Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


“So what was that all about?” Kevin asked as we drank our coffee.

I bit my lip, “Um, well, you know Cobra Starship and how they were on Warped?”

Kevin nodded.

“I kind of had a thing going on with Gabe. We weren’t dating…..just….”

“Screwing around?” He asked.

“Yeah. I really liked him. Then after he went back to L.A, he quit talking to me. He ignored my phone calls, text, e-mail….all of it. I swear the other guys know something I don’t because of the way they were acting at one time.”

“So he basically used you as a piece of ass?” Kevin asked.

I giggled as he said ass, but nodded my head anyway.

“You deserve so much better then that Keegan.”

I smiled at him. He’s a sweetheart.

Kevin pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

“Wanna go beat Nick and Joe at Guitar Hero?” He asked.


He took my hand and we made our way out to his car. It wasn’t long before we got to their hotel and up to the suite he was sharing with Nick and Joe.

“Hey guys,” Kevin said as we walked into their room.

They barely acknowledged us because they were playing Guitar Hero. I rolled my eyes.

“I wanna play…” I whined.

“Pshh, you’ll loose,” Nick commented.

I raised an eyebrow, “Wanna bet?”

Nick smirked, “Okay, If I win, you go on a “date” with me.”

“A “date” huh? Mkay, and if I win, then you have to mention that Keegan Winters schooled you at Guitar Hero at your next three concerts.”
Nick smiled, “Deal.”

I’m really good at this game. I swear. I don’t know why Nick would want to go on this “date” with me though. He’s a strange one.

“OH YEAH! WHO’S THE MAN?!” Nick yelled as he won.

I pouted, “By ONE percent Nick. That’s all it was.”

“You’re just a sore loser,” Nick replied, sticking his tongue out at me.

“Whatever Nick. It was by one percent,” I replied.

Kevin and Joe rolled their eyes at us.

“Why don’t you just say you both won? Nick can go on a date with Keegan and Nick can tell everyone Keegan beat him at Guitar Hero,” Joe said and pushed Nick over.

“Jerk,” Nick huffed.

I shrugged, “I don’t care. Why do you want to go on a date with me anyway?”

“Because you’re cool and it’s not really a date. That’s why I used quotes when I said it.”

“Mkay. Well, it sounds good, so we both win.”

“Do you guys want to come with us?” Nick asked.

Joe and Kevin nodded.

For our “date” we are going to the movies and then out to eat. We’re going out tonight because they’re leaving in the morning. I’ll eventually have to face Gabe, and I really don’t want to do that yet.

“Wanna go now?” Nick asked.


The guys got Big Rob to come with us and we were off to the movies. Joe picked some random horror movie.

I was seated in between Kevin and Nick. Joe was on the other side of Nick.

The previews took forever, but the movie finally started and Kevin had intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked over and smiled at him.
We were silent through the first part of the movie and then I got bored with watching it. I started throwing popcorn at the couple who was making out a row in front of us. They turned around and I acted like I had no idea what was going on. They went back to making out and I did it again. Kevin was trying not to laugh and Nick was giving me a weird look while Joe was watching the movie.

“Can we go? This movie sucks,” I whispered.

“Please? It does suck, “Kevin replied.

“Yeah,” Nick nodded and told Joe what we were doing.

So we all got up and left the theatre. Kevin and I were still holding hands and Nick had is arm looped through my free one.

“Well, now I feel left out,” Joe said.

“Awe, poor Joe. You can pick where we eat, if you want,” I replied.

“Burger King!” He exclaimed.

I laughed and the other guys nodded their heads, so off to Burger King we went. I won’t bore you with the details, but just to let you know, we’re not allowed into that place ever again. We kind of started a food fight.

“Gah, Keegan, you’re such a bad influence,” Joe said wagging his finger at me.

“ME? You started it.”

“Pssh, Nick is the one who started it,” Joe replied.

Nick rolled his eyes. Joe was in fact the one who started it by throwing French fries at me. And I retaliated. I’m not going to sit there and not do anything while being pelted with fries. So, now, we all had ketchup and junk all over us.

“Where to?” Joe asked.

I shrugged.

“Back to the hotel?” Kevin asked.

We all agreed and headed back to their hotel. They let me borrow some pj pants and a shirt. I took a shower to get all of the junk out of my hair. It only took me about ten minutes and when I walked back into the living room part of the suite, the guys were huddled around a laptop.
“Hey, uh, Keegan, you should read this,” Joe said pulling me over to the laptop.

Perez Hilton:

The Jobros were seen out and about in Chicago, with a mysterious girl. Kevin was holding hands with said girl. We found out she is Keegan Winters, the twin of Audra Winters. Audra is the lead singer of Never The Less, a band on Fueled By Ramen records. Later, on they went to Burger King, where a food fight ensued and they got kicked out. It seems Keegan may be a bad influence on our innocent Jonas Brothers. Keegan was a merch girl for The Academy Is… on Warped Tour. She can also be seen in a TAI TV episode making out with Katy Perry. Keegan is also a model for Clandestine Industries and several other companies. Sources say that she also had a romance going on with Cobra Starship’s Gabe Saporta. I wonder what he thinks of Keegan being with a Jonas Brother….

What do you guys think of Keegan Winters?

“Great. Now freaking Perez Hilton is talking about me. I love him to death, but what have I ever done to him?” I asked.

“Apparently, hanging out with us,” Joe replied.

“And Gabe doesn’t matter. There was nothing going on with us except for I was his fuck buddy. Excuse my language, but really that’s all I was to him,” I said bitterly.

Kevin pulled me into his arms, “Its okay. Don’t worry about Perez, okay?”

“Okay. Boy, I wonder what’s going to happen when they find out that tidbit. Perez will be saying something about me corrupting the virginness of the Jonas Brothers.” I rolled my eyes.

“Eh, we will worry about when or if it happens, okay?” Joe asked.

I just nodded, “I mean, it doesn’t mean I’m a slut, right?”

Joe and Nick walked away, leaving me and Kevin to talk. Kevin sat down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap.

“No, it doesn’t make you a slut.”

“Kevin, I respect that you guys wear purity rings. It’s what makes you guys different and I love that.”

“Well, I like that you respect me.”

“What’s going to happen when you go back to California?”

Kevin shrugged, “ I like you Keegan, but I don’t want either of us to go through the long distance thing.”

“Yeah, I don’t either. So can we just be best friends……like best best friends?” I asked.

He smiled, “Yeah, I would like that.”

So as much as I had a crush on Kevin Jonas, we’re just best best friends. I can live with that. What I can’t live with, is dealing with Gabe. I ended up sleeping next to Kevin that night. The morning came way to early.

“Do you guys have to leave?” I pouted.

“Yes, we have to leave. We don’t want to, but we have to,” Nick replied.

We were currently in my driveway and I was dreading heading into the house because Gabe was still here.

“Babe, just go in there and face him. It will get better and work out the way its supposed to. Maybe you guys will get together,” Kevin said wrapping his arms around me. I buried my head into his chest.

“I don’t wanna,” I replied. Kevin laughed at me.

“We gotta go. I’ll text you later, okay?”

I nodded and he kissed me on the lips. I watched them get into their car and drive away. Then I headed into the house where I knew all hell was about to break loose.
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This one is FIVE pages long......
So enjoy it.