Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


Three hours later, and we still didn’t know anything. TAI had finally gotten here about an hour ago. Will told me that there was a news thing on Perez about me and even what had happened to Gabe. I honestly didn’t care about that right now. All I want to know is if Gabe is okay.

William had taken over looking after me. Alex was sitting next to me though, while I was in William’s lap. Audra was sitting in Sisky’s lap.

Everyone looked up as the doctor walked in.

“Is everyone here for Gabriel Saporta?” He asked.

We all nodded.

“Anyone family?”

I sighed and then lied straight through my teeth, “I’m his fiancé.”

The doctor nodded and told me to follow him.

“Gabe’s condition is critical, but stable. He has internal bleeding, a mild concussion, a broken wrist, and a broken nose. The internal bleeding has almost completely stopped, but we will have to keep a check on that,” He said. I found out his name was Dr. Emory.

“Can I see him?” I asked.

“Only for a few minutes,” Dr. Emory replied.

He led me to Gabe’s room and I walked inside. He was hooked up to all kinds of machines.

“I thought I told you to be careful,” I said walking over to him. I scooted a chair over to his bed and sat down.

“I tried,” He said, “I made sure Jazz got her plane ticket and even watched her walk onto the plane. Then on my way back to your house, a car pulled out in front of me. So I hit that car and then two cars hit me. Your car is completely gone…”

“Yeah, I know. I saw it on the news. Gabe, I don’t care about the car. I care about you being okay.”

I put my hand on top of his and he curled his fingers around mine.

“I am okay.”

I rolled my eyes and giggled a little, “Yeah, Gabe, you’re in the hospital hooked up to machines and you’re okay?”

“Mhmm. Keegan, I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through the last couple of weeks.”

“I know.”

“You know what I’ve realized?”

I looked at him, “What?”

“That I’m totally and completely in love with you.”

I sat dazed for a second, not sure if I heard him right.

“You’re in love with me?”

He nodded.

I smiled, “I’m in love with you too.”

I leaned over and kissed him gently.

“The doctor is probably going to kick me out soon, so I’m going to go relay the news to everyone. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

Gabe nodded, “I love you.”

“Love you too.” Then I walked back out into the waiting room
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more chapters left.