Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

Crazy lingo

*Flashback Continued.*
*Alona Zambini*
^1 week Later, Saturday; early morning, 7:30am.^
I was walking down the little path, towards Hogsmeade; enjoying my silent little walk by myself, not really minding the fact that I was alone. I was alone alot lately, since Tyler started spending all of his time with Stacey, trying to 'fix' their relationship so then it's better than it already was; even if it was already the best relationship in Hogwarts. The walk in the cool morning air cleared my mind, and helped me get rid of some of the terribly bleak events that had occured during the past week. I sighed, deeply, allowing the sweet and cold morning air to fill my lungs to their entirety, making me feel slightly happier inside. The air cleared my mind and got rid of all the smog that had dropped down in it, when the first event had occured. Tyler had tried to help me get through the week, keeping me away from all of the dramatists, and rumor-starters; but he's only one person and his girlfriend needed his attention too. When the first drama started, Tyler had avoided his girlfriend and had almost let her run off without apologizing when he snapped at her to leave me alone. I forced him to go after her and explain what was happening. I remember that week very clearly, and I tried not to; but fate didnt like me too much because the memory flashed through my head once more.
*Flashback IN a Flashback*
After Tyler and I had hugged on the Lake shore, we headed back up to the castle, talking about how he had niched the cloak off of Snape. As soon as we entered the castle doors, we knew trouble was starting, and the tension in the room grew. Susan Anthony was whispering something to Stacey, and Stacey's expression was getting angrier by the second, and as soon as we entered and she saw us; she stormed over to us with Susan behind her, and she began her drama."TYLER YUTONI! How dare you do this to me!" Stacey raged, her voice louder than it usually got when she was angry; which made Tyler think twice about yelling back at her. Susan was trying to stay out of my view, but I could see her standing behind Stacey, and smirking at us; knowing that she had accomplished what she was told to accomplish. While Tyler was stuttering his excuse, still a little shocked from her yelling, I was thinking about what Susan could have told Stacey to make her this mad. Then, it hit me. Susan was one to spread rumors about people's boyfriends or girlfriends, and if they were cheating on them. I knew exactly what she had told Stacey."Tyler, shut it. Stacey, I know what Susan has told you, and Tyler is not cheating on you; especially with me." I said, keeping my calm, even if that wasnt how I was feeling at the moment."Oh yeah? Then what was he doing hugging you?" Susan piped in, trying to keep herself from falling into Stacey's unusual rage."Tyler had niched Harry's cloak back from Snape after I had gotten it confiscated. I was showing him how happy I was by hugging him." I said, still holding my calmness when my insides were screaming,*Don't punch Susan! Keep your calm, and keep to the truth and dont punch Susan!* "How do we know you're not lying to save your skins?" Susan screeched, sounding like the ravenclaw version of Pansy."Stacey, you've known me our entire lives, and never once have I been a homewrecker to any girl; no matter how much I wanted their boyfriend, and I don't even like Tyler like that. Sure, I love him, but he's like my brother and that would be a little disgusting to love a brotherly figure, wouldn't it? I may be a Slytherin, but I'm not like those girls. That's why I'm not even in the same group as them." I said, hoping she would know that I was being truthful and that Susan was trying to ruin our friendship.
Stacey began to think, and then turned on Susan."She's right! She's not a homewrecker! You are, Susan Bethony Anthony! Get away from me, you little welch!" Stacey said, knowing who was right and who was wrong, as she pushed Susan towards the wall and embraced Tyler."I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm so sorry." Stacey said, sounding as if she were near tears even if we knew she didnt cry, as she buried her head in his chest."It's ok, Stace. You were only being protective of me, and I knew you wouldn't want to lose me to a friend. No harm done to me." Tyler said, squeezing her back. He's such an easy one to win over, when it comes to people who are close to him."I know, but how do I stand with you, Alona? I would understand if you never wanted to be my friend again. I deserve it for being so stupid and believing Susan's stupid rumors. Will you forgive me?" Stacey said, looking from Tyler's chest to me, her eyes getting red and splotchy; but no tears would pour from them again."No, you are not forgiven-." I said, before I heard her sniffle out,"I understand." "You are accepted!" I said, rushing to her and hugging her tight. She looked like she was going to explode in happiness and shock. A smile envoloped her beautiful features, and for once in my life; I saw the true beauty in her, and her personality. She reminded me so much of my mother before she had left my father and I for some better life with another man and had a new family. Her smile could warm the earth and make everything peaceful, and have no more chaos and fighting; but her radiating smile could only last so long for a day before someone had to ruin it. I could hear the stomping footsteps coming in from the grounds, and then the doors slam open and then the screams and shouts from my brother."Oh, great. He has the perfect timing when it comes to ruining happy moments." I muttered under my breath."ALONA! Who the heck do you think you are?!? Just because you're a Zambini doesn't mean that you get special privaleges to cheat on me! You know, I thought you were different than the rest of the girls in our house; but I guess I was wrong about that too! We're OVER!" My boyfriend, Andre Sampson, screamed, at me as he barged over to me and yanked me to face him. He looked like he was going to slap me, but then he just stormed away; down to the dungeons. Down to his secret affair. Down to his new girlfriend. Stacey and Tyler thought I might cry, but when they attempted to comfort me, I pushed them away and shook my head."It's ok, Alona. You didn't need that jerk anyways. Come on, we'll go find you another and better guy-." Stacey began, not seeing the anger start to rise on Tyler's face."Stop it, Stacey! Don't you think you've caused enough trouble at this very moment?" Tyler snapped, his head not fully intact.
