Someday I will Understand

Chapter 27 Whatever will be

Kate awoke to the smell of burnt toast and the first thing she thought was Mikey, she had been told the story of Mikey and toasters and knew that they weren’t friends, she smiled to herself.
Gerard was still asleep, looking at her watch it was just after 7 in the morning, she rolled over Gerard and got up.
When she got to the kitchen area she saw that Mikey had a piece of paper trying to use it as a fan to get rid of the burnt smell
“Having fun there” Kate said as she pointed at the toaster and started to laugh
“Please don’t start, don’t tell anyone, they wont let me live it down” Mikey said with pleading eyes
“It can be our little secret”
Mikey walked over to her and gave her a hug “Kate you’re the best sister I’ve never had, I think its cool”

Kate thought that was really sweet what Mikey had said, she really adored Mikey how he was always so easy going but could be reserved when he wanted to and he only let people in once he had gotten to know them, with Kate it didn’t take long they got along really well and also shared a passion for eating sushi and drinking coffee like it was an addiction.

Everyone else was starting to wake up, Gerard had noticed that Kate wasn’t in the bunk with him, when he got up he saw Kate and Mikey acting like kids playing video games, he smiled he loved that his little brother got along so well with his girlfriend.

Kate turned around and saw Gerard standing there, she wanted to go over but at the same time her head was saying don’t bother, Kate knew she couldn’t stay like this for long cause Gerard would know there was something up and that she would in reality need to make a decision, the last thing she wanted to do was hurt Gerard and she knew in the end it would happen.

Rather then go over she mouthed good morning, Gerard walked over and kissed her on the forehead
“Are you feeling better babe”
“Heaps, I must have had a 24 hr bug or something” Kate hated to lie but until she could tell Gerard the truth it was going to have to be that way, The one person besides Gerard that could make Kate see sense was Kate’s big sister Emma, Emma was one of them people never to take shit and would always give her honest opinion- whether you liked it or not and with Kate she was always there for her. Emma was two years older then Kate, she was turning 26 was recently married to an Ad Executive in Australia and had a baby on the way.

Kate decided that she would ring Emma and get her advice on what she should do as her head was going in circles with all theses feeling and thoughts that were building up
By now the bus had reached Atlanta, Gerard had let Kate continue to play video games with Mikey while he sketched in his journal, he was drawing a picture of Kate he hadn’t thought of what she would look like yet - but there were ideas and he knew once he had the finished product she would really like it, well he hoped so anyway.

Everyone got off the bus, they wouldn’t be staying in a hotel tonight they had driven straight to Gwinnet Center for tonight’s performance Kate had gotten off first and dialed her sisters number in Australia, Gerard was right behind her she waved for him to go on and that she would meet him inside.

“Hello...” Emma answered groggily
“Hey Em’s”Kate yelled in to the phone knowing she had just woken her sister up
“Katie is that you?”
“Yeah how’s it going?”
“What’s wrong, why are you ringing now?” Emma knew there was something up with her sister.
“Um... I’m just having some issues, I thought you might be able to help”
“What’s going on?, Mum and Dad are worried about you, I tell them not to be that you’re a big girl”
“That’s in Em, I’m not a big girl, I have so much I’m holding on to and then there’s all this shit you don’t know”
“What do you mean?” Emma asked concerned, she always worried about her little sister and was ever so protective of her, every time someone said something bad bout her in a magazine - Emma with all her fury would blast the magazine that published the article bout her sister.

“I know your gonna think I’m stupid, but I cant get over Hayden”
“Katie no one expects you too, he is your son and always will be and I know you will love him for the rest of your life as you should, but that isn’t really the problem is it”
“No, you have to promise me you wont tell Mum and Dad cause if Dad finds out there will be hell to pay”
“What have you done”
“Something silly, a few days I was going though something and I took drugs... (Kate didn’t want to tell her sister what Jared had done, she knew that her sister would then be on the first flight to kick some ass) and I got really distorted”
“Why the fuck would you take drugs for, how fucking stupid are you.... there is no excuse Kate none what so ever”
“I know Em’s I really do, I have learnt my lesson, but my problem is the person I’m with, I don’t think I’m in love with him anymore and its really getting to me, he has been with me through thick and thin and has treated me so well”
“What’s wrong with Gerard, I thought everything was going alright”
“I feel like I’m not meant to be with him, I don’t know what it is and the last thing I wanna do is hurt him”
“Kate there has to be something, do you love him?”
“That’s it I don’t know, I know I love him but I don’t know if I am in love with him, and whether I can see a future with him I don’t know”
“Kate is there someone else?”
“What... maybe!”
“Katie, you need to deal with your feelings... why would you want to jeopardize what you have with Gerard, Who is the person?”
“Its his band mate, there’s something there that we both have I can feel it”
“Kate don’t you dare, you cant do that to him”
What do I do?”
“Get this guy whoever he is out of your mind, Gerard deserves more respect then that and you know I’m right”
“I know your right but I feel like I’m torn and then there’s losing Hayden, my mind is out of control and I’m trying so hard but all I want to do is not be here anymore”
“Kate don’t talk like that, you know what I’m coming to wherever you are. Where are you?
“Em’s don’t do that, I’m in Atlanta”
“Well I’ll come there”
“No don’t Em’s , I’m on the road with Gerard anyway, I’ll be ok”
“Whatever Kate you know I’m gonna come, where are you going to be on the 26th”
“I’m going to be in um... Charlotte, Emma you don’t really need to do this”
“Bullshit, I’m your big sister and we are gonna get these problems sorted and I’m not going anywhere until we have, so listen up don’t fuck anything up with Gerard and don’t do anything stupid, remember I am now 5 ½ months pregnant and I aint gonna take no shit”
“Ok then” Kate whispered she absolutely loved her sister and knew she was right, but how was she going to tell Gerard her sister was coming and would the guys mind if she was on the tour bus
“Katie, is Keisha there?
“Nah she’s back in LA”
“I just wondered, so remember I’ll be there on the 26th I’m gonna book a flight and I will call you soon”
“Ok, send Nathan my love”
“I will little sis, don’t stress I’ll be there soon”
With that both sisters hung up.

Kate didn’t want her sister to come, not that she didn’t love her she did, she just didn’t want Emma to see her all messed up.

Gerard wondered where Kate was, she had been gone a while and he was starting to worry, as he mulled it over in his head, Kate walked in.

“Hey baby, I was getting worried bout ya”
“It’s ok, I was just on the phone to my sister”