Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


-Third Person-

Jazz stood in front of Keegan’s bedroom door and watched her kiss Gabe. She was livid. Jazz inched away to keep them from knowing she saw them. Then she walked back to the guest room, where her and Gabe were staying for the weekend.

“Hm, what can I find to wreak havoc?” Jazz whispered.

Jazz walked over to Gabe’s suitcase and went through it. She thought that since Keegan and Gabe had been close before, that maybe he had something that she could blackmail Keegan with.

“What’s this?” Jazz asked pulling out Keegan’s journal.

Bingo. Jazz started flipping through it and then stopped on the page where it held a detailed description of Keegan’s past with cocaine.

That little bitch is going down.

-Keegan’s POV-

Gabe and I cuddled after our little make out session. I didn’t feel guilty for making out with him. Jazz is a bitch and he was mine first.

Wow, since when did I become a vindictive bitch?

Gabe pecked me on the cheek and sat up on my bed.

“I need to get back to Jazz,” He said.

I nodded sadly.

“You and Kevin aren’t talking either, are you?”

“No, I’ll be honest Gabe, I liked him….a lot. But Kevin and I are two different people with totally different lives. We decided we would just be best friends instead of trying to have a relationship. I didn’t expect you to come here so soon and have a girlfriend.”

“I know….and I didn’t expect you to wait on me. I treated you like shit and you deserve better then that.”

I just nodded and he pecked me on the lips before walking out of my room.

I looked at my clock and sighed when it showed it was only ten o’ clock.

I think I’ll head to bed.

I turned off my light and crawled under the covers. I was out in seconds.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, it is a filler, but an important filler.
I only have one more chapter that is pre-written.
But in a couple of weeks, I will have more time to write due to Christmas break...
I get out the 3rd I believe and don't go back until January 7th.
So just be patient if I don't update as quickly.
Oh and the next update will be out on Thursday of next week because on Friday I'm going to see COBRA STARSHIP!