Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


The next day I called Lexi back. The photo shoot was for Clandestine Industries. I said sure. I love Pete’s clothing line. Yeah, I am best friends with a bunch of FBR/DD bands, but I have never met Fall Out Boy, sad huh? Oh well. The photo shoot is tomorrow. Lexi apologized to me about the short notice, but I didn’t care. It would get me out of the house.

I went downstairs to see mom sitting on the couch. She had a cigarette in her hand.


She looked up.

“Since when have you smoked?”

“I use to smoke when I was younger…..and I just picked it back up.”

“Well, can you at least do it outside? Please? I can’t stand the smell of smoke.”

She nodded and walked outside on the porch.

Great, it smells like a freaking ash tray in here now.

I sprayed some air freshener and it instantly smelled better. I went back up to my room and started cleaning. I hate having a dirty room anyway. I really think I should start packing my stuff, too. I want to be with Gabe and the boys, but I don’t want to leave my mom. Its hard enough for her right now.

The next morning, I got up at five am. I had to be at the studio at six. I hate early mornings. I took a short shower and made myself presentable. I wrote my mom a note and stuck it on the fridge before heading out to my car. It only took about ten minutes to get there, which was great.

“There she is now. Keegan, over here,” Lexi called. I mentally rolled my eyes and walked over to her.

“Keegan, this is Pete Wentz. Pete this is Keegan Winters.”

I waved, becoming slightly shy around him and he smiled at me.

“So, we’re going to get you into hair/make-up and then to wardrobe,” Pete said.


I followed the people to the room and let them work their magic.

Two hours later, I was made-up and dressed in a really cute outfit.

“Okay, so what we’re going to be doing is doing a photo shoot with Pete,” Blaine, the photographer said.

I just nodded my head and went with where he told me stand. Pete was next to me and had to have his hands loosely on my hips. We had to act like we had known each other for our whole lives. All together, the photo shoot was amazing and we all had a lot of fun. The cool thing was that I got to keep the clothes, so I just got the clothes I wore and put them in my car.

“Hey, Keegan, do you want to go out to lunch with me and some friends?” Pete asked.

“Sure, why not.”

We ended up going to Gino’s East. I’ve heard some great things about that place. I followed Pete inside and over to a table full of guys and two girls. The guys being Andy, Joe, and Patrick. The girls were Ashlee and Jessica.

“Everybody, this is Keegan. She was the Clandestine model today. Keegan, this is everybody,” Pete said and sat down next to Ashlee. I sat down next to Joe in the booth.

I laughed, “Nice introduction Pete.”

“Well, I figured you knew who they were anyway.”


We finally ordered our food and drinks.

“So Keegan where are you from? You don’t sound northern, no offense,” Patrick asked.

I shrugged it off, “I’m actually from Georgia, but I moved up here because my sister’s band got signed with FBR/DD.”

“Really?” Pete asked.

I giggled. “Um, yeah, my twin is the lead singer and guitar player of Never The Less.”

“I knew you looked familiar,” Ashlee said. That was the first thing she has said since I arrived with Pete.

“You two don’t look anything alike,” She said.

“Yeah, we’re actually identical twins, but we’ve grown up so much now that we don’t really look like each other anymore.”

“That’s cool though, having a twin….” Joe said.

“It use to be….now we don’t even share the same brain waves. You would think that with our dad passing away that we would be closer, but it hasn’t happened yet.”

“Speaking of that, how are you doing?” Jessica asked.

“Better then before….it helped that I had Sisky and Gabe with me….but other then that, kind of bad now. My mom is out here with me now and she’s a wreck,” I replied.

“Wait, you said Sisky and Gabe were with you?” Pete asked.

I nodded.

“That was when they disappeared for awhile. We didn’t know that they had went out there….”

“Yep, they were with us. Sisky is like my best friend and Audra is in love with him. Gabe……I don’t know what Gabe and I are right now. And I really just need to shut up because I can’t believe I’m spilling my life out to you guys.”

“Oh hun, its fine. You’re practically part of the family now. You’re stuck with us,” Ashlee said.

I smiled at her. I’m glad I did the shoot now because I finally met Fall Out Boy and Ashlee…and Jessica.

Lunch went by rather quickly and before I knew it, I was on my home. I had six new numbers in my phone and I was rather happy with the way today turned out.

“Mom? I’m home,” I said as I walked through the door. Mom was on the couch watching TV.

“How was the shoot?”

I smiled, “Amazing. I hung out with Fall Out Boy. Oh and Ashlee and Jessica. It was pretty cool.”

“That’s good.”

“How are you doing?”

She sighed, “I’m okay. I’ve been unpacking stuff I didn’t get to earlier….so its been a productive day.”

I hugged her, “Okay, well, I’m going to head upstairs and take shower, then probably head to bed.”

She nodded, “Good night.”

“Good night.”

I walked up to my bathroom and took another shower. Then after I was in my pajamas, I sat down and got on myspace. I had about a million messages from The Academy Is….and Cobra Starship. I hadn’t heard from Gabe, so I abandoned the computer and called him.

I got his voice mail.

“Hey, Gabe, its Keegan. I finally met up with Pete and the boys. I did a shoot for Clandestine. It was great. Anyway, um, call me back, I guess. Bye.”

I closed my phone and then went to bed.
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You get an update today, just because I feel like it.