Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

C stands for Christmas...and Chaos.

*Alona Zambini*
^Later that night, Flashback continued.^
I was halfway through with packing my trunk, when an owl streaked through my open window and nearly wailed into the back of my head. It landed gracelessly on my bed, and toppled to the floor. I snickered at it, before walking to retrieve the item it was supposed to deliver."Bloody idiot bird." I muttered, as I threw it out the window after I retrieved my letter and small parcel. I tore open the letter, and watched as a small hologram shot out of it and began talking; as the figure of my father appeared in the hologram."Alona, as you are aware, you must be at diagon alley five minutes after your train reaches the station. Well, there is a slight change of plans. You are to go with Mr. Malfoy to his home, and you shall do everything he says, while his parents and I are away on business. We shall arrive back at the Malfoy's home after the third day, and expect you two to be along well and have no arguing. If Mr Malfoy informs me that you did not obey and were very rogue, say farewell to Hogwarts, and your perfect career. The Malfoy's have already informed their son and he is well aware of it. Included with this letter, if the bloody bird didn't lose it again, is the wardrobes that you shall wear for Mr. Malfoy for your entire three day stay. I expect to see you on the fourth day and expect you to be ready to leave. Your Father, Stephen Mortaker." The hologram of my father said, before fizzing out and the letter closed in my hands and dropped to my stand. My eyes were wide in shock, and my heart fell; knowing that I couldn't spend my holiday in my own home by myself. I had to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with Malfoy, and not be able to have my friends sneak over like I had happen every year. I looked down at the package, and a look of disgust formed on my face. I knew exactly what kind of outfits my father had chosen even before I opened the package. He was a pig, who only cared about what he could pawn off to get what he wanted and make his wealth greater. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get Malfoy to court me and have me willingly give him an heir. Well, my father was two pennies short of a dozen, because I would rather sell my soul for a piece of an eraser bit, than concieve Malfoy's child. I threw the box in my trunk and made sure that it went to the very bottom and I wouldn't have to wear any of those outfits until I had to at the Malfoys; tommorow morning. I slammed the lid of my trunk, threw the letter in my pocket and called a houseelf to take my luggage to the train.
I walked down the stairs to the common room and saw that fate hated me alot. There, stood Draco and his little posse, all of them waiting for me and snickering. I glared at them all, making sure they wiped their smirks off their faces and backed up a good many steps away from me and cleared a path as I stormed by them and up out of the dungeons. I just about made it to the doors to the castle, when someone grabbed my shoulder really hard and yanked me into them and pointed their wand to my throat."You stay away from my Drakie this holiday; otherwise I'll be sure to cue the Dark Lord in on just who the traitor in Hogwarts is." Pansy whispered, her teeth clenched together, with her face right next to my ear, before she released me and threw me against the wall as Draco came up behind us with a smirk on his ugly little face."Bitch." I muttered, rubbing the spot where her wand was jabbed, and I felt the cancer-containing bruise form. I just about slapped her in the head, but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the shadows.*WTF! What is it with everybody touching me tonight!* I fumed, in my head, just as I was turned to face the person who grabbed me, before all air was squeezed from my lungs. I started struggling to get away, but the person only gripped harder, and then I realized it was Zonya. I quit struggling and her death grip loosened so I could breath."I swear, you're like a devil's snare when it comes to hugging people-...Zonya, what's wrong?" I said, interrupting myself and saying something new as I saw her crying." sending me to.........Beauxbatons! Pansy owled him with a lie of corruption and now I'm being shipped away!" Zonya sobbed, burrowing her head on my shoulder and crying."That little welch! I'm going to kill her! How dare she do that to you! Over what? Malfoy! She can have the little prick!" I screamed, trying to comfort her by rubbing her back in a soothing way."Yeah, but it's all over now. No more need to....hang onto the...past." She sobbed, some more sniffing in her snot and wiping her eyes and then blew her nose."Don't worry, Zonya, I'll report this to my father and he'll find a way to get you back in Hogwarts. Don't fret over it...just owl me at Malfoy's and I'll owl you and then once my father returns after Christmas, I'll tell him of your terrible crisis and make sure he fixes it." I said, clasping her arm and we walked down to the train; unfortunately following Malfoy and his crew.
I was forced to part ways with Zonya, but told her I wouldn't let Parkinson get away with this and promised to use my early christmas presents from the Twins and get revenge; before Zonya was driven away by her father and his limo and I had to board the train. I sat in Malfoy's compartment, and made sure that Blaise was sitting next to me, and that I didn't have Parkinson anywhere in my line of vision; and informed Blaise not to allow her in my vision unless he wanted a full out duel to break out. Pansy's shrill shriek of laughter was nauseating and I was soon glad when we reached the station and she had to leave us alone; although I would take her nauseating shriek any day over being forced to allow Malfoy to court me and to concieve his child. After waving good-bye to his friends, Malfoy began walking ahead of me to an awaiting limo where there were about four houseelf servants waiting to do as we wished. Draco immediately put them to useless work and then turned on me, his smirk appearing as he had an apparent idea."So, your father said you had to do everything I say; did he?" Malfoy said, giving me the look that every girl at Hogwarts would kill to have sent in their direction."Unfortunately, yes." I said, a hint of irratation and sighing present in my voice, as I placed my head against the window and had to resist the urge to bang my head against it and end my misery."All right, then. Come over here." He said, pointing to his lap like I was some kind of dog he could just boss around."Oh, nice try, buddy boy; but we arent at your home yet, meaning I'm still as free as I usually would be." I said, smirking back, before turning back to the window and nearly overpowered my resistence to my earlier urge to end my misery with the window. He glared, but it didn't last long as his manor came into view and his smirk was placed back on his face. Once the limo was stopped, he grabbed my hand, pulled me to him; and kissed me on my lips, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge, so I did the only thing I could think of. Prank him. I bit down on his tongue, started to move my hands to the top buttons of his shirt, and started to tickle him; and made sure he thought he was going to get something. He pulled away quickly and began to do his own buttons, but before he could even get to the second one I bolted from the limo and heaved my dinner from earlier on that day.
He appeared from the limo moments later, buttoning back up his shirt button and scowled at me. I smirked back, knowing I had won this round. I mentally put up a tally on the Draco vs. Alona board and put a smiley face next to my name, and a frown next to his. He stormed by me, but before he entered the manor he whispered, menacingly,"I hope you enjoyed Hogwarts before you left, because you're not going back after this break and I can assure you of that." With that said, he stormed into the house and slammed the door in my face; making sure it locked as well. It didn't phase me any that he locked the door. I just went back to the limo and told the driver to drive around a few times until Malfoy was ready to grow up and be mature; but after thinking about what I said, I made myself comfortable because I knew Malfoy would never grow up and be mature. We drove around Malfoy's house for about an hour before an elf appeared at the door and beckoned me inside. That's when all hell broke loose.
*Flashback Cutoff*
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StolenH3art6's Chapter.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Please comment rate and message. Thanx!