I'm Not in Love, This Is Not My Heart

Killed Jasmine

"You're not actually going to go on a date with that guy if he calls you are you Amber?"


William had called me five times in the last hour since I had gotten home from having lunch with him, Mike, Michael and Satan's bride. The conversation was the same each time, William would call and ask me if I was going to go on a date with Jayden and then I would tell him maybe and we would start to argue why or why not I should. It was to the point that I was ready to go on a date with Jayden just to piss William off.

"You don't even know him though"

"Which would be the reason for the date William" I growled, he was really starting to make me mad "to get to know him."

"But Amber what if something goes wrong?"

"What?" I asked confused. What the hell was he talking about?

"I don't want you to get your heart broken"

"William that is really sweet" I answered smiling but couldn't help but think of the fact that he was the one breaking my heart. "But you don't need to worry about me"

"You're my best friend Amber, how could I not worry about you?"

I sighed "Why hasn't Elizabeth yelled at you to get off the phone yet?



"Why don't you come over? We can have our movie night since apparently I am busy this weekend and Elizabeth isn't here so we can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas as many times as we want and I can read the chapter you wrote on your 'Call Her Name'."

"I don't know William, I should probably stay here" I sighed.

"Please Shortie! I'm lonely and I want to read those chapters"

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Fine, I'll be over in a half hour or so"

"I'll have the popcorn made"

"Okay see you soon"


Sighing I walked over and sat down at my kitchen table in front on my laptop. I didn't really feel like going anywhere but it would be nice to hang out with William without Elizabeth there. Sighing I turned my attention to the computer and started writing.

"She's dead"

"What do you mean she is dead?" James asked taking Jasmine into his arms "she can't be dead"

"She has no pulse James" Lorcan said calmly. It was almost as if he didn't care that Jasmine was dead. Her skin had started to become blue and and the golden glow of her hair seemed to have vanished with her life.

"Do you even care?" James snapped.

"Of course I care" Lorcan answered still no emotion visible in his face or in his eyes. What was it about Lorcan that he refused to show that he cared? Why wouldn't he just act human for once? But of course it is hard for some to act like something they're not.

"Then bring her back! You did it before!"

"That was a different situation. That time she wasn't dead, she was dying there is a fine line between the two"

"You have to do something!"

"I have to do nothing. If you want her back so bad why don't you find a way?"

I sighed and looked at what I had just written before saving the file and closing my laptop.

William was going to kill me.