
All he wanted to make it big; he and the band, that is. He knew what his bandmates wanted, and he wanted it just as badly. So he took a chance, sending off their only two songs and hoping for the best.

When he got it, he was stunned, but ecstatic.

Of course, those he told all asked the same questions. "What about Brendon? Won't having a band with your boyfriend be hard? What if you two break up?" He responded the same way to all of them.

Don't worry about us. I love him, he loves me, and we're prepared for this.

Of course, no one was prepared for Pete.

For Bree Ross, the one and only.
Pyroone-shot short story,* minor Ryden.
Hers was The Breakdown Baby.

*Do to the insane length of Bree Ross' one-shot, I decided to post it in parts; this may happen with others and it may not. If I said I would write you a story and it's only one chapter, don't feel bad and don't get mad at me; it's not my fault I love dthis plot so much and it just happens to be for Bree. And if I didn't say I'd write you a story and you want one, PM me and tell me exactly what you want and I'll get to work; if you'll write one for me.
Will whore talents for Brendon fanfiction.