Her eyes got an even worse color red and the splotches were worse."I'm sorry, I was just trying to help! You dont need to be all mean about it, Tyler!" She yelled, at him, before running up to her Ravenclaw tower."Tyler! Look what you did now! Go after her and apologize! Otherwise, your relationship will go down the drain." I said, shoving Tyler away and after her. He looked back at me, and then ran off to find her and explain his reasoning for snapping. I sighed, deeply, and sat up against a wall,; and closed my eyes, counting to one hundred and waiting for the emotions of the night to leave my mind and allow me some peace. My luck wasn't too good, because the emotions stayed in my head and wouldn't die down a little bit, so I could think. I heard the door to the castle open once more; but more quietly this time, and someone stepped in daintily."Now, I'll just slip the note under her door, and run like hell. She'll never guess it was from me, and then I wont have the fricken welch after me as usual." A voice whispered, just as the person it belonged to stepped down to the dungeons and disappeared in the darkness. I wondered who the quiet figure was, and who he didn't want to find out some note was from him; but I had too many emotions engulfing my mind to be my usual snoopy self. Unfortunately, it was getting later and to the point where it was really late and the prefects would be out to give detention to anyone lingering in the hallways. I stood from my comfy spot, and stretched my aching bones; before heading down to the dugeons slowly, and quietly so I wouldn't be caught. As I entered the dark and chilling common room, I knew that someone was sitting there; waiting. Waiting for me, in the darkness alone, with no fire blazing to cast an omnious glow on the walls before it, and to allow the shadows of the night lurk over the walls and swoon people to do their biding. This lone person must've been very afraid of the sirenessly, lurking, shadows of the night; otherwise, the fire would be glowing dimly and casting it's fierce glow around the room to show all of the common room's secrets."I've been expecting you, Alona. Come, sit." The figure said, cold, iced eyes glowing in the ember lit room."I can tell you were awaiting my arrival, but sadly, I was not expecting yours to be so soon, Sire." I said, sitting down in the chair on the opposite side of his so I could sense his every move better, and have quicker reflexs if needed."Yes, quite frankly I could tell that aswell, seeing the fact that you are always where you need be when the time comes and you are expectant. However, I have recieved brief knowledge that they have been monitoring student mail now, and I do not wish to have other people reading information that is not for their own eyes. You, yourself know of the rudeness for reading another's mail, do you not; Alona?" He said, speaking in quiet tones so I had to strain to hear him and pay him full attention as always.
"Yes, Sire. I do know the rudeness to it, but why would they begin to monitor our mail? Why now, Sire? Is there some snitch in our midst that has squeeled out that there are those in the castle that are with us?" I said, keeping my voice as low as his so he had to pay some attention to my knowledgeable questions, instead of paying all of his attention on the door behind me."I do believe that we have a snitch among us, and I have come to inform you that I shall be making unexpected visits to you, and then to HIM to tell him of your progress. I shall come after every second week, but on which day, I do not know. So, be prepared for a meeting on every third week from today. Be here by this time, seven, and in that chair. If you are not, then I shall have to report badly to HIM. Good-day, Alona. I hope your progress is going good, and I hope it goes better the next time." He said, nodding his head and waiting my response. Now, I could drop the formality I had to speak with during a meeting like this, and talk to him how I would have if he wasnt in the rank he was."Progress is good, and I can not wait until next time...Father." I said, walking to him and allowing him to hug me. He stepped back after a few short seconds, and then closed his eyes and vanished. My warm blue eyes, still staring at the spot where he just was, knowing that I had to prepare the common room for his next arrival, and find the snitch; but I had no time to do so now. I sighed, released my gaze from the spot, and slowly glided up the stairs; stepping on the squeeky step, but not making any sound from it like everyone else did. The stairway to the Girl's common room was fairly dark and was barely lit by the torches hanging on the walls surrounding it. Once I had made it to my room, I saw that my roommate had moved out like she said she would and left me my own room. This made me smile; knowing I didn't have to share a bedroom with Pansy anymore, and I didn't have to hear her talk on and on about how Draco's the greatest and that I just dont appreciate him because I'm not in their group and so on and so forth. I plopped down on my bed, and sighed once more, feeling many amounts of happiness wash over, some due to the fact I'm single once more, and the rest were from being an only roomate and not having to share my room with a pug. I think I could get used to this week.
Once I fell asleep, it seems, the sun rose and it was time to get up once again and go to classes. I didn't really feel like it, but I got up and went anyways. The day passed by wearily, and more drama started with Susan and Andre, neither could leave my life alone for a day, but oh well; only four more days left before I could get away from them for two whole days.

