Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

Four months later

Flashback Continues
Four Months Later

It was a cold rainy Saturday at Hogwarts and Alona Zambini was very frustrated because when she was playing a prank on Filch under Harry's invisibility cloak, she got caught by Snape. Two hours after being caught Alona was busy scrubbing a dirty cauldron with a toothbrush. Alona had complained bitterly to Snape saying that is was very unfair that she had to clean all the dirty cauldrons with a toothbrush and that he had confiscated Harry's invisibility cloak and that it wasnt Harry's fault. Snape disagreed of course, and said "she had to learn from playing pranks on teachers and that cleaning dirty cauldrons was a good punishment, and that Potter must learn not to lend his invisibility cloak to troublemakers." So after six exhausting hours of scrubbing Snape said she could go. Six hours of backbreaking work would make anybody hungry so Alona went to the Great Hall to grab something to eat. Meanwhile Pansy Parkinson was telling anybody that would listen that she was Draco's girlfriend which she had been doing for the past year.

End Narrator
*Alona Zambini*

You walked slowly to the Slytherin table and took a seat wondering what you were going to say to Harry about his invisibility cloak. "Heard you got caught by Professor Snape, Zambini. What were you doing?" Pansy leered. "I suppose you were playing a prank on him, well you lost Slytherin two hundred points." You carried on eating trying to ignore Pansy's rude words. After twenty minutes of listening to Pansy talk about how Draco and her were such a wonderful couple, you screamed at Pansy to "shut up because you were sick of her talking about herself and Malfoy." Everyone in the Great Hall looked at you, waiting with baited breath for a screaming match between you and Pansy. "You b***h, how dare you call Drakie and I boring, I suppose youre just jealous because I've got Draco and you havent." Pansy said. "Jealous, I'm not jealous at all Parkinson, I am just sick and tired of listening to you talk about yourself as a queen, when you are just a pug face." I said fiercely. "Whoa hold on their both of you," Draco said trying to stop the fight "Draco, Zambini called me a pug face." Pansy whined to Draco. "Alona, Pansy youre both fighting about nothing, so Alona lost two hundred points, Gryffindor lost eight hundred points, because Alona got in trouble." Draco said. Pansy glared at Draco then got up and left the table. I looked at my food, and wondered why Malfoy had defended me. Probably just trying to get me to join his group, You thought to yourself. You had finished eating; you noticed Harry was trying to get your attention. You got up and walked to the Gryffindor table hoping Harry would forgive you for having Snape confiscate his invisibility cloak. "Hey Alona." Harry, Hermione and Ron said. "Hi Harry, Hermione, Ron." You said. "Er, Harry can I talk to you in private, please it's important." You said. "Sure Alona." You and Harry walked out of the Great Hall. "Er, Harry when I got caught by Snape, he...Er...confiscated your invisibility cloak." Harry stared at the ground shocked. "I'm really, really sorry Harry." "It's okay Alona it wasn't your fault." Harry said still staring at the ground. You walked away and went to the black lake and sat there wishing Tyler was here but he was with his girlfriend. Someone sat next to you, it was Draco. "Look Malfoy, if youre here to try and convince me to join you're group, I'm not joining." Draco just stared at the lake thoughtfully. "I noticed you were having a chat with Potter, what were you talking about?" "That is none of your business Malfoy." You spat. You stared at the lake wondering whether Malfoy would ever leave you alone. After ten minutes of silence you walked off to the quidditch field. You got on your broom and whizzed off. After an hour of endless quidditch you landed on the ground to find Tyler watching you. "Tyler, arent you supposed to be with Stacey?" "Yeah, but Stacey wanted to go to the library and study ancient runes so I came looking for you." Stacey was a Ravenclaw and most of the time she just studied; quite honestly you didnt know why Tyler and her were together since they had so little in common. "I heard you got caught by Snape." Tyler said. "Yeah, I did, and I lost eight hundred points from Gryffindor and two hundred points from Slytherin-." Snape confiscated Harrys cloak." Tyler said more to himself than anyone. "How did you know?" You asked curiously. "Hermione told me, apparently Harry's very upset about it." You looked down and wondered whether your day could get any worse. "But," You looked up, "I nicked the invisibility cloak when Snape was in the Great Hall eating. "Ahh Tyler thank you so much," you said while you hugged Tyler hard. But unkown to either of you someone was watching you from far away, and this person's name was Draco Malfoy.
*Flashback Cut off*
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LucyForKing's chapter.

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