‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

005: Nice Of You To Join Us

"What are you doing?" Draco asked as he sipped the hot coffee you made. You were sitting in the middle of the floor in your living room, eyes closed, trying to get a read on where your daughter might be.

"I'm trying to find out where my daughter is thank you, now shut up so I can concentrate!" You snapped at him, your eyes still closed. Draco just sighed and plopped himself on the couch behind you. You felt his scrutinizing gaze on your back. That's when you heard her.

'Mummy...I want mummy and daddy...' Her voice was shaky even in her own head she was crying.

'Baby? Sweetie it's mummy.' You prayed she wouldn't get scared.

'Mummy! I'm scared, I can't see or talk!' You sighed, knowing if she can't see or talk that she wouldn't know where she was.

'Okay, calm down don't worry. Mummy and daddy are working on trying to get you okay?'

'Hurry!! I'm scared mummy!'

'I will!' You opened your eyes and looked at Draco.

"I'm going to kill him..." You shook your head in disbelief.

"What? Do you know where she is?" Draco's eyes looked hopeful. You shook your head.

"She wouldn't know...he's got her blinded and gagged." You looked down at the floor, fear, and hate rushing trough your veins.

"HE WHAT?!" Draco's eyes flashed from concerned to pure abhorrence within a matter of seconds.

"I'll be back I need some parchment and a quill." You ran to your room and got what you needed and started writing the urgent letter to Remus. You sent it and you went back to the room.

"Would could you possibly find time to write to?!" Draco yelled at you as you paced back and forth. A 'pop' was heard and you saw Tonks and Remus standing there with serious looks on their faces.

"Them!" You glared at Draco. Remus and Tonks looked at Draco shocked and then to you.

"Do you know where she is yet?"

"No, I asked Fox to go find her, he's out there now," you replied, seeing the sun peek through the shutters.

"Here's what I was thinking, once Fox comes back with news, Draco goes first, I'll sense him and apperate a small ways from him, well talk things out and I'll call to you Tonks once we have Athame safe." She nodded her head agreeing.

"You want me to go first? Why?" Draco asked looking at you. His eyes were tired, sad, and angry. They were just full of emotion you couldn't bare to look him in the eye.

"So that when I get there I can surprise him, and you'll be able to curse him or something while he's distracted." Draco nods his head when Fox comes flying in.

'I found her, she's with a man dressed in black, she's tied up. They're at Forth and Gunbore street. By the abandoned station.' You smirked and nodded your head at him.

'Thank you so much Fox' Fox screeched and was off.

"She's with him at Forth and Gunbore,"

"Near the abandoned station?" Draco asked and you nodded. Just like that, he was gone. You nodded at Remus and Tonks and they returned it. You also apperating to where your daughter was.

"Nice of you to join us!"