Sequel: Someday

Stars That Lie

C also stands for Cozy.

Stars That Lie
Alona Zambini
Flashback Continues

You walked through the front door, waiting for Draco to appear out nowhere. Suddenly Draco dragged you to the dining room and pushed you into a chair, while he sat across you. "Malfoy what are you doing?" "I was planning on discussing something with you but you dont seem to appreciate my attempts to be civil." "Well I dont think dragging someone to a chair is very nice. You were saying?" "Well while you stay here you must do as I say, and you must call me Draco or any other love name." Draco said calmly. "Love name?" "Well, sweetie, angel, Drackie etc." "Over my dead body will I call you a pet name." I said furious. "Sarcasm, never works Alona, now if you would pay attention to what I am saying you will understand." You resisted the urge to punch Dracos face in and tried to act normal. "Well, as I was saying, your father told me that you had some clothes you were supposed to wear for me" "I will not wear those clothes for you Malfoy" "Tut tut, youre supposed to call me Draco." You mentally calmed yourself. "Now I know this is difficult for you Alona since I havent made your life pleasant for you or your friends, so I will compromise. You must call me Draco, you do not have to wear those clothes your father bought you, although that is quite sad since you would look very nice in them" "Continue" I said getting irritated. "Another thing you must become my girlfriend" "Absolutely not Malfoy." "Its Draco, and as you know that I can stop you from going to Hogwarts if you do not obey me" "What are the conditions of being your girlfriend?" I asked scathingly. "Well, you will have to join my group, and you will have to stop being friends with anyone that is not in Slytherin, but dont worry I will get rid of Pansy, any questions?" "Yes, I will become your girlfriend on the condition that you get my friend Zonya to come back to Hogwarts, since your girlfriend Pansy told Zonyas father a lie about her so she is going to Beauxbatons after break." "Hmm, seems fair enough, I'll get my Father to make sure she goes back to Hogwarts." "So then everythings sorted out?" I asked hoping Malfoy would say yes. "Yes everythings fine, so now we shall have a picnic." "A picnic?" "Yes a picnic outside where there is a basket with food" "I get it Malfoy" "Draco" "Fine, Draco."

It was Christmas Eve, you had managed to be Draco's girlfriend for the day, you found it wasn't so bad, well at least you didn't have to kiss him. "It's time for bed Alona." "Draco, it's too early for bed its only 9;00," "you must get your beauty sleep Alona, wouldnt want to find no presents tomorrow, and Zonya would be very upset if she couldnt go back to Hogwarts, wouldnt she?" You sighed, "okay Ill go to bed" "Tut, tut Im coming to bed with you" "Oh no, thats going to far Malfoy, Ill explain to Zonya that I can't get her back to Hogwarts and she'll understand." "Fine" Draco grumbled "you can sleep in your own bed, for tonight." "Oh thank you Draco" you kissed him on the cheek "Draco looked at you surprised" "Why did you do that, Alona?" "Because you were nice to me, Draco, doesnt Pansy do that to you?" "No, no one ever does that for me." "Oh" You said surprised. "Well good night Draco."

You woke up, it was Christmas, your favourite day of the year, well Christmas wouldnt be very great now that you were with Draco, wait I said Draco? You shook your head trying to be normal, you should call him Draco he was very nice to you, and he said he would get Zonya back at Hogwarts what am I thinking Malfoy's done something to my mind why would I like him? You got up and made your bed but then reliazed the house elfs would do it. You dressed (in normal clothes) and decided to explore the Manor. You walked around for about half an hour when you finally reliazed you were lost. You got your wand out and did the lead me spell, you finally arrived in the dining room and there was Draco sitting eating. Draco swallowed his food. "Merry Christmas Alona.'' ''Merry Christmas Draco." You said uncertainly, which was very strange for you. You sat down and started eating some turkey. After eating you and Draco got up. "You want to open presents." "Yeah sure." Draco grabbed your hand (your stomach lurched when Draco held your hand), and took you to the lounge. "Ahh, there were about two thousand presents." "Is this how many presents you usually get Draco?" "No some of them are for you." You both started unwrapping presents. There was a huge amount of presents for Draco, and there was a house elf counting them. There was a letter from your father saying that he hoped you were behaving and that he wished you a very happy Christmas. When you and Draco had finished opening you presents, you went to watch Television (yes the Malfoys do have a Television) "Alona you must hold my hand." "But Draco" "Zonya is counting on you" You sighed and held Dracos hand. As soon as your hands touched you felt an electric surge go through your body. You looked at Draco, apparently he hadnt felt it, since he was busy watching Television. The rest of the day you stayed with Draco until it was dinner, "you must wear something nice Alona, something formal, Im not talking about those clothes your father sent you." You nodded and went to your room to change. You decided to wear a long dark green dress as it was very formal, and it didnt show much cleavage. You went down to the dining room. "You look lovely Alona." "Thank you Draco." You said forcely. You sat down and ate your food eating as quickly as possible "If you eat any faster youre going to choke Alona" Draco joked. You ate slower hoping Draco wouldnt kiss you. But than again it wouldnt be so bad, because Draco was really good looking, and he was being really nice to you. Dont think like that Alona, you sound like Pansy. You mentally scolded yourself. "Would you like some wine, Alona?" "No thanks Draco." You said. "I didnt think so, it smells a bit off I'll get the house elfs to throw it away." After you had finished eating you managed to escape to your room, you brushed your teeth and went to bed. There was a knock on the door "Alona are you awake?" You pretended to be asleep. Draco knocked a few more times but must off realized you were sleeping and opened your door quietly and walked to your bed. "Alona, are you awake?" Draco realized you were asleep and stopped talking. For about ten minutes Draco just sat by your bed, but then he climbed in. Your bed was a huge bed so he easily fitted in. You lay still pretending to be asleep. Draco moved right next to you and wrapped his arms around you very gently. After about twenty minutes, Draco had done nothing, you relaxed and fell asleep in Draco's arms.
Flashback Ended.