Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


“I don’t see why everyone has to tickle me to get revenge,” I said as I finally got away from Chizzy.

“Because we love being mean to you,” Will replied.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out of my top. It was in between my boobs. That’s the only way I won’t loose it. Will just shook his head at me while Gabe gawked.

“Yes, Gabe, I did just pull my cell phone from boobs. Get over it,” I said. He quit gawking and I started texting Audra.

“She does that a lot. When we first met her, she lost her phone and now she just sticks it in her shirt,” Will said.

“Well, it works,” I replied, “I think I’m gonna go to bed…..who do I have to share with?”

That’s the only thing that sucks is that I have to share a bunk with one of the guys.

Will shrugged and I rolled my eyes. After I changed into some shorts and a tank top, I crawled into Sisky’s bunk. He was watching a movie on his laptop.

“Do you mind sharing your bunk?” I asked.

“Nope, not at all,” He replied and moved over.

He shut down his computer and then closed the curtain thing, enveloping us in darkness. I got comfortable and Sisky wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep almost instantly, but I was plagued by bad dreams. Mainly ones consisting of my past, that I tried so hard to keep a secret.

“Keegan, wake up,” I heard Sisky say as he shook me awake.

I opened my eyes and saw his worried expression.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, just…bad dreams..”

“Oh…..are you have those dreams again?”

I just nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

“Everything is okay now. Its in the past.”

I eventually fell back asleep for another couple of hours. I’m guessing Chiz thought it would be funny to pull me out of the bunk. They all know that I’m a terror in the mornings before I have my monster. I’m talking evil as all get out.

I looked up at Chiz and gave him an evil look.

“Oh shit,” He squeaked before hightailing it out of the bunk room.

I shook my head, “Where are we?”

“Atlanta,” Sisky said climbing out of the bunk and helping me up from the floor.

“Great….” I replied sarcastically. I’m originally from here so I suppose I’ll see people I know here. One’s that I don’t want to see.

“Oh, by the way, you have a bruise forming on your face,” Sisky said.

I huffed, “MGC, you’re a dead man.”

I walked into the living room part of the bus to see the rest of TAI, Cobra and one of the guys from We The Kings. I was only in a pair of short shorts and tank top, but I didn’t care. Chizzy was going to die.

Chizzy gave me an innocent look.

“Boy, I know where you sleep and let me tell you, you got it coming,” I said.

“What did he do this time?” Will asked.

“The fucker pulled me out of Sisky’s bunk and now I have a bruise on my face which I don’t know how I managed to do that, but still….”

TAI laughed at me and I flipped them off.

“By the way, Keegan, this is Vicky-T, Alex, Nate and Ryland of Cobra. That is Travis of We The Kings,” Mike said.

I waved and then walked back into the bunk room to change. I found some black skinny jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold tank top.