Someday I will Understand

Chapter 144 Only almost here

Kate felt so confused, it was tearing her mind apart, she needed to get out where she could think for herself she knew what her heart was telling her to do but it was her head that was torn.
Should it be Gerard or should it be Frank?

Getting up from where she was sitting, Kate walked back in to the lounge room where Alicia had Sadie standing on her legs while she held her arms trying to teach her how to walk, Sadie was giggling and when seeing her mother she placed her arm's out to be picked up.

"Aww, you want your Mummy" Alicia cooed.

Kate picked her daughter up, and decided it was best for her to leave while Gerard was still outside.
Grabbing her other belongings, Kate headed towards the front door while Alicia watched.

"Kate where ya going?" Alicia asked.

"I cant be here Ali, Please let Gee know I’m sorry. He'll understand" Kate replied with a smile as she walked out the door.

Getting to her car, Kate buckled Sadie in but didnt get very far as Gerard came rushing out the front door.

"Kate don’t go please" he yelled running to the car.

Kate turned around looking distant but continued to buckle Sadie in to the car. Gerard had met the car and stood behind Kate as she continued to do what she was doing.

"Kate what are you doing? Gerard asked.

"I cant be here" Kate replied.

"Stop doing this to yourself Katie, Please!" Gerard pleaded.

Kate knew that she couldn’t keep running not that she wanted to either, but Frank's image was in the back of her mind on how she couldn’t break his heart, how he didnt deserve that treatment.

"No Gerard I’m sorry I’ve made my decision, I need to be there for Frank, he has nothing and I wont hurt him I cant" Kate replied.

Gerard was hurting but he had come use to Kate pushing him away over and over and that eventually he would have to give in, in which now he was finding it was this time whether he liked it or not.

Kate left abruptly and headed straight back to her home with Frank where she had Sadie in tow.
Frank looked up at her with a smile, Kate only hoped his mood had changed and the strife he was going through would finally end.

"Frank I’m staying" Kate replied with a warm smile.
Frank got up from the sofa and walked over where he embraced Kate with a kiss.

"I love you Kate, I'm sorry I’ve been an asshole, it's so hard knowing she's not mine" Frank replied.

"I know, but you will always be her daddy along with Gerard, she has two now..and we can always try if you want a sibling for Sadie" Kate said.

Frank looked at her and smiled "It's not that Katie, I love Sadie I just wish she was mine, knowing she wasnt at first was ok then finding out she was awesome. I felt bad for you and Gerard but I couldn’t help but have my happiness either and now it's all a lie she was never mine and I had her away from Gerard."

Gerard stayed at home the rest of the day knowing trying to mull over his feelings, he loved Kate and understood she was trying to protect Frank from something though he wasnt sure from what. The only person he could talk to was Mikey who had put his guard up and told Gerard that he couldn’t tell him what Kate had told him.

Gerard was livid as he knew that Mikey had the answer’s and that was all he needed so he could work out what the dilemma was at hand and try to solve it.

Kate on the other hand had settled in to a quiet evening, after putting Sadie down to sleep, she lay on the sofa watching TV though not paying any attention, Frank had gone back to be being in a bad mood and was in his studio.

What seemed like hours later, Kate awoke to the sound of footsteps walking in the kitchen, Instantly she sat upright and looked over but could see nothing, Getting up off the sofa she grabbed her cell and for light and walked to the kitchen. Where she jumped back at seeing a figure in the darkness.

“Frank is that you?” She whispered.

There was no reply and Kate started to panic, her hands became sweaty and her heart started to pound harder, grabbing the closest thing to her which was an umbrella she waved it in front of her and started to hit the figure that was in the darkness, while yelling.

“Who the fuck are you get out of my house.”

She heard moans and quickly turned the kitchen light on to see that Frank was on the floor covering himself trying to protect himself from being hit from the umbrella.

“Oh shit Frank...I’m sorry” Kate said as she tried to help Frank up who pushed her away.

“What the hell was that for Kate?”

“I didnt know who was there, I asked if it was you and there was no answer.”

“Well I’m sorry I had my ipod in” Frank snarled looking pissed.

Kate could sense that he was angry and decided to walk away. “Don’t walk away from me Kate” Frank yelled.

“Frank I said I was sorry and I mean it, but don’t go taking your stupid crap out on me” Kate said regretting every word she’d said.

“Crap you say, if it wasnt for you none of this would have happened, I’d still be with Jamia and we would all be happy. But no we had to FUCK and then I find out I’m a father to a kid that’s not even mine, SO if you wanna call that crap go ahead” Frank screamed in Kate’s face.

“I hate when your like this...If you wanna be with Jamia well then fucking leave I wont stop you, go right fucking ahead” Kate yelled back.

Frank looked at her still angry, Kate again proceeded to walk away from the situation, hoping Frank would calm down.
Walking in to the lounge room, Frank followed grabbing her top he pulled her to him.
Kate looked up terrified, not sure of what was going to happen next.