Someday I will Understand

Chapter 115 Couldnt last together

Kate had finally had all her stuff at Frank’s including her belongings from the NY apartment she once shared with Gerard.

Kate was happy that Frank had forgiven her and allowed there friendship to go on as how it use to be but with more respect.

Kate hadn’t seen Gerard now for a few weeks as she was still trying to avoid him though Gerard had been making every attempt to see her, what was making it worse was that Gerard’s love for Kate was intensifying which meant he couldn’t get the thought of her out of his mind.

Kate was glad to be working again as she was now laying down the tracks for her debut album, In between raising her daughter and working it was keeping her busy, Frank still had feelings for her, though he could feel that Kate had totally shut herself down in wanting to become close to anyone.

The media had taken an interest in to Kate’s life and were now following her around like a hawk, she was trying her best to ignore it as she hated being followed let alone anyone taking photos of her daughter.

Gerard was at a lost as to how to see Kate, as every time he came around Frank had told Kate beforehand in which she would leave, Gerard didn’t want Kate to know when he came around and he wanted Frank to keep his mouth closed but as Frank had explained he didn’t want to break the trust he had with Kate.

It had been a few weeks now since Kate had moved in with Frank and every thing was going a long smoothly for the both of them, Kate was now putting the final touches on her album which she was very excited about as she was looking forward to it finally being released and for everyone to hear her accomplishment.

Frank was loving the fact that Kate was there living with him and they were both working as a family unit, especially as Sadie was now 7 month’s old and becoming a little terror, she was slowly learning what it was like to be able to crawl and roll around, she had also cut her first tooth which had kept Kate and Frank awake as Sadie would constantly cry over the pain it was causing her. So sleep to the both of them was very privileged.

Frank absolutely loved being a hand’s on father and didn’t want it to be any other way. Kate had also now fully settled in to Frank’s house but she was hoping that eventually she would be able to get her own place once Sadie got a little older.

Gerard on the other hand was still determined as ever, he knew Kate was the one and just wasnt willing to let her go, everyday he felt that there was hope and that he could see her.

He knew that Frank was going out that day and was going to go around to see if Kate was there and if at best try his luck.

Arriving at Frank’s house Gerard noticed that Frank’s car wasn’t there, but could see that Kate’s was – Walking up to the front door he rang the door bell and quietly waited he could see that Kate would slam the door in his face but he was ready.

Kate heard the door bell and immediately walked to the door with Sadie in her arms today was a rare day for her where she actually had a day off before she had to head to California for a video shoot for her 1st single.

Opening the door Kate’s face went from a smile to a glum look when she saw that Gerard was there, before Kate could say anything Gerard quickly spoke “ Frank doesn’t know I’m here…I just really needed to see you, I’ve been trying but you don’t want anything to do with me”

Gerard was the last person Kate was expecting to see, she thought that by now he may have been trying to move on in which she could now see that he wasn’t. In her head she was starting to feel guilty if anything for him she wanted him to find some closure

“Gerard come in” Kate replied while still holding Sadie

Placing Sadie in her bouncer Kate sat down and pointed for Gerard to do the same

“Gerard what do you need?” Kate asked
“Katie I need you” Gerard replied with a smile
“Gerard I thought we had already been through this…it is better if we are not together…you deserve better then what I can give you”
“I don’t want anything else I want you” Gerard said with sadness in his eyes
Kate could feel that Gerard still was in love with her as she was with him, only she didnt want him knowing that as she felt that all she could do for him was hurt him when he deserved better.
“Ahh…Gee I cant be with you I’m so sorry…It’s not you it’s me”
“Katie don’t say that…I know you love me as much as I do with you, we both made big mistakes I know that and it wasn’t all your fault I know you have been through hell and back but I also know that your better….and I just want you back”

Kate didn’t know how to handle the situation she knew she had to push him away “ Gee I’ m seeing someone else it’s new but it’s exciting and I like where I am right now in my life…if you and I were to be together it would be like going backwards and I cant do that” Kate said lying

Gerard hated the words that were coming out of Kate’s mouth that she was seeing someone “Is it Frank” he snarled

“No way, Frankie and I are friends trying to raise our child” Kate stammered back, she knew that she was pushing Gerard’s button’s and making him angry she hated doing it but at the same time she saw it as the only option in order to push him away so that she wouldn’t hurt him anymore then she already had during the time that they were together.

Gerard was feeling hurt but at the same time he knew this was Kate’s mechanism to push people away especially the people she cared about, he wasn’t sure whether to believe if Kate was seeing anyone as he knew that Frank would have told him, he was holding on to hope and wanted her to see that he was here and that he wanted her more then anything.