‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

002: I Remember you

:|: Athame's P.O.V.:|:

The next morning you woke up and jumped out of bed to look for your mother.

"Mummy! Mummy!!! I have to go to day care today with Jason and Olivia!" You went into your mother's room and found her on the floor cuddling her legs to her chest clutching her favorite necklace and a tear stained face. Gently you caress your mother's cheek and whisper softly.

"Mummy? Are you okay?" You see your mother stir and her eyes flutter open.

"Athame? What is it?" She asks her voice croaky.

"I have day care remember?" You see your mother's eyes widen.

"Oh! Yes, um...come let's get you ready and some breakfast and then I'll take you there." Your mother quickly gets up and rushes into your room getting you some clothes. You could tell something was bothering her.

"Mummy what's wrong?" She smiled at you sadly and you didn't know why.

"I'm fine don't worry about me ok?" You nodded your head and sat at the table. She came in, made you breakfast, and then quickly got herself ready. Once you were finished, you went and put on your clothes. Your saw your mother put you in a nice dress that was black and had purple lining with a white skull and cross bone in the middle, and black mary-janes.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" You grabbed your small bag with a penguin on it and your blue sweater with tinker bell on it and ran out smiling.

"Okay, here let's zipper this up ok?" You nodded your head and she zipped you up half way and then took your hand and apparated the both of you to St. Mungos Day-Care center.

"Bye mummy, I love you." You hugged her tight and she you.

"I love you too. Be good ok?" You smiled and nodded your head. You saw Jason playing already with his sister so you kissed your mom's cheek and ran off.

You had another hour left until your mom was suppose to pick you up and take you to the shop with her when you saw a man walk in and look around. He looked very familiar to you.

"I remember you! You're the one who saved me!" You ran over to the man with a smile on your face. You hugged his leg and he looked at you sadly.

"Why are you here mister? Are you here to pick up your boy or girl?" He just smiled at you and stared into your eyes.

"You have your mother's eyes..." You smiled and nodded your head.

"OoooOooOOo Athame you're not supposed to be talking to strangers!" You glared at Jason.

"Shut up Weasel! You don't know anything!" You heard the man chuckle and you turned to him and smiled.

"Your name's Athame? That's a beautiful name." You blushed and thanked him nicely.

"What's your name mister?"

"Draco Malfoy," he answered. Your eyes widened with complete shock.

"My last name is Malfoy too!"

"She...let you...gave you my..." Mr. Malfoy was in utter bewilderment. You didn't understand why.

"So what if I let her have your last name, Malfoy? What are you doing here?" You both looked up and saw your mother standing there. You smiled and ran to hug her.

"I didn't think you would. And I thought we were on a first name bases?" Mr. Malfoy smirked at your mother and you saw her get angry. She picked you up swiftly and carried you out of St. Mungos.

"Mummy, why did we leave without saying goodbye to Mr. Malfoy?" She never looked at you and just kept on walking. You saw her eyes water, like she was going to cry.

"Don't you think she deserves to know who her father is!" You saw Mr. Malfoy as he looked at you and then at you mom desperately. You felt her stop and her grip on you loosen. She let you down and turned around to face Mr. Malfoy. The water in her eyes fell and you knew she was crying.


:|: Your P.O.V.:|:

"Mummy?" You heard Athame ask. You just stared at Draco. How could he do this?

"You run away from trying to be a father and now you want to be one?! Draco I gave you everything, you broke my curse! I loved you so much...BUT GO AHEAD! TELL HER! TELL HER EVERYTHING!" You yelled at him. You saw Athame cower from you as she watched confused tremendously.

"Athame...I...I'm your father, that's why we have the same last name, you have my last name." Athame's eyes went wide.

"He's my daddy?" She asked looking over to you.

"Yes," you said sternly.

"Why aren't you and mummy together then?" Draco put his head down. Knowing he had to tell his daughter, that he hurt you.

"I...I hurt mummy, and she told me to stay away. She told me never to go near the both of you. I felt like I wasn't ready to be your father but...I know I made a mistake but I want to make this work...now," He looked at her and smiled feebly.

"You told him to stay away? I always wanted a daddy and you told him to stay away?!" She yelled at you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"You don't understand honey, he hurt mummy badly and...I didn't want to see him anymore..."

"You still kept him away from me!" She took off into the streets.

