Someday I will Understand

Chapter 20 Ive just begun having my FUN

Banging on Kate’s bedroom door, Keisha walked in and found that Kate wasn’t there. Keisha walked around the house calling Kate’s name, but there was no response. So as she walked closer to the ensuite she could hear a coughing sound, she walked into the bathroom where she found Kate with her head over the toilet bowl throwing up.

“Kate what the hell has happened here?”
Kate lifted her head from the toilet bowl and looked at Keisha with her makeup smudged and tear stained eyes
“I don’t fucking know”
“What do you mean you don’t know”
“I cant remember everything”
“What cause you were drinking, what the fuck were you thinking Kate, we have to leave in an hour, REMEMBER to get on a plane so you can go to work”
“Will you please stop yelling, your hurting my ears” Kate said as her head went back over the toilet bowl and she started to throw up again.
“What did you do last night?”
Once Kate had removed herself from the toilet bowl and cleaned herself up she spoke, “I went out last night with Jared and drank heaps, and I think we kissed or something and then he took me back here and all I remember from there is waking up and wanting to throw up so this is where I have been for about the last couple of hours”
“Why the fuck would you kiss Jared for, you have a boyfriend!” Keisha said trying to find out the truth but not wanting to tell Kate that Gerard had already spoken to her
“Not anymore, I broke up with him, so now I will never ever have to hurt him again”
“What the???”
“I keep hurting him Keish, and I don’t want to anymore”
“So what you break up with him instead, don’t you think that would hurt him more? Why are you being so stupid for”
“Keish, you’re the last person I need a lecture from, I’m a big girl and I can looked after myself”
“Kate I’m not trying to have a go at you, but you breaking up with Gee, you love him, why are you pushing him away.”
“You don’t know what I’m going through, but it had to be done, I don’t want to talk bout it anymore”
To that Keisha decided not to push the subject she would wait for another opening and try again.

Kate got all her things packed along with her acoustic guitar, with that she would write song lyric’s and just put them in her journal for safe keeps.
Once the girls got on the plane, they were in first class so Kate could have her privacy, Though out the flight Kate couldn’t help but wonder what Gerard was up to, she missed him but she also thought that what she was doing was the right thing to do.

Gerard on the other hand was in a very quiet mood, he was sitting on the tour bus just drawing in his sketch book, to stop him self from thinking of Kate, the rest of the guys knew to leave him alone.

Kate and Keisha had finally reached San Antonio and checked into the Watermark Hotel, walking into the room they saw how it boasted high ceilings and warm, relaxing colours. A hand-forged iron four-poster bed dressed in the finest linens, with a marble bathroom and Jacuzzi tub with a separate shower. The room also included Fine furnishings, including a leather-topped desk and original works crafted by Texas artists.

Kate couldn’t believe how beautiful the room was, she smiled as she jumped on to the four poster bed, but the smile soon turned to worry and tears, she was hurting that she didnt have Gerard around anymore and she was plagued with the idea that she shouldn’t be happy, her son was dead what gave her the right to be happy.

Keisha walked around the room and looked towards Kate with a concerned look, she hated seeing her friend like this all torn up, but maybe it would also help her grieve and not to move on but to help her heal emotionally.

“Kate we have to go your due on set for a read of the script”
Kate wiped away the tears from her face, she still felt crap from her binge drinking the night before but knew she had to get over it, she didnt really want to be acting today or at this stage ever again, but she had signed the dotted line before Hayden had passed away and she didnt want to cancel.

Kate knew Jared was going to be there and wanted to ask him if they got up to anything, or done anything real silly, Kate would also meet the other star of Supernatural being Jansen Ackles.

On set for the rest of the afternoon, Kate acted as though nothing was affecting her life and was able to learn the lines that were required for her scene, she had been able to speak to Jared and he told her that nothing had happened besides the kiss in front of the paparazzi,

Kate had totally forgotten about it, realising what she had done and how the photo would turn up everywhere, Kate was sure that Gerard would see it and to her that hurt, she didnt want to hurt him, she wanted to get away to stop hurting him.

After the girls had left for the day they went back to the hotel, to relax Kate went to her journal pulled it out of her bag where she started to write.

