Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


Well, Warped Tour is over. Its been a couple of weeks since that night with Gabe and it was something that’s been repeated pretty much every night. Last night was the last show and now we’re all on our way back to Chicago. Gabe and I still aren’t official, which makes me feel kind of slutty because we’re not in a relationship, but hey, I guess its whatever right now.

Audra will be home soon too. Tour is almost over for her as well. Sisky and her are official now, which is odd. Anyway, the flight into O’Hare wasn’t fun at all. I was squished in between William and Chizzy. Cobra Starship was flying to LA first and then they’re coming to Chicago in a couple of weeks.

“Ugh, I’m so glad to be off of that plane!” I exclaimed as I got all of my luggage.

“Us too,” William replied as the other guys nodded in agreement.

It took about twenty minutes to get to my house and I said good-bye to the guys. They would probably be over later anyway.

“MOM! I’m home.”

“Keegan, I’m so glad you’re back!” Mom exclaimed as she hugged me.

“I am too, believe me.”

I went upstairs to unpack and then I took a shower. I got dressed in a Goonies shirt and a pair of jeans. I did my hair and make-up then pulled on some heels. I looked damn good. I walked out of my room and William was sitting on the couch.

“Where are the boys?” I asked.

“They’ll be here soon. They stopped to get food and movies,” William replied.

“Oh yay!”

He laughed at me.

That night was full of fun. I think my mom was literally about to kill someone though, mainly William and I because we stayed up till four am talking about random stuff. He is one of my besties, what can I say?

Its been about a week since then. I haven’t talked to Gabe. He’s not answering my calls or text. I even emailed him and he’s ignoring me. Ugh, stupid boys.

“Keegan, seriously, quit worrying about him. He’s probably busy,” Andy said grabbing my phone so I wouldn’t call Gabe again.


They all knew something I didn’t. I could tell by the way they were acting. Audra was home now and I haven’t even seen her since she’s been home. She’s to stuck up Sisky’s ass to say hello to me.

I’m seriously fed up with this crap. My dad died, my mom lives with me, my twin is ignoring me. Its fucked up.

“I need coffee,” I mumbled. I slipped on some Vans and then walked out to my car.
It took me all of ten minutes to get to Starbuck’s. I walked inside and got in line.
I ordered a Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino. Okay, so its basically not coffee, but I can’t stand the taste of coffee. I waited a few minutes for my order and when I got it, I sat down at a booth.

I looked around, studying the people who were in the store. I thought I saw Joe Jonas, but I decided my eyes were playing tricks on me. Why would they be in Chicago?

I finished my coffee and I threw it away as I was about to walk out the door. Although, I really didn’t get to walk out the door because I collided with someone.

“I am so sorry,” His smooth voice apologized.

I looked up and saw Kevin Jonas’ outstretched hand. I blushed as I grabbed a hold of his hand.

“I’m sorry, too. I’m such a klutz,” I replied.

He grinned at me, “Kevin Jonas.”

“I know. I’m Keegan Winters. Feel free to call me Kee if you want, everyone else does.”

“Okay, Kee.”

We stood there in awkward silence before his brothers came over.

“Nick, Joe, this is Keegan.”

I waved shyly.

“Hey Keegan,” Joe said. Nick smiled at me.

Then my phone rang. The caller id said William.


“Hey where did you disappear to?”

“I went to Starbucks. I love you guys to death, but you’re driving me crazy. I spent two months locked on a bus with ya’ll. Do you guys ever go home?” I asked. Of course, I didn’t say that in a mean tone. He knew I was joking.

“Yes, we have our own houses, but we love you Kee.”

“Sure, you do Beckett. Tell Sisky he needs to stop screwing my sister so I can have time with her.”

“Okay. When will you be back?”

I sighed, “Soon. Bye.”

I hung up my phone.

“Boyfriend?” Joe asked.

I snorted, “No, over protective best guy friend.”

“Oh, gotcha.”

I nodded, “Well, I have to go.”

The boys nodded.

“Um, can I have your number?….” Kevin asked hesitantly.

I smiled, “Sure.”

I gave him my number and then hugged the boys bye.

Well, if it doesn’t work out with Gabe, then I can always have Kevin Jonas.