"ATHAME!" You looked over at Draco and saw the shock in his eyes.

"You better help me find her because now she hates me!" You yelled at him and motioned him to follow you and try to get Athame within the crowd.

After hours of trying to find her, you stood there in front of your shop panicking. Draco standing there with you, watching you pace back and forth.

"I want her back...I want my baby..." You started to cry, you didn't know what to do. You fell to the ground shaking uncontrollably with your sobs.

"Hey, Emmany, we'll find her. Don't worry." He bent down and put an arm around you to try and get you to stop shaking.

"Why are you being like this? This isn't the Draco Malfoy I know." You said through your sobs.

"I'm still Draco...I'm just different to the ones I actually care about. Especially to the ones I still love," you just stared at Draco with wide eyes. You didn't know what to think. Until it hit you.

"Shrieking Shack!" You yelled and ran out of Draco's arms running all the way to the Shrieking Shack, Draco following close behind. There she was, sitting on a rock crying and singing to herself.

"Oh my, thank you Merlin!" You ran over to her tears falling down your face even harder. You went to go hug her but she pushed you away.

"I want to know my father..." She looked up at you, her eyes scratching into yours. You sighed and looked towards Draco.

"Ask your father."

"Can I know you...please?" She choked out.

"Yes, of course." You saw him smile as she ran into his arms and hugged him tight. You looked at him and he smiled sadly at you. You looked down, it was painful for you.

"Athame...come, we need to get back to the shop." You looked at her, your eyes still stinging with tears.

"Ok...can daddy come?" She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. You couldn't believe you were going to say yes. Nevertheless, this was for your daughter.

"If he wants to," your tone was so dull, and apathetic.

"Daddy?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded his head and she grabbed his hand. The three of you started to walk to the your shop when you remembered you needed to go see the twins for some reason. They really didn't tell you.

"Honey we have to go see your uncles first ok?" She looked up and nodded her head.

"Her uncles?" Draco questioned.

"Fred and George Weasly, their like her uncles...two of the few men she's had in her life," you glare over at him and he just avoids your gaze. You reach the joke shop the two owned and waved from the outside at the both of them.

"Emmany love! We've been waiting for you, Jason told us that you ran off with Athame and some...guy..." Fred looked at Draco surprised.

"Weasly," Draco nodded at him and picked up Athame.

"Malfoy," Fred looked at you like 'what the bloody hell is going on'.

"You wanted to see me for something?" You asked to try and get out of there quickly.

"Oh yea, come back here," you nodded your head and smiled at Athame.

"I'll be back in a minute sweetheart," you went into the back and saw a nervous looking Fred.

"Ok, first thing, why the hell is he here?" Fred asked in a slight whisper.

"Well...he saved Athame from this man and well...he came to the day-care center and she now knows that he's her father so she wants to get to know him." You sighed sitting on a small stool.

"I see. Well, I was wondering if you can bake me one of your famous Chocolate De La Creme cakes?" Fred asked looking like he was ready to beg you.

"Sure, when do you need it done by?" You laughed.

"Um...tonight?" You laughed again.

"Consider it done, don't worry." You hugged him when you saw George come in from the front looking shocked.

"Emmany! Uh...did you know Draco is holding Athame?" You nodded your head and smiled wearily.

"Fred...explain, I'll send the cake over once I'm done with it ok?" He nodded his head and you came to the front of the shop and motioned Draco to follow you out.

"What did he want?" You rolled your eyes not really wanting to converse with Draco.

"A cake." You answered simply and you uncharmed your door and opened it up for business.

"Are you staying daddy? Mummy always makes cookies for me when I get home from day-care she makes good cookies!" Draco smiled at her and nodded his head.

"Mummy you're still going to make me cookies right? I was good!" She looked at you with a pouty face and all innocent.

"I shouldn't because you gave mummy a scare when you ran away! But I'll give you some anyway, but no desert after dinner," you weren't going to fall for that face. That was his attitude and you wished she didn't have his attitude. You went behind the counter and got Athame her cookies and she sat there talking with Draco telling him all that she's been through while you worked.

"Bye Mr. Finster!" You smiled and waved at him. That was your last customer and it was finally time to go upstairs and into your home.

"Athame?" You asked as you pulled down the shades and looked over to her and Draco. It was a cute site...the both of them cuddle together asleep. You smiled as tears ran down your face.

"If only..." you whispered, "If only..."