Gerard on the other hand was in a daze, he had tried everything to keep him self from thinking of Kate, but didnt know how to.
Mikey was using the laptop to surf the net when he saw that Alicia had logged on to chat.
Iconic-Beauty -hey baby
AngelOfDeath- hey
Iconic-Beauty- so wat r u doin?
AngelOfDeath- just surfing the net
Iconic-Beauty- hows Gee, is he any better?
AngelOfDeath- Nope he’s in his own little world
Iconic-Beauty- have u seen the latest?
AngelOfDeath- wat!!!!!
Iconic-Beauty-there are pics of Kate kissing sum guy
AngelOfDeath - BULLSHIT!!
Iconic-Beauty-I swear babe here’s the link
AngelOfDeath-im checking it out now
As the pictures downloaded, mikey stared at what he saw, there was Kate kissing some actor called Jared Padelecki.
Mikey called Ray over to have a look - when Ray saw the picture he just stood there in amazement
“Shit Mikey, where did you find this” Ray said
“Alicia sent me the link”
“We cant show Gerard, he will crack”
“I know”

Frank could see there was some commotion where Mikey and Ray were standing “What ya doing?” realising what he had seen “What the FUCK is that Kate, you so cant show Gee man”
By now Gerard had heard his name a few times and wanted to know what they were on about, getting up off the sofa he was sitting on he walked over “Cant show me what”
Before Mikey had time to close the pictures down, Gerard had seen them.
“What the fuck is that?”
Mikey spoke “Its Kate, Alicia sent it to me, it was taken last night, she must have gone out after we left.

Gerard looked hurt like he had just had his heart torn into little pieces, he didnt really know what to say, so he walked off and went to his bunk and closed the curtain.
Mikey closed the pictures down. “Someone should go and talk to him” “ Ray I think he just wants to be by himself”
Iconic-Beauty- babe are you there??????
AngelOfDeath- sorry, gee just saw the pic
Iconic-Beauty- OMFG, shit I’m sorry
AngelOfDeath-Don’t be its not your fault, love ya gtg will talk laterz XXXXXX
Iconic-Beauty-LUV U 2!!!!!! mwah xoxoxoxo

And with that both logged off there computers.

By nightfall Kate had finished writing in her journal and the MCR boys had also arrived in San Antonio were they were checking in to there hotel rooms

Keisha had decided to go for a walk to get some air when her phone rang, it was Gerard.
“Hi Keisha, Its Gee did you know what she had done”
“Huh what ya on about”
“There are photo’s on the net of Kate kissing some guy called Jared last night, did you know about this?”
“Shit no I had no idea, no wonder my phone has been ringing heaps, all I knew was that yes she did go out last night and kissed him I didnt know bout no photo’s”
“Well she fucking knew they were there she was posing and smiling” Gerard said angrily
“Well trust me she paid for it last night, I saw her this morning and she had been chucking most of the night, I got there and her head was over the toilet bowl”
“So what she thinks doing that is fine?”
“Gerard all I know so far is that the reason she called it quits with you was that she didnt want to hurt you anymore, the kiss would have been her being drunk”
“Do you think that is an excuse?”
“Gerard please don’t yell at me, I’m on your side, and NO I don’t think it’s an excuse at all”
Gerard realised that he was getting angry at Keisha for no reason “Sorry Keisha, it really just hurts, and I hate seeing her like this and when I saw the pictures it made me angry with her”

“I know, and I’ll try my best, I know she loves you, well I gotta go I’m just outside our room”
“Ok Bye”
With that Keisha hung her phone up and walked in to the hotel room.
Kate was all dressed to go out, “Where are you going?”
“Hey Babe, I’m going out for drinks with Jared, don’t wait up for me” Kate said with a laugh
“Don’t you think you have cause enough damage?”
“What are you on about”
“Your stupid kiss with Jared, its fucking plastered all over the internet”
“Fuck really? Oh well shit happens!”
“Kate what has gotten into you, it’s like you have changed”
“I have Keish, remember my son died”
“Don’t use that as an excuse Kate, I know your hurting, but acting this way is ridiculous”
“I’m not acting anyway, like I said don’t wait up for me”