Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


It’s the end of July and I’m back on Warped. Everyone convinced me that I should go back out there, so I did. Gabe was acting funny though and I don’t know why, so I was going to ask him. I walked onto Cobras bus and sat down next to Gabe on the couch.

“So, um, why have you been sort of avoiding me?” I asked.

“Let’s go into the back to talk about it,” He replied. Well, the whole band plus other people were on the bus, so it made sense. I followed him to the back of the bus with him stopping at his bunk for something.


Gabe shut the door and sat down on the bed. I sat down next to him and noticed that he had my journal in his hand.

He bit his lip, “I just don’t know how to act around you.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Is it because of some stuff that’s in my journal?”

He nodded his head.

“Gabe, I’m not that person anymore. What exactly did you read?”

“Well, I read a lot of it, but the one that really stuck out was the one that you wrote about that guy raping you. I’m so sorry that that happened to you.”

“You’re the only person who knows about that. I never told anyone and I only wrote it down because I thought no one would ever read it. It was a long time ago though. The scars are still there, but I‘ve been able to trust guys here lately.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“I was scared.”

Gabe was silent and he pulled me closer to him.

“I don’t think any less of you, if that’s what you were thinking. You’re still the same amazing girl I met a month or so ago.”

I smiled, “That makes me feel better then.”

We sat together for the longest time, not saying a word. It was nice, though. I noticed things about him that I didn’t before, like the way he smelled of AXE. Man, that was enough to make me swoon. He had really pretty brown eyes. He bites his lip when he’s deep in thought.

He caught me staring at him, “What?”

“Nothing,” I smiled.

“Come on,” He said pulling me up. We walked back into the front lounge of the bus.

“Are you going to sell TAI merch today?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“Okay, I’ll you see you later then,” Gabe said. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled and then walked off the bus and to the merch tents. I found Ziggy talking to William.

“Hey Kee, its been awhile,” Ziggy said.

“Yeah, I know. Hey Will.”

“Hey,” He said hugging me, “Everything okay with Gabe?”

“Mhmm, everything is great.”

“That’s good. Sisky’s been talking to Audra non-stop for the past few weeks.”

“Well, that’s nice, she can call her fuck buddy, but not her twin.”

“You haven’t talked to her?”

“Nope, not since she left for tour. Sad, huh?”

“Yeah, I’d say she’s not being a good sibling,” Ziggy said.

“Yeah…” I trailed off.

William left a few minutes later and I was left with Ziggy. Some fans came and bought merch and then Jack the camera guy came up to us, with the camera. I suppose it is for TAI TV.

“This is Keegan and of course you know Ziggy,” Jack said.

I laughed, “Hi.”

“Keegan is pretty cool. All the boys like her.”

“Oh yeah, all the boys love me,” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, she’s hot girl,” Katy Perry said walking up to the booth.

I busted up laughing and hugged her. Katy is really cool and I love how cute her and Travie are together.

“So, Keegan, I dare you to kiss Katy,” Ziggy said.

Katy and I both rolled our eyes, “You just want to see us make-out because you can’t get any action.”

“Burn,” Jack said.

“So I dare you.”

Well, I never back down from dares. So I leaned towards Katy and kissed her. It was a nice long kiss, too.

“Suck on that bitches,” I smiled and walked off with Katy.

“You know that’s going on the internet, right?” Katy asked.

“Eh, I don’t care as long as Travis and Gabe don’t get pissed at me.”

She giggled, “Travis thinks its kind of hot and I don’t know about Gabe.”

“Oh well.”

“You really like him, don’t you?”

“Yeah, he’s a sweetie. He’s been there for me, ya know?”

“Well, I think you two are adorable.”

I smiled, “Thanks, and we’re not even official yet. I really want to be, but I’m scared of getting hurt.”

“Sometimes you just have to go for it and deal with the consequences later. You never know if you don’t try…”


“No problem, Kee. I have to go get ready for my set, I’ll see you later?”

“Mkay, I’ll probably watch your set. Bye Katy,” I said and hugged her.

She walked off and I headed back to the merch tent,

“So, that was a really hot kiss between you and Katy,” Ziggy commented.

“Shut up.”

He laughed, “Well it was.”

“Eh, she’s hot and she’s knows it,” I replied.

Ziggy raised ay eyebrow, “Batting for the other team, now?”

“No, I’m straight. I just like to make-out with girls,” I smirked and then waved, walking off to Cobra’s bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was definately my favorite chapter so far.
I hope you like it.