‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

004: I Won't Cry Anymore

You pushed out of Draco's hold and ran into Athame's room seeing smoke dissapate from near her bed, the figure holding your scared daughter within his arms. A note floating gently to her bed. Draco came running in after you and saw the site in front of him.

"Where is she!?" He asked in a panic. You just stood there. Apathetic to the world around you. You felt like you wanted to cry...but there was nothing left. You weren't going to sit there and cry anymore. This was your daughter, and you were going to get her back no matter what.

"Draco, do me a favor...shut up." You walked over to the letter and picked it up. It was black lined with green, you opened it and a small smoke rose.

Dear, Draco

I hope you're reading this, and I hope you know that you're daughter will be with me until you give yourself up. You took almost everything I ever wanted Malfoy! Now I'm going to take it all from you. You have until sunset tomorrow to give yourself up along with Emmany. If you don't, the last thing your daughter will see is my face, laughing at her while she dies.

An Old Friend...

"Read this," you handed Draco the letter. You saw his temper rise at each word he read, shaking his head in anger.

"DAMNIT! It's Flint..."

"WHAT?!" Flint? You couldn't believe. You hadn't heard from him since the night he had almost raped you.

"I remember seeing him one night, after the time he tried to hurt you...he said he hated me and would someday take you away from me. Now he has my daughter DAMN HIM!" Draco punched the wall and you snickered.

"Looks like he doesn't have to take me away from you..." You looked away from him and to Athame's bed. You didn't know what you were going to do, but you were going to do something.

"Listen! I'm so sorry for what happened. I'd give everything I ever had to make sure that doesn't happen." You scoffed not wanting to believe him.

"It's not the fact that you had sex with someone that bothers me.."

"Then what is it?" He moved his body, blocking yours from getting out of the room. You sighed and decided that you were better off answering his question.

"What is sex to you? Just a good time or making love? Tell me honestly because I don't want to hear any of your lies. My temper hasn't changed thoughout the years."

"After I met you, sex is love. Please I'm sorry. We both know that why can't you forgive me?"

"Because you just condemned yourself."

"What? How?" You saw that he was utterly confused at this point, not exactly getting what you were trying to say.

"Sex is making love. Love is close to everyone's heart, as long as they have one. But you, you went and made love to another person. Even now, when someone says love to me I think back to what we had, but you, no. I wasn't in a single thought in that moment." Seering every word out of your mouth making sure ever dagger hit where it was suppose to.

"Baby please. You knew how I felt all these ye--"

"Don't talk to me about those years! Do you know how I felt?!" You say as you push him away to leave. Draco gets in your way and pulls you by the arm back so that you were facing each other. When the two of you were close, not once did you look into his eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?" His voice filled with an unheard sadness, a sadness Draco Malfoy was so unused to yet so familiar with.

"Because I choose not to." You snap back at him.

"I know why." You snicker and shake your head.

"No, you know nothing at all."

"And I won't know until you let me."

"That's a contridiction."

"Look at me, in the eyes. Just this once, see how sorry I am then go onto whatever path you desire."

Slowly you look at his mouth, rising up to his eyes. Icy blue with specks of gray are sprinkled with sadness through the years. You knows how sorry he is and it scares you. All his emotions and the pain he's been through hits you hard. Suddenly you turn and look away. Now all he can see is your figure from the back.


"No I don't wanna see you. I can't see you."


"Because if I do, I might fall all over again."

"Fall and I'll catch you."

"No. The risk is too big." With that said, you walk away with Draco realizing how much it cost you to be where you are today. How can you bake cakes for weddings, see couples and feel that pain. All the pain he knew he caused. It pained him to know that he hurt you, it killed him inside.

"Draco...I can't deal with this right now, we need to find Athame and fast." You looked up, your eyes hard and determined. Draco nodded his head sadly understanding, his daughter came first even if it meant holding of this conversation.

"I have to go to Hogwarts you stay here, I'll be back." You told him as you got your coat and started to put it on.

"No, I'm going with you. I'm not letting you go anywhere alone without me, Flint might have people who are after you." You chuckle at Draco's attemps at being a hero.

"Draco...if anything, I shouldn't leave you alone, I can handle myself. Thinking about it, come on, I don't need you hurt either." You both apparated out of your house and to the castle.

"Why are we here?" You rolled your eyes and walked to the statue the lead to Albus' old office, which was now Minerva's.

"Juggle Bottoms," The statue started to moved, you grabbed Draco taking him up with you. Once inside you called out to Minerva. Her figure fallen asleep amoungst papers upon papers that were on her desk.

"Minerva?" You whispered softly as you gently shook her shoulder.

"Hmm? Emmany? Mr. Malfoy?" She questioned.

"Minerva, I need to speak with Fox, where is he?" Both Minerva and Draco were puzzled but nevertheless she points to a door. You nodded your head as a thank you and motion for Draco to follow you. Once in the room, you hear Minerva's footsteps disappear into another room, probably going off to bed.

'Fox?' You asked in you mind to him. He jerked his head up and screeched at you, flapping his wings happily. You saw Draco back away getting a bit frightened.

'I was wondering if you could do me a favor?'

'Anything for you darling.' You smiled thankful that Fox would do this for you.

'I need you to find my daughter. You are the only one I know who can find her better than me, so please could you?' A worried look bestowed his beautiful face at hearing the news.

'Of course, I'll find her. I'll let you know as soon as I do!' You smiled thankful.

'Oh wait! Be careful, and please, find her quick, I only have until tomorrow at sunset!' With the news Fox screeched again and flew out the window as fast as he could.

"Alright, he's going to find her now all we need is a plan in getting her out of there." You thought aloud to yourself and Draco.

"Did you just talk to that bird?" You looked over at his shocked face and nodded your head.

"I never knew you could do that..." You smirked and walked out of the room, going to thank Minerva to find that she was gone and in bed.

"Let's head back to my apartment and there you can have a cup of coffe, we're going to need all the caffeine." Draco nodded his head as you both head back to your apartment. Even though you felt strong on the outside, you knew deep in the pit of your stomach, your little girl was crying out for you and her father, scared and alone...