I Cross My Heart

Ava McDowell was just your normal, average, teenage girl. She went to school (against her wishes), she had parents (also against her wishes), she had two siblings, one older and one younger.
The only thing setting Ava apart from the rest of the girls? Her ability to never lie.
  1. Prologue
    Well, just a normal prologue, I suppose.
  2. Bang, Bang, Bang On the Door
    Ava grows up being unable to lie.
  3. Stupid Things NOT To Say to a Hottie
    Ava might not be the most sociable butterfly...but hey! She always tells the truth!
  4. Don't Ask, Don't Tell
    Ava finally gets to meet Suze's mother.
  5. Things Just Keep Getting Weirder and Weirder
    Well. The title says it all.
  6. No Peace
    Meddling people and odd circumstances.
  7. Initial Attraction
    Ava and Axel hit it off on their impropmtu "date"... but Ava's unsure of what could come of it.
  8. A Way Around the Rules
    Is there a way around Ava's not-able-to-lie condition?
  9. Testing a Theory
  10. Normalcy