Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


The next morning I woke up and got a quick shower. See, the boys have one on the bus and its like, itty bitty. I have to be quick about a shower just so they won’t walk in on me. I changed into a cute, but comfy outfit. I slid on some shoes and then walked out to the front room.

“So you should see the response the video got,” William said hugging me.

“Ugh, do I really want to?” I asked.

All of the boys nodded and Sisky made me sit on his lap because there wasn’t any room in the booth.

First, we watched it on you tube. I laughed at the face that Ziggy made.

“That is one hot kiss between you too. So how was it?” Andy asked.

“Great. Katy is a good kisser.”

Andy laughed.

After the video was over, I scrolled down to read the comments. Some were good and some were bad. Then I went to the buzznet page. That was where I got the worst comments. Apparently, some people had gotten pictures of Gabe and I together too, so some people were calling me a slut.

I read a comment that some girl left and laughed for a few minutes.

she is such a slut! I mean really shes screwing gabe and now shes screwing katy she should figure out if she likes bois or girls. Lyke really I hate her.

“Wow, this girl really doesn’t realize that people can be bisexual,” I said after I calmed down. Yeah, that was exactly how that comment was written, word for word. Sad, huh?

“But are you bi?” Chizzy asked raising an eyebrow.

“No, you guys would have known that a long time ago if I was bi. Katy and I are really good friends and look at her, she’s hot. I don’t go around kissing random girls,” I replied.

“She is pretty hot,” Sisky commented.

“I won’t tell Travie or Audra that you said that,” I replied.

His eyes got wide in mock horror, “NO! Please don’t.”

He rolled his eyes and pushed me out of his lap, onto the floor.
“Douche. Warn me next time you’re going to push me off your lap,” I said as I picked myself up off the floor while all of the boys laughed.

“Whatever, where are we?” I asked.

“Minnesota,” Andy replied.

“Mkay, I’m going to go bug the Cobras,” I said grabbing my phone and sticking it between my boobs. Yes, I still do that.

I finally figured out where their bus was at and then I walked inside without knocking.
Well, I saw something I really didn’t want to see: Ryland and Vicky-T making out.

“I knew it!” I squealed making them jump apart.

“Holy shit, you scared us,” Vicky said.

I just smirked, “Busted bitches.”

“Just…..don’t say anything to anyone. You’re the only one outside of the band who knows we’re together,” Ryland said.


“We just think its best for now.”

I nodded, “Is Gabe back there?”

“Yeah, he should be in his bunk.”

I opened the door to the bunk room and found Gabe asleep in his bunk. I laughed and crawled in beside him. I did everything I could to wake up him up, but he wouldn’t budge. So, I licked his cheek. Yep, you heard me.

“Ew, did you seriously just lick my cheek?” Gabe mumbled.

I laughed, “Yep, I did. You wouldn’t wake up.”

He rolled his eyes and wiped his off his cheek.

“You are seriously messed up.”

“I know.”

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. We stared at each other for a minute before his lips were on mine. His hands moved to places they didn’t belong, but I wasn’t complaining.

“I want you Keegan.”

You know how I said I wasn’t that type of girl? Forget that for now.

“I want you too.”

Clothes were removed and hands were all over the place.

I bit my lip to suppress a moan. I didn’t want anyone to hear us.


That’s all it took for him to push inside of me.

Oh yeah, it was worth it. That boy is good at what he does.

A couple of hours later, I was watching Cobra’s set from the crowd. I was right in front with a bunch of giggling girls. They started the set with My Moves are White Hot. Gabe was standing pretty much right in front of me and he winked at me. Those girls freaked out and I could see that Alex was trying not to laugh at them.

Their set was finally over and I made my way back to their bus to wait on Gabe. It was about ten minutes before they got back to the bus.

“So how did you like the set?” Gabe asked.

I laughed, “It was great and those girls were hilarious.”

Gabe changed his clothes and then we sat down on the couch, with me on his lap.

“So earlier was amazing,” He whispered.

“Yeah, it was,” I bit my lip and he kissed my cheek.
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Ugh,I'm so pissed off right now.
Tokio Hotel is coming to Atlanta on October 26th.....
I thought they weren't coming to Atlanta.
Damn it. I can't go....I've already got tickets to see Cobra Starship in November.