We're together now...

Chapter 3

Bob's POV

I looked at Mikey and Gerard, identical grins plastered across their alike faces.

"Woah!" I exclaimed. "Nice!"

"I know!" Gerard said, squealing like a little girl. Mikey raised an eyebrow, but couldn't keep the shit eating grin off his face. I reached across the table and kissed Mikey softly.

"That's my boy," I smiled at him. On catching his eye, I added," Whoops, better make it MAN."

"That's better," he smiled. Suddenly, his eyes drifted to over my shoulder and the smile fell off his face. I frowned in puzzlement and turned around, and saw this really mad looking dude storming towards me.

"Was that the guy you blew off?" I turned back to Mikey, who looked like he really didn't want to be here right now.

He gulped. "Yes," and turned pale.

"Well, he looks like a rhino," I said, trying to make him feel better, and getting a watery smile from him. I turned back and faced an extremely red faced rhino-looking burly man. The crowd in the bar hushed and amazingly, the music appeared to become softer. Everyone watchd as he stopped in front of me and attempted to look menacing, but the alcohol induced grunts did little to make him fearsome.

"May I help you?" I asked icily.

"Yeah FAG, you and your pussy boyfriend MAY," he jabbed a beefy finger into my chest, and without missing a beat, I grabbed it and twisted it around. He whimpered, but did not yell, and I saw his eyes widen and his adam's apple quiver furiously. I held his finger down calmy and stared at him, my lip curled faintly with disgust, until he couldn't take it anymore and pulled away, yelling fantastically, drawing snickers from the observing crowd.

"That's it, punk! We're going outside!" he yelled furiously, dignity and ego bruised, spraying spittle all over my face. I grimaced and wiped my face with my sleeve.

"Anytime, after you," I bit out bitterly, sarcasm dripping from my words. He grunted and stormed out, the crowd parting for him. I made to walk out, but a hand clutched my sleeve. I turned to see an apprehensive looking Mikey.

"Don't go, you might get hurt," Mikey said, looking at me with pleading eyes. "And I could never forgive myself," he added pitifully. My resolve faltered, but then I heard the taunt.

"You coming, pussy??" The yell came from the back of the bar.

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled back and pulled away from Mikey, striding out.

This bitch was gonna pay.