"Thanks." Athame smiled at him and held onto your leg. You all apparated back to her house, and you put her in bed.

"Can I go to Jason and Olivia's house?" Athame asked. You looked at the time and nodded your head.

"Be back by 4 okay?" She nodded her head, grabbed her sweater and bag, and left.

"Okay, you two, explain to me, who he is." You pointed at Gabriel who glared at you.

"Uh...well..." Potter scratched the back of his neck looking down at the floor.

"I dated Emmany for awhile." Gabriel said rolling his eyes at the two. You felt your blood boil.


"Now, calm down, Draco. The two of you were separated." You glared at Potter.

"Still! She felt how much I hurt! I felt how much she hurt, and yet she...she went out with...HIM?!"

"Why do you think she broke it off with me?! She was still in love with you!" Gabriel shouted. The room went quiet as the two of you stared at each other.

"Um...we'll be going now. Owl us when she wakes will you?" You nodded at Lupin the he and Potter left.

"I'll be back to see her when she wakes..." With that, he left, leaving you infuriated. How could she have not told you about him?