Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


“So your twin is the lead singer?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah….” I trailed off.

“She’s fucking hot.”

I rolled my eyes. I’m just a little jealous of her. I mean, she gets all the guys.

“I don’t really see you two being twins, though,” Gabe said.

“That’s because we’re fraternal twins, Gabe….duh…”

“Oh, I knew that,” He laughed, “Well, I have to go get ready for our set, and I suppose you have to go sell merch right?”

I nodded.

He actually hugged me and then ran off.

“Wierdo,” I muttered, before making my way over to all the merch tents. I finally found TAI’s tent and sat down next to Ziggy.

“Hey Keegan, what’s up?” He asked.

“Nothing….but Gabe Saporta is fucking weird,” I replied.

He just laughed at me, “Yeah, I know it. Oh TAI is having a signing in about an hour, so we have to get ready for that.”

“Oh joy….teenie fans.”

“Not all of them are teenies.”

“No…not all of them. Just the ones who want to get into Will’s pants..” I trailed off.

“And there you go talking about me,” Will said.

“Well of course.”

Sisky picked me up and sat down in my chair.

“You ass face. That was MY chair.”

“Now its mine, besides, we have a signing to do in a little while.”

“Well, I’m sitting in your lap for now then,” I told him before I sat down. I wiggled around a little just to piss him off. I think it kind of got him excited though…..if you know what I mean.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

He just looked at me with a glare.

“Okay, I’ll stop moving,” I said.

Will and Ziggy laughed as they realized what happened.

Not even five minutes later fans started showing up.

“Well, we gotta run back there for a few,” Will said.

Sisky didn’t even let me get up myself. He knocked me off his lap and ran.

I sat on the ground for a minute, “Oh, he’s going to get it later.”

“I have a feeling inviting you on tour with us was a great idea.”

“Oh you know it Ziggy.”

I looked out to the crowd, “Shouldn’t they be forming a line instead of being all jumbled up together?”

“Yep,” Ziggy replied. So he made a sign. Luckily most of them listened.

After that, TAI came out. It was pretty entertaining to see them sign stuff for people. I’m easily amused anyway.