Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


“Sisky, you’re going down,” I said as I battled him at Guitar Hero.

“Bitch, please.”

“Ass,” I said as I schooled him at playing one of The Fall of Troy’s songs.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” He said.

I shrugged and then smirked, “Believe it.”

He gave me a wicked grin before he tackled me. He started tickling me and I was wiggling all over the place to get away from him.

“STOP!!” I squealed.

“Nope! Not until you say Sisky Business is the hottest guy on the plant.”

“Ugh…fine, Sisky Business is the hottest guy on the planet.”

He didn’t look satisfied, “Say it like you mean it.”

I growled and he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Sisky, you are the hottest guy on the planet.”

“Whoa, I didn’t know I was interrupting anything,” Some guy said as he walked into the lounge area.

I rolled my eyes, “Siska, get your fat ass off me. Your crushing my ribs. And you weren’t interrupting anything, Gabe.”

“So she knows my name,” Gabe commented.

“Yeah…so?” I asked.

“This is Keegan. She’s helping out with merch.” Sisky told him.

Then my cell rang, of course, Audra’s ringtone is of one of their songs.

“Oh so you like Never the Less?” Gabe asked.

I smiled, “I kind of have too. My twin is the lead singer.

I flipped open my phone.


I heard Audra laugh, “Hey skank, how is it out there?”

“Well, I schooled Sisky in Guitar Hero. How is it there?”

“Oh its great.”

“Great as in how?”

“Well, um, me and Martin have something going on…”

I rolled my eyes, “And you call me the skank? Damn, girl, you work fast.”

“Well, I am the bad twin.”

“Yeah, that’s true. Well, the boys are going to go on in about twenty minutes so I’m going to go watch their set. Behave. I do not need any nieces or nephews running around, okay?”

“Fine. You behave too. No fucking Sisky.”

“Ew. Are you kidding me?”

She laughed and hung up on me.


“Did Sisky leave already?”

Gabe nodded, “You can follow me and watch from backstage.”


Let me tell you, they were amazing. I love being in the audience, but backstage is pretty cool, too.