I'm Not in Love, This Is Not My Heart

Are You Blind?

"Are you mad at me Amber?" William asked sighing and pushing my laptop away.

"No" I answered confused "What makes you say that?"

"You killed Jasmine" he said giving me that look as if to say 'I know everything' Normally I thought it was cute, but right now I just wanted to hit him.

"It's not my fault your favorite character is the one I planned from the beginning to kill"

"You didn't even find out who she really was! If you are going to kill her at least wait until James finds out who her and Lorcan really are!" William argued.

"Last time I check I'm the author" I snapped taking my laptop and closing it.

William looked at me surprised for a moment. Normally when he gave me his opinion about my book or we got in a debate about parts of it we ended up smiling and laughing, not snapping at each other.

"You really are mad about something, what is it Amber?" William asked taking the computer from me.

"If I tell you you'll get mad at me" I answered not looking at him.

"It takes a lot for me to get mad at anyone Amber, most of all you"

I sighed "It's nothing"

"It must be something if you are acting this way"

Should I tell him everything? That I thought his girlfriend was a bitch and thought she was just using him, that I wanted nothing more than to kiss him every time he looked at me with that crooked smile on his face?

"I don't care for Elizabeth" I answered hesitantly. "And I don't think I can stand being around her anymore"

"I don't understand what you have against her Amber" William sighed standing up. "The guys have no problem with Elizabeth"

"Are you blind William? The guys hate her, it obvious when she walks in the room by the way they are suddenly quiet or wont look at you"

"I'm sorry you guys don't like the girl I am planning on spending my life with" William answered glaring at me.


William pulled a ring out of his pocket and held it between his thumb and forefinger "I was planning on asking her tomorrow after I told you the good new, I wasn't planning on you hating her though."

"You met her 4 months ago and you are going to ask her to marry you William?" I asked shocked as I felt my heart crumble. How could he ever want to spend his life with that fake tanned wanna be star of clueless?

"Yeah I do and I didn't expect you to give me the choice of choosing between the two of you"

I could feel the tears coming "And I can only guess who you are going to choose"

"You're the one making me choose Amber!"

"I have been your best friend since we were in kindergarten William! Don't you think I know what I am talking about when I say someone isn't right for you or that they are just using you?"

"More than I do?" he shouted.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. William had never yelled at me before and now here we were, him yelling and choosing come one he had know for 4 months over the one who had been there for him his whole life.

"You never notice anything William" I answered softly not looking at him "Even when it is staring you right in the face for years. The guys noticed, but you didn't."

"What are you talking about?" he asked looking confused now.

I walked over to him slowly "You have to be bluntly told everything don't you?" I asked softly before standing on my tip toes and pressing my lips against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. I wasn't expecting him to wrap his arms around my waist and kiss back but he did.

"Have a nice life William" I said pulling away from him "I hope you're happy" then turned and walked out of his apartment tears streaming down my face.

I was so stupid to think he would ever chose me over her. Why would he? After all, all I had ever been to him was his best friend. Who would choose someone they had known almost their whole life over someone they had met only four months ago. Most certainly not William Beckett.