Take Off Your Make Up and Put Down the Camera


After I got ready, I made sure I had my pass and phone then made my way to the merch tent.

“Keegan!" Ziggy exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm.

“What happened to your face?”

“Chizzy is what happened. He pulled me out of Sisky’s bunk this morning.”


“Yeah, I know.”

“Look, since this is your hometown, why don’t you take the day off and go see the bands? I know Gabe wants to see you.”

“Are you sure?”

Ziggy nodded and I took off to find the set times. TAI was playing at 4:15 on the main stage. I had a couple of hours so I decided to go see Cobra’s set. They were playing in about thirty minutes on the Highway 1 stage. I wanted to be front row so I made my way over to the stage. I could watch from backstage, but that takes away the fun I have on Warped. I like to be in the crowd when I do get the chance to watch bands.

Fans started piling in and I was next to a couple of fan girls. It made me laugh. My phone vibrated and I had a text from Will. He said he could see me from backstage. Apparently, he was going to sing with Gabe on Bring It, which usually doesn’t happen when Cobra plays early.

They finally came onstage and all the girls went crazy. I just laughed and sang along. William came out and Gabe got a girl to come onstage to do the rap part.

Before they left the stage, both Will and Gabe blew kisses at me. I rolled my eyes, but pretended to catch them. A couple of girls around me glared and I just laughed before I made my way out of the crowd.

About a minute later, I was being tackled.

“GABE! What the hell?” I asked when I noticed who it was.

“You’re mine for today,” He replied.

I laughed, “Fine. Gabanti.”

He just smirked and we walked back to his bus.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked.

“Well, I figured we could just hang out here and get to know each other better….maybe watch some movies.”

I just nodded, agreeing with him.

“What are we going to watch?” I asked.

Gabe shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

“Do you have the Lost Boys?” I asked.

“Yeah, you wanna watch it?”

I nodded and he got up to pop the movie into the dvd player.
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So,school started around here today...and its so quiet at my house because my brother is gone.... woot....
and I have to say that I feel weird because I graduated....


but yeah,comment,please?