We're together now...

Chapter Four

Bob's POV

I stepped outside into the brisk, night air, fully aware of the crowd gathering, murmuring amongst themselves. Then I started to wonder things, like I usually did. I looked around at all the people who gathered around, looking at their faces. They looked civilised enough, but once there was some kind commotion, or a threat of bloodshed, all would congregate to watch, and perhaps cheer, or jeer. Everyone is sick, whether they'd admit it or not. Suddenly, my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud, taunting voice.

"You coming, pussy?" I turned to see an ugly face, twisted into somewhat in between and sneer and a snarl, less than a few inches from mine.

"Don't forget, this pussy just caused you some serious pain just now," and I shoved him back. His taunting face contorted into a mask of anger, and he stepped towards me and made as if to shove me back. But I was quick on my feet and stepped aside swiftly, causing him to stumble shamefully and clumsily, drawing snickers from the sick observers nearby. I turned around to follow up but before I could react, a fist found its way into my stomach, and I gasped, not expecting that. The crowd gasped as I doubled over. I was good at giving blows, but wasn't really good at taking them; I was kinda out of practice.

Needless to say, I beat him up good. Well, let's put it this way, for the next twenty minutes, I punched his fist with my stomach and head, and bashed his foot with my ass. Just as he was going to kick me again, I rolled around and desperately yanked his foot with both hands, and he fell over, cursing loudly. Without wasting my opportunity, I stradled his knees, locking them so he couldn't get up, and started delivering hefty blows to his chest and face. After about seven hooks, I heard sirens and looked up. Everyone froze for a moment; I swear, it was like a freeze frame in a bad gangster movie, then they all started to make a run for it. I felt a small tug on my shirt pocket and turned back to see that asshole on the ground with a bloody nose and an even bloodier grin. Without thinking, I took his head and bashed it on the ground, illiciting groans from him. Suddenly...

"Break it up!"

I turned around slowly and saw two cops, one fat and chewing tobacco, one sallow and yellow looking with a red nose and a tissue stuffed into his collar, pointing guns at me. Geez, it was just a punch up. I got up and dusted my hands on my jeans, and the guy scrambled to his feet after me. I noticed everyone was gone except the guys and him and I, and the cops holstered their guns and stood with their hands on their hips, assuming a cheap air of supposed-authority.

"Well well well punks... Looks like you got some explaining to do..." smirked the fat cop, spitting out some tobacco juice. What kinda guy even chews tobacco nowadays?

"Explaining what?" I asked, quirking one eyebrow, and Mikey came to stand beside me. His presence was comforting, but it did little to ease the weird stirring feeling I had in me.

"Well, we had an anonymous tip off that someone had some weed here, so's it's our duty to follow up all tips," said the reedy guy superiorily. What the hell was he talking about?