Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

Snog alert!

Flashback Continued
Alona Zambini
2 weeks Later Sunday 2:30 Afternoon

You were walking down the corridors of Hogwarts feeling quite lonely. Since you had broken up with your boyfriend Andre, you had been by yourself all the time, because Tyler was with Stacey all the time. While you were wandering the grounds you came across Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown snogging on a secluded bench. "Ronald, Lavender if you dont stop kissing you won't be able to breathe!" You said, (back then Hermione wasnt Rons girlfriend). They broke apart, looking embarrassed. "Well what we do is none of you're concern." Lavender replied angrily, obviously upset about disturbing Ron and her. "I don't know why you just don't ask Hermione out Ronald, you'd be far better together." "Alona, you know Hermione only likes Krum, and anyway I have no interest in Hermione." Ron said trying to persuade me, but failing miserably. "Face it Ronald you are never going to be satisfied with Lavender, just be brave and ask Hermione out." You said. "Ronnie, you don't like Granger like that do you?" Lavender asked worriedly. "No, I don't Lavender, Alona's being silly." Ron said. "Well Alona that just shows that Ronniekins, doesn't like Hermione." Lavender said bossily. "Well Ronald, if you dont believe me just watch Hermiones face when you kiss Lavender, then you will believe me." You said, walking off. You carried on walking and found yourself at the Herbology Greenhouse. There Malfoy was sneaking around. You walked into the Greenhouse. "What are you doing Malfoy?" "Oh Alona it's you, going to rat on me, are you going to rat on me?" "Well that depends on what you're doing Malfoy." You replied. "Well I'll let you in on a secret if you join my group." "Just as I thought, well Malfoy I'm not going to join your group." "Well I'll make you a deal Alona, how about we duel, and if you win I'll let you in on my secret and I'll get Pansy to leave you,-" "and if I lose?" You asked. "Well you have to join my group and have no contact with anybody thats not in Slytherin." "What, thats ridiculous!" You said. "I know, so what do you say, next Friday, after class, I'll bring the contract details?" You considered, "Deal. See you next Friday Malfoy." "Oh and another thing Alona, if you lose you must call me Draco." You walked off muttering to yourself.

You walked to the Slytherin Common Room, and sat down on a comfortable couch watching the fire burn. "Hey Alona" You looked up to see Tyler "I heard you were talking to Malfoy, is it true?" "Yeah its true, how did you find out?" You asked. "Susan Anthony. He replied. "Well what were you talking about?" "Malfoy was sneaking around the Herbology Greenhouse, so I asked him why" "I see. "I'm having a duel with him on Friday, after classes" "what's it about?" "Malfoy says that he will let me on his secret and get Parkinson to leave me alone" "and if you lose?" Tyler asked. "Well I'll have to join his group and I won't be allowed to be friends with anybody that is not in Slytherin, and I'll have to call him Draco." "Hm" Tyler said scratching his chin, "do you think its worth duelling over something with such a small reward?" "Yeah, I think its worth it, I mean if I lose I'll join Draco's group, because he's a really good guy, plus he's so hot." "Alona are you feeling all right?" Tyler asked nervously. "Yeah I feel fantastic Tyler." You replied sweetly. Tyler looked at you worriedly. "Tyler I'm only joking, since when would I like a git like Malfoy?" You said laughing. "Don't do that again Alona, you really freaked me out." "So hows Stacey?" "Oh Stacey's fine, she's quite worried about her ancient runes, because she doesnt know if she will pass." You smirked. "Wanna play a prank on Trelawney, Tyler?" "Hmm, it depends, I have to help Stacey with her ancient runes homework, and than I have to do my homework and than I have to bow down to Draco." Tyler said counting on his fingers. "Tyler you're mocking me." "I'm only getting back on the joke you made." You stared at the ground putting on a sad face. "Cheer up squirt; you can get me back later after I've finished helping you play a prank on Trelawney." You smiled and Tyler and you ran off together to Fred and George to help with the prank.

After you had finished with the prank on Trelawney you went to the Transfiguration Courtyard (it was one of your favourite spots in Hogwarts). A few minutes later Malfoy sat down next to you. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" You asked. "Yeah" Malfoy said, sounding like he wasnt listening to you. "Why are you here Malfoy?" Malfoy seemed to come back to earth. "Er, Alona could we maybe cancel the duel because well," "Because you're too chicken to fight the likes of me," "No that's not it" "Malfoy it's okay I dont care what you're secret is, I only agreed with you to the duel because I was angry" "About what?" "That is none of your business Malfoy." "Oh" Malfoy said. You walked back to the Slytherin Common Room, to do your Defence against the Dark Arts homework.
Flashback Cutoff
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LucyForKing's chapter

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