Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

Hogwarts once more

Stars That Lie


The students of Hogwarts were all standing around the small group in the courtyard, each wishing to witness the happenings that were in the small group trying to be hidden from them. There was a little bickering ceremony going, as it always did at random times of the day and in random places of the courtyard. It was between the hottest couple in Hogwarts, or would be if they would just quit their bickering and hook up. The Slytherin Prince, and The Slytherin Rebel/Misfit; Draco Malfoy and Alona Zambini. They were in two different groups, meaning that it would be much less awkward if they were to hook up, but neither of them showed any sign of flirting besides the grade school name calling and threats. These two were from two different, yet similar, worlds. He came from Money and Power, she came from power and money. He got everything he ever asked for, she got everything she didn't ask for; but secretly wanted. He was extremely popular and known by all as the meanest in Hogwarts. She was friends with everyone at Hogwarts and was a rebel and a misfit, destined on making herself unlike the rest, and trying not to end up like all of her relatives; Stuck up snobs, and a woman with no brain or say in any matter. She didn't want to be a mindless zombie like all of her female relatives on her father's side; but like her mother's relatives, who were outgoing and rebelious like she was. No matter how different she was from the rest of her family, her brother Blaise was always there for her, and as protective as ever when they had entered Hogwarts and his friend wouldn't leave her alone. The arguments they always had were always the same, and were always about the same topic: He wanted her to join his group once more, and bring the fueding groups to peace, but she knew it was more than that. She knew he wanted nothing more than to shut up his little girlfriend at the time, but she was very wrong.

+ End Narrator+
*Alona Zambini*

"No, Malfoy! I don't care about what you want, I don't want to join your little group, and that's it. Now, drop it, before I get Blaise and have him take care of you!" I said, making threats, as we stood in that little circle, surrounded by our peers."Why? I mean, I haven't done anything but ask you to join our group so then you could fit in-." He began, already starting on the wrong path with me once more. The crowd gasped, the boys making sounds like, 'Oh, this is going to get good,' 'She's going to kill him.' While the girls covered their mouths and muttered, 'I hope she doesn't bust up his face too bad, ' or 'He deserves it. He should've saw it coming when he thought that he could tame and change a wild and free-spirit like her.' My jaw clenched, and my hands balled into fists."Fit in? What do you mean by fit in? Are you saying that I don't already fit in?" I asked, my nose scrunching up in a way that the guys I've dated in the past said was adorable. His expression softened, and he quit arguing and just stomped off from the circle, but before he did, he came up to me and whispered in my ear."You look cute when you do the nose thing." He whispered, a small smirk mixed with a smile on his face; as he snapped his fingers and went away, with his group behind him and his pug on his arm. I cocked my eyebrow, then looked around at everyone that had witnessed the little bickerfest. I started to walk off, to the Black Lake, when my devoted friend since first year;Tyler came up to me and slung his arm over my shoulder. Tyler was a tall boy, with a muscular build from quidditch, and he left Draco's group when I did in third year; and has been by my side since. He wore a tight black shirt, today, and a nice pair comfortable jeans, his black hair streaked with green. People, who didn't know him, would call him an emo, or goth; but for the ones who do know him, knew that he just wasn't the kind to wear bright optimistic clothes all of the time. No matter how wierd people classified him to be, I couldn't live without him, and I love him like the brotherly friend he is."Hey, that was some little bickerfest, Alona." Tyler said, his smile bright and gleaming, like always."I know, he just won't drop the subject of us going back to his group once again. I mean, if he and Zonya didn't start to go out and start problems with Pansy for doing so, then we would've stayed and not left her by herself, or left with her; but she had to do it, and cause problems. So, what do you want to do today, Tyler?" I said, looking up to the six-foot teenager, a look of mischief on both of our faces."Oh, you know what I want to do." He said, his light blue eyes sparkling with mischief."Oh, so, you want to go and see the Twins to restock on our goods?" I asked, knowing what he wanted to do. He smirked, his black bangs covering his eyes and making him look like he was evil and about to stab someone."Of course. May I?" He asked, extending his hand to me, his mischivous stare still present on his face. I smirked back, grabbing his hand, and running with him to the castle, and to bystanders outside, we looked like a couple running off to go do something romantic together.
We ran to the Great Hall, knowing we'd find the twins there, and if we didn't we'd find their friends. Luckily, we found them, first. We walked in, hand in hand, and greeted the twins, like we usually did."Hey, Fred! Hey, George!" I said, smiling widely and hugging them both respectively."Well, good day to you too, Alona-." "-Tyler, If we would have known we'd have the pleasure of seeing you as a client today, then we probably would've reserved you your own private spot." George said, finishing up for Fred, as they grinned at us."Well, you know us...changing our minds at the slightest moment and then doing something entirely different than what we thought we would do." Tyler said, smiling widely, as he shook the Twin's hands. From there, we did business and came out with all of the supplies we needed.
*Flashback Cut off*
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Ok, this one was written by StolenH3art6. Now every other chapter is written by me and LucyForKing, and on the bottom in all the Author's notes will say who wrote what chapter. Thanx for reading. Hope you all enjoy. Message, Rate, and Comment please.