Trigger Effect

Chapter eight

"Okay, we're going to pick up where you left off. So, where would that be?" Andy asked me. We were in the basement for our training session.

I thought back to my last training session.

"Invisibility. Pete was showing me how to make mysef invisible. I know that you obviously can't make yourself invisible, but surely you know how, right?" He nodded.

"Yeah, how far did you get with that lesson?"

"I learned how, I just need to review it, and go over it a couple of times."

"Alright. So, close your eyes, and imagine yourself as if you were made from glass...think harder, I can still see you...there we go. Now, while thinking about that, I want you to walk to somewhere, in the basement."

So, still thinking about myself made out of glass, I opened my eyes, and walked to the basement stairwell, then closed my eyes, again.

Andy waited a minute, before saying my next instructions.

"Now, I assume you're in your perfered are. I want you to think about your self as the normal form."

Before, I did my next step, I walked off the stairs, and made my way, to behind Andy.

"Come on, your still invisible. Try harder. Make yourself appear!"

"You mean, like this?" I appeared, making Andy jump, and clutch his chest.

"Don't do that"! He exclaimed.


"It's fine. Now, let's try that again, but this time, don't scare me."


"Now do what I told you to do." So, I did.

We ran through the routine about five more times, before it finally got the better of me.

"Can we stop now? This is making me exhausted!" I exclaimed.

"That's what she said." He gave me a cheeky grin.

"Oh my. I knew that, that didn't sound right, when I said it," I shook my head," But seriously, can we? We can do another session tomorrow."

"Yeah, we can stop." He chuckled.

We headed up to the main part of the house.

"Hey, Andy, I"ve got a question. How come Pete is teaching you, Trick, and Joe vampire tactics?"

"Just incase we get turned, we know what to do," he answered.

"Okay, just wanted to know. Now, I'm off to bed. I need to rest!"

"Why? It's like seven-thirty in the afternoon."

"I haven't slept for the past day. My mind was to preoccupied to allow me to sleep."

"Alrighty then. See you later."

"Bonne nuit!"

"What the hell?"

"It means, "Good night", in french. Learn your languages!" I exclaimed, and dematerialized into my room, onto my bad, before he even had a chance to respond, and fell into a peaceful sleep."
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This the last update for a while. So please comment!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVA!!!!!
Sorry if it's short.
One question, should I write another story?