‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

012: Can I Make Beauty Stay?

{:|:} Draco's P.O.V. {:|:}

6 Days Later

You watched Athame climb into bed as you tucked her in.

"Daddy...can you sing me a song?" You looked at her like she was crazy.

"I don't think so. I'll read you a story instead?" You hoped she would say yes since it was already 12:28 at night.

"Oh...ok. It's just that...mommy always sings me a song." You could tell she missed Emmany. You missed her too.

"I'm sorry love, I wish-"

"DRAACOOO!!!" You and Athame looked at each other and then rushed to Emmany's bedroom. You saw her sitting up on the bed looking around confused and pissed.

"Where is she!? That who- I mean evil lady!" She corrected herself before she said anything bad in front of Athame.

"She was thrown out of the wedding. You had blacked out remember?" She looked around and then her eyes widened with realization.

"Oh...I'm sorry for putting you through that." She got up and hugged you tight. She kissed Athame's head and hugged her.

"Mummy!! Sing me a song for bedtime?" She smiled and nodded her head. You all went into Athame's bedroom and tucked her in.

"Ready?" She nodded her head and snuggled into the covers.

"Hush now, my baby be still love don't cry, sleep like you're rocked by the stream, sleep and remember my lullaby, and Ill be with you when you dream." She closed her eyes gently and fell asleep. You both walked out of the room shutting the door slightly.

"I never knew you could sing like that." She blushed a bit and smiled.

"You never asked." You chuckled slightly and stared into her eyes.

"I'm glad you're back." You took her into your arms and she embraced you back.

"Me too." She put her lips to yours causing shivers to go down your spine. You pulled her closer, licking her lips which she gladly parted letting your tongues play with one another. You pulled apart and looked into each others eyes.

"Merlin I missed that." You whispered into her lips.

"As did I. Come, let's sleep."

"You've slept for 6 days!"

"Not really...I've lived 177 years all over again...I'm really tired. Let's sleep, please?" She pulled you close and nibbled on your bottom lip.

"Don't do that. You're getting me excited." She smirked and skipped to the bedroom.

"What's with teasing me?!"

"I don't know. I just...feel like being a tease...because I'm too tired to really do anything...maybe tomorrow night..." She winked at you and got in bed. You shook your head and got in with her. You opened your arms and she crawled over and snuggled into your chest.

"I need this..."


"You holding me. I missed it." She closed her eyes and took in your sent.
"Me too. I love you, Emmany."

"And I love you, Draco." With that the both of you fell asleep.

::Your P.O.V.::

Gently unraveling yourself from Draco's arms you get up and head to the lavatory. You did what you needed to in the lavatory and went into the kitchen. You'd figure you would cook the both of them breakfast thanking them for taking care of you. Just then you heard a pop come from the living room.

"Hello?" You called out walking over to the living room. There you saw Gabriel staring straight at you.

"Gabriel! What are you doing over here?" You ran over and hugged him tight.

"I came back to see if you were alright. I came not too long ago and you had lost your memory." Your eyes widened.

"You did?! Um...I'm guessing you met Draco?" He nodded his head and sighed.

"What are you doing with him?" You sighed and motioned for him to follow you to the kitchen so you could continue with breakfast.

"It's a long story, Gabriel. Just know he treats me right and...I'm happy. Athame loves having her father around, I guess you could say...we've become a family." He looked at you sadly and came near you. He looked you in the eyes and brought a hand up to caress your cheek.

"Is there any way I can make beauty stay with me?" You blushed and looked away.

"I'm sorry Gabriel. I do still love you just...not in that way." He smiled sadly again and let his hand fall to his side.

"Of course."

"We're still friends, yes?" He nods his head and you hug him.

"Good. I would hate to lose you as a friend. If you'd like, please join us for breakfast?"

"Alright, I suppose I shall." You told him where to place his coat and just as you did Athame ran out.

"I smell eggs and bacon!" She hopped onto her chair and smiled widely. Gabriel came and took a seat next to her.

"Hi, Gabriel. Are you having breakfast with us?" He nodded his head, smiling.

"YAY!! Mummy, is daddy up?" She questioned as you placed the bacon on a plate and then continued to work on the eggs.

"I'm right here love. You, what are you doing here?" You heard Draco's malice tone and turned around to see him and Gabriel glaring at each other.

"Draco! He is our guest for breakfast. Sit down and wait until I am finished." He looked at you, his eyes telling you he didn't like Gabriel, you just rolled your eyes and went back to cooking.

"OH! Mummy, uncle Billy wants to take me, Jason and Olivia to his house and we get to play with the dragons!!"

"WHAT?!" You nearly had a heart attack hearing this. You shook your head fervently.

"I don't think so."

"But mummy!!" You gave everyone their plate and sat down yourself.

"No, I don't want you playing with dragons! Your uncle Billy is crazy anyway!"

"Daddy!!" Draco looked up and shrugged.

"Aww come on!" She whined pouting her lip and giving you those innocent eyes.

"Just let her go, I'm sure she'll be fine," you glared at Draco.

"She's cute when she does that." Gabriel commented, chuckling at the face she was still making.

"Oh! The both of you! She does that all the time whenever she wants something I don't approve of." You looked at her sternly and she looked down and continued to eat her breakfast.

"You're too good of a mother you know that? You remind me of mine." Gabriel said as he took a bite of his toast.

"If she reminds you of your mother why do insist on being with her?" Draco sneered.

"She reminds me, doesn't mean she is my mum. And it's none of your business if I have feelings for her or not." He hissed at Draco

"Be nice. This is breakfast not a battlefield, enough with remarks." With that everyone went silent.