‹ Prequel: Be My Escape
Sequel: It's In My Blood

Escape's Curse

009: Sir...Your Hair Is Very Bright!

The next day you took Draco out of St. Mungos and home with you and Athame. Athame was excited to see her father and gave him a big hug when the both of you arrived back home.

"How's my girl?" He smiled at her and she nodded her head rapidly.

"I'm glad you're better daddy!" She kissed his cheek and he kissed hers back.

"Me too." He looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back and he kissed your lips.

"I thought you and daddy were mad at each other?" Athame asked utterly confused.

"We were..." Draco started, "but we fixed everything," you finished and took her into your arms.

"YAY!! We can be a family now!" She threw up her arms and giggled profusely.

:::4 Months Later:::

"EM!!!" You heard Draco call your name as he walked through the door.

"Don't be so loud, Athame's asleep. What is it?" You asked getting up to see him looking extremely nervous and flustered.

"You need to come with me!" He grabbed your hand and started dragging you out the door.

"What?" You laughed thinking he was doing something stupid.

"No, listen please. Em, come with me?" You were shocked at his seriousness and just nodded your head letting him lead you out the door. It was a warm night outside and you saw he was heading towards the Shrieking Shack.

"Why are we here Draco? You know we can't leave Athame alone for too long, she's only napping." You warned extremely confused at his actions.

"I know, I know. I just thought that I should do this outside. I really wanted to ask you this for almost over 7 years now...I was too afraid to do it before and I've had this with me since I can remember. I love you too much to ever let you go again. I don't want to lose you or Athame. I need you with me always and...I guess what I'm trying to say is..." he took a deep breath and kissed you passionately. You felt something being slipped onto your left ring finger and pulled away gapping at it.

"Oh...my...Draco is this? Are you?" You were at a loss for words, tears sprung out of your eyes out of happiness.

"Yes...it is," he smiled nervously awaiting your answer.

"YES!" You jumped on him and kissed him all over his face.

"I love you and I want to marry you!" He held you close and you him just letting your tears of happiness roll down your cheeks. He pulled away and wiped the tears from your cheeks, smiling.

"I want to be with you forever...I can't wait until your Mrs. Draco Malfoy," he laughed and so did you.

"Let's get back and tell Athame when she wakes up." He nodded his head and the both of you headed back to your house.

:::2 Months Later:::

Today...you're wedding day. You were nervous, excited, happy, afraid, you were everything all at once. You felt your emotions build up in the pit of your stomach, which made your butterflies go crazy.

"Oh my Merlin...Is everything good? Does everyone have their dresses? How about hair? The FOOD! Are they set up yet?!" You were pacing back and forth rambling on to Hermione and Ginny.

"EMMANY! Listen, you need to calm down okay. You look beautiful, the food is fine, everything is just fine!" Hermione said placing her hands on your shoulders to calm you down.

"I-I just want everything to be perfect, this is my wedding day!!!" She laughed and you huffed.

"This isn't funny!"

"I'm going to tell you the same thing that you told me on my wedding day, 'the only thing that needs to be perfect is you and Draco saying I do' okay?" You breathed in and out and nodded your head.


"Ladies, we're starting, hope you're all ready!" Hermione and Ginny hugged you and then left. You got ready in your place until you heard the music to cue you to start walking. Your hands were shaking and you couldn't help but notice how handsome Draco looked in his tux. When all of a sudden...everything was ruined.

"DRAAAAAACOOO!!!! YOU CAN'T MARRY HER!!! YOU LOVE ME AND ONLY ME!!!" The voice was high-pitched and very annoying. You turned around extremely pissed as to who was crashing your wedding.

"YOU WHORE! You stole Draco away from me!" Pansy yelled at you. You just walked over to her, pulled her hair and threw her to the floor.

"WHO IN BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RUINING MY WEDDING?!?!?!" You yelled at her, your facing turning red. When she got up all you saw was a chair swinging at your head, and then everything went black...

:::Draco's P.O.V.:::

"EMMANY! What the hell did you do Pansy! Get the hell out of here!"
You yelled at her. You couldn't believe she even found you.

"But you love me Draco!" She whined, her voice annoying the crap out of you.

"No, I never loved you and never will! You're just obsessed with me! Now get the hell out!! Can someone please take her away!" You saw Potter take her away and out of the church, turning your attention back to Emmany.

"Daddy? Is mummy going to be okay?" You smiled worriedly at her and nodded your head.

"Mummy will be just fine." You picked her up and took her to her dressing room closing the door behind you. You set her down on the couch and left to get her a wet cloth for her head. When you came back, you saw her rubbing her eyes and holding her head.

"Owwwie..." she whined.

"Emmany?" She looked over at you and her eyes widened with shock.

"Who are you? Where's my father?" You noticed her voice became softer and almost childlike, and her accent was thicker.

"Your...father? You don't know who I am?"

"No, I'm sorry sir. I think I would have remembered someone with hair like yours. Sir...you're hair is very bright!" She smiled brightly and looked around the room. She looked at the lamp that was set down on the table and examined it.

"What is it?"

"A lamp..." you answered not completely sure what was going on.

"No, this lamp has no flame. Where's the fire?" She looked at it more, scrutinizing the object.

"Um...how old are you?" You looked over at you and smiled.

"Me? I'm 8!"