Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


I finally talked to the tabloid people. I decided I was going to tell everyone what happened it my past. What better way to do that then post a video blog. I grabbed my camera and turned it on.

“Hey guys. Its Keegan Winters here. Um, I just feel that I need to clear some things up. Yeah, I use to snort coke and I was bulimic. When I was about 16, I got into the modeling industry and I weighed 120 pounds and was 5’6. Apparently, in the modeling industry, that is fat. Well, I wanted to drop the weight fast, so a friend from school introduced me to coke after she lost twenty pounds over a weekend. Then I added in the bulimia so no one would find out about the coke. It went on for a year then my dad found out about it and sent my ass to rehab, kicking and screaming. I would have never have gotten through that without my daddy. He was there for me when I needed him. He’s the reason I’m here right now. Sadly, he’s not here. When I disappeared from Warped Tour and Never the Less had to leave tour for awhile it was because our dad died. He had a heart attack. I just couldn’t believe my rock was gone. I didn’t do coke again though. I will never ever touch that stuff again. I could have died….then what would my twin or parents have done?”

I paused and took a drink of water.

“Oh and I need to discuss some other things. Kevin Jonas and I are not dating. Gabe Saporta and I aren’t dating either. I am completely single…..even though I don’t want to be. Hint Hint. Kevin and I are best friends. He’s seriously one of the most amazing guys I’ve ever met and whoever he dates is extremely lucky to have him. Gabe, what can I say about him….He’s pretty amazing too, and I would like for us to be together, but he has this girlfriend who let out my secret to the tabloids. Now, Gabe doesn’t believe that, but she told me herself that she did it. Oh and you’re also probably wondering why my face looks like it went through a blender...that’s his girlfriends fault too. We got into a fight last night. She’s actually still in my house because she and Gabe are staying here. I have half a mind to kick her out, but I won’t do that. Even though I should. Whatever. Well, I’m signing off now. Have fun tearing me apart I guess, because that’s probably what you guys are going to do. Oh well. My life is already fucked up. Feel free to fuck it up even more. Peace.”

I clicked stop and then uploaded it to youtube and my myspace. I knew it wouldn’t take long for people to get a hold of it. God, I’m ready for it to be October already. Maybe Britney Spears should do something stupid to take the attention off of me. I’m not even a celebrity. Ugh.

Ten minutes later, Gabe walked into my room.

“So telling the public made you feel better?” He asked.

I shrugged, “I suppose. They already knew anyway.”

“Oh and thanks for blaming Jazz.”

“You knew it was all her anyway.”
“I’m not going through this again.” Gabe got in my face again.

“Then don’t.”

He rolled his eyes and then kissed me. Yeah, he kissed me.

“What are you doing?!” I hissed as we pulled away.

“I want you Keegan. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

I huffed, “You have a shitty way of showing it. Get rid of Jazz. Then I’ll think about it.”

He stood in front of me for what felt like forever, just looking at me. Then he just nodded and walked out of my room.

I sighed. That boy will be the death of me one day.

Not long after that conversation, I heard Jazz and Gabe yelling at each other.

“It’s over Jazz.”

“You just want out of this so you can have that slut.”

“Keegan is not a slut. Oh and to be honest, I was only with you because I couldn’t have Keegan. That was a big mistake on my part.”

I heard Jazz huff and then a big smack. I assume she smacked Gabe across the face. Jazz stalked up the stairs and she passed me to get to the guest room. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

Gabe walked up after her, “Can I borrow your car? Will and I took the rental back yesterday.”

“Yeah, and I didn’t know that.”

I got my keys and handed them to Gabe. Jazz got all of her stuff together and threw it into the trunk of my Honda.

“Be careful.”

Gabe smiled, “Always.”

I watched him spin out of my driveway and then walked back into the house, shaking my head.

“Where’d Gabe go?” Audra asked.

“To take Jazz to the airport.” I smirked.


I just nodded and walked back up to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think there will only be about four more chapters left.
I think its best if I go ahead and end this story.
But I will have some new ones coming soon along with me still writing There's Something I See In You.