Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


I still haven’t spoken to Gabe. It makes me think that all he wanted was ass, he got it so I guess he’s done with me. I don’t know. It hurts though. I really liked him and he’s basically screwed me over.

Anyway, I’ve been texting Kevin a lot. We hung out the night before and he’s a really chill dude and he’s very sweet. He lives in California though, so we will see how this works out. He’s actually here with me now, because he’s leaving in the morning. I’m sitting on the couch next to him and we‘re kind of cuddled up because it’s cold. Mom is at her new job and Audra is out with the boys. Well, she was out with the boys.

“Keegan! We’re home!” Audra yelled. I heard the guys come in behind her.

“Hey,” I said to them as they walked into the living room.

Sisky and Audra gave me a look when they saw I was cuddled up with some guy.

“Kevin, that’s my sister Audra and the boys of The Academy Is…” I said, “And this is Kevin Jonas.”

“Oh, hey,” Audra replied and bit her lip.

“What’s wrong? You always bite your lip when something is wrong,” I asked.

“Well….Cobra is in town,” Sisky said.

“And you couldn’t call and tell me this earlier?”

“Sorry. We wanted to break it to you in person.”

“Whatever. So is he coming here?”

No one looked at me.


“Um, now?” Andy said.

I huffed, “I really hate you guys. Like I seriously fucking hate you right now. Kevin, let’s go get some coffee and go bug your brothers.”

“Okay, sounds good. Then you can explain to me what’s going on,” He replied.

I sighed, but nodded my head. I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my phone. I glared at everyone as I followed Kevin out of the house.

As I was climbing into the passenger side of Kevin’s rental car, Gabe pulled into the driveway.

“Shit,” I muttered, “Can we just go?”

Kevin nodded and we pulled out of the driveway.

I swear I saw Gabe shoot me a glare as we left.