‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

008: I Knew It

Your tears were pouring out of your eyes and falling onto him. Your tears, being absorbed by his skin.

"I love you so much, Draco..." You laid your head against his as he lay there in your arms. Unbeknownst to you, Draco's hands were twitching as though he was trying to lift them.

"Don't leave me...don't..." Just then, a hand caressed your face, and wiped your tears. You looked at Draco and saw his face wasn't all purple veined and neither was the rest of his body. His wound was also gone and his eyes looked brighter.

"But...how?" You didn't understand. He was just dead in your arms.

"I knew it..." His voice was cracked as and sounded as if nails were scratching against his throat.

"Knew what?" You asked stroking his hair, your tears now happy and no longer those of mourning.

"That you loved me." He smiled and brought you down so that he could hold you instead of you holding him.

"I do. I've loved you for the past six years." He smiled and stroked your cheek.

"So have I," you smiled and then called a doctor. They came in and helped Draco onto his bed. They told you they were going to keep him and give him some potions for the pain and that he will be released the next day.

"I'll come and get you tomorrow." You were holding his hand as he lay in the bed. He just kept smiling at you. He kissed your hand and told you to go home and get rest.

"I love you Emmany." You heard him say as you got to the door. You turned your head and smiled.

"And I love you Draco." You left and found Athame with a tear stained face, asleep on Remus.

"Remus?" He looked up at you worried.
"How is he?"

"He's going to be fine. Let me take her home. You go home and gets some rest ok?" He nodded his head and the both of you apparated to your own houses. You put Athame to bed and then went to yours, exhausted from the days events.

The whole time you were sleeping though, all you could do was smile. You had finally told yourself your true feelings for Draco and him. He now knew you loved him and had always loved him. All you could wonder was what was going to happen next.