*End Flashback IN a Flashback*
*Continue Flashback*

The memory hit me hard, and made me want to vomit from the strength of it, but I held in the urge and kept walking until I reached the small little town of Hogsmeade where I had to meet my father. The streets of Hogsmeade were deserted, besides a few wandering people looking to be the first ones into the shops when they opened. I kept my gaze towards the back alley where the little pub called the Hogshead would be sitting; isolated from the other shops and the perfect place for a secret meeting of secret business. The snow drifted in the air, silently and daintily, looking like with the slightest movement it could slice open anything solid. I blew a stray piece of hair away from my eyes, as it got covered in the fluffy white snow. My hair had to be changed from it's normal sleek black, to a sheer cutting blonde, so noone would recognize me, and I had to morph my entire body to look different from who I really was; as I journeyed to the dangerously secret meeting. I opened the rusty old door, and was greeted by a sickening heat that made me want to faint from the stench of the heat. I saw a lone figure, sitting in the shadows, away from the few people who sat in the warmth of the bar; his dark skin visable through the darkness, and his cold, iced eyes glimmering with the light from the window. I glided over to him, making myself invisible to the crowd wth my swift and silentness. I slid into the booth, and awaited his talk and signal that it was ok to speak."I have wondered when you were to arrive, but never knew you would arrive early. I had thought you would be on time, and punctual, but good my child. Your mother has taught you well. Now, how has your investigation gone? Have you uncovered our needle in the haystack?" He said, silently, but placing his words and meaning in such a proper way that would make even the smartest scholar confused."On the contrary, Sire, there are more than one needle in our fine hay. Each needle is is either shiny or dull, and the dull ones point to a different haystack. I know thou shall wish to know which haystack they point to, but I also know that you have a hunch of where it be, and that your hunch is correct. We must pass up the haystack profit for a month or so, until all needles, are taken from the haystacks and then we can place the haystacks back on the market. Does that sound all right for you, Sire?" I said, speaking like he had taught me to, in his same low voice; especially as I saw some people staring over at us from the corner of my eye.
He nodded his head, and looked over at the people staring at us, giving them an evil eye; making them turn away and leave."Yes, I believe HE shall think this to be an excellent idea, and if not, then I have taught you wrongly, and I shall have to pull you from this school and teach you once more. Understand?" He said, speaking with a small hint of harshness in his voice in the end. I nodded and he smiled."Good. Now, this shall be enough for today. HE shall be very pleased with your accomplishments, and shall reward you graciously during break if he accepts your proposal. For now, my daughter. I shall see you on holiday." He said, bowing his head to me and waiting for my last response."Until Holiday, Father." I said, adding a slight curtsy before he closed his eyes and disappeared once more. I walked from the pub and out into the deserted alley, morphing back to my normal self as I stepped into the darkened shadows; before emerging out into the filling streets of Hogsmeade. I could see the Hogwarts carriages start to arrive at the little town and I could see Tyler and Stacey getting out of one looking happy with themselves and like they wanted to be alone. I left them be, and walked towards the shrieking shack; wanting to go to someplace deserted where I could think without people eavesdropping on my thoughts and ruining my quiet time.
*Flashback Cutoff.*
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StolenH3art6's Chapter.

Oh, and for those of you who have no idea what some of the lingo meant, you can message me on StolenH3art6 and I will try and remember. As you prolly already know, this is one of the finished series from SalazarsHeir6 from quizilla, so yeah, it should be finished by today once I get all the chapters on here. Thanx.
Please rate, message, and comment. Thanx. Hope you all enjoyed it.