We're together now...

Chapter 2

Mikey's POV

After the party, it was about midnight. We all sprawled around everywhere panting, having jumped our asses off for an hour straight. After a quick 15 minutes, in which I managed to get a little feeling back in my quadraceps, Frank jumped up again and pulled Bethany to her feet, which she obliged, although looking a little worse for wear.

"Let's go to The Drink!!" Frank yelled excitedly, looking like he had just gotten all his pep back. Bob shot me a panicked look and I shurgged back. No one could stop The Frank. Ray looked at Gerard wearily and patted his arm.

"Oh great..." Ray said, exhausted. Gerard could only pull an antagonised face and groan helplessly.

"GO GO GO, MOOOOOVE!!!" Frank yelled and somehow managed to pull us to our feet and hustle us out of the door, Bob hanging exhaustedly onto me.


"Damn, they gotta play some real music," Gerard yelled into my ear as we stood in front of the bartender, waiting for our sparkling water (no vodka for us). His well developed voice, trained over experience to be heard over thousands of voices in Arena shows successfully busted my left ear, which had my only good ear drum left. The other one was gone after standing next to the loud speakers just as Boulevard Of Broken Dreams waowed on. That's what Frank called the beginning.

"IT'S WAOWING!! SEE!!" He had jumped and pointed at the speakers. "WAOW WAOW WAOWWWW!!!!" He had howled. I merely groaned and told Gerard to put him in a strait jacket, to which he replied with a very gracious "Fuck off!"

"I'M NOT DEAF YOU KNOW!!" I yelled at Gerard. Right at that moment, the ska they were blasting cut off and I was left shouting in an almost silent, well as silent as a bar could get, bar. The masses around us snickered and I pulled my hoodie closer around my head. All of us wore giant hoodies; Frank was drowning in his, to avoid being recognised. I shook my head and collected our bottles and glasses, and tried to elbow my way back to our seats, Gerard following close behind.

Suddenly, I felt a slap on my bottom, and the offensive hand lingered before travelling down the back of my thigh. I jumped around and stared indignantly at the owner of the hand. A drunk looking man with a rasp of a stubble and bloodshot eyes stared crazily up.

"You have one fine ass there," he slurred. His touch burned, and my face did too. I wanted to rush back to my seat, and half turned back, but then I felt something in me flare up, and I felt my eyes heat up. I was going to handle this for myself, once and for all. I was slightly aware of Gerard's gasp as he heard the man say that, and his desperate attempt to shove past me to give him hell, but I decided to stick up for myself, no more big brother to the rescue, thank you... I levelled the pissed-as-hell asshole with an icy stare, enough to freeze the bottles in my arms, and sniped bitterly.

"Thanks, my boyfriend thinks so too." With that, I marched off to the right, face flushed. Reaching our table, I put the bottles down and felt Gerard squeeze in beside me.

"Nice, bitch!" Gerard whispered, elbowing me in my gut, much to my annoyance. But the pain was pleasant, because it was a reminder of what I had done for myself, instead of my brother always saving my ass for me.

"What just happened?" I heard a familiar voice breathe on my ear. I looked to the right, to see Bob, his chiselled face, intimidating to everyone but me. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised to see this outward display of affection, but kissed me back just as eagerly. Pulling away, I beamed at him. I opened my mouth to speak but Gerard cut in excitedly, bouncing on the torn vinyl booth, illiciting groans from it.


Bob quirked an eyebrow at me, and I knew this was going to be one satisfying account.