Someday I will Understand

Chapter 37 Confessions

please comment and let me know what ya think so far of the story, if you have any suggestions or if any changes should be made thanks!!!

A week had passed and Kate refused to see either Gerard or Keisha she had decided that she was better off with out them, she allowed the other guys to see her but didnt want to talk about Gerard and what had happened though Mikey seemed to be able to break down her barrier and tell her how much Gerard wanted to see her, Kate would let it slide she liked Mikey like he was her own brother and she knew he was only looking out for Gerard.

Kate’s body had been mending beautifully, the doctor’s were happy with Kate’s progress and now allowed her to walk around the hospital grounds as long as she had a companion with her at all times, during the past week Kate had mainly gone on walks with Frank out to the hospital gardens where the would sit and just talk about anything, she felt as though her and Frank had an instant connection, he would mainly talk gibberish and he always knew when to make her laugh, he didnt once bring up the incident with Keisha and Gerard which Kate respected as she was trying to get over it but deep down she was still hurting she loved Gerard and she wanted him back but then the thought’s would come flooding back of what she had been told and she started to hate him again.

She had also started seeing a hospital therapist and talking about what had happened with the accident and also coming to terms with her son’s death, she found that it was quite releasing and wonderful that she was able to be able to sort through her problems, Kate’s family had left but her sister stayed on, when Kate was released she was going to go back to LA and help her settle in.

Gerard didnt know what to think, to him it felt as though this week had gone by so slow and he still hadn’t seen Kate, she wouldn’t return and of his calls and she had told the guys to tell him not to come to the hospital as she didnt want to see him, he hated him self so much but he knew he would have to try and see her, it was killing him not being there by her side though he was happy that she was healing and also seeing a therapist he thought that was great.
They guys had updated him on everything, though he knew Kate would be leaving hospital today and he knew it would be his last chance to see her as she was leaving straight to catch a private plane back to LA.

So rather then sit in his hotel room any longer when he had spent the past week, he decided to go to the hospital to see if Kate would see him.

Arriving at the hospital, Gerard saw Emma in the Foyer, she had also seen him and walked up to him
“What are you doing here?” she hissed
“I need to see Kate”
“She doesn’t want to see you, I suggest you turn around and go back from where ever that you came”
“I need to talk to her only for a few minutes”
“Don’t you understand English, she’s over you, you broke her heart, she deserves so much better and you cant give that to her” Emma said in a bitchy tone
Gerard was getting pissed with the way Emma was treating him “Will you stop trying to be a bitch, I’m going to see her, how would you know what’s right for your sister your not her and you don’t love her like I do”
“If you loved her, you wouldn’t have done what you did”
“If you knew the whole story then you might understand”
“Well try me!”
“Fine” So Gerard explained the whole story on what Keisha had told him, that he had thought she was Kate and Keisha didnt stop and he was so upset he really thought that it was Kate he was making love to.

Emma stood there with her mouth wide open, she had heard the same story from Keisha, she may not have ever liked her but one thing she knew about Keisha was she couldn’t lie, she just forced her self not to believe it, but hearing the same story again she was sure it was the truth.
“ Wow, I’m sorry”

Gerard saw that Emma had believed him “Can I see her now”
“I’ll go and talk to her, just wait here”

Emma walked to Kate’s room where she was reading a magazine.
“Hey Katie there is some one here to see you”
Before Emma had a chance to speak Gerard was standing there “Me”
“What are you doing here, I told you I never wanted to see you again”
“Katie I think you should listen to what he has to say”
“What for he’s not worth it”
“Kate just listen to him” Emma said towards her sister and with that she left the room

Gerard walked into the room and started to close the door “Don’t close it, you will be leaving in a moment” Kate said coldly
“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine, can you just get on with what you have to say and then leave”
“Katie I love you and I’m so sorry what I have done, but I didnt intentionally do this”
“You have already apologised before and you know what I don’t give a damm, if that’s all you came here for it wasn’t worth it, Gerard you and I we are OVER, I don’t want to be with you anymore and if you don’t understand that what I am trying to say is I don’t love you anymore, you broke my heart and I wont let you do it again, so please just go” Kate said starting to cry
“Katie, please don’t say that, what happened between me and Keisha on my behalf was an accident, I thought she was you, when you wouldn’t wake up I was really upset and I didnt know what to do”
“You seem to know what to do, you slept with my best friend out of all people”
“Kate I haven’t finished, what I am saying is, I thought Keisha was you and I know that’s no excuse but I really did, I swear it was like I had seen you and you were talking to me and I thought I was making love to you not having sex with Keisha”
Kate didnt know what to think, could she believe him or was it just a ploy for him to win her heart back so rather she put her defences up.

Looking up at Gerard with hurt in her eyes she spoke “Gerard can you please leave”
Gerard left, he could see that he had gotten through to her, he just hoped she believed what he had to say and with her sister on his side hopefully she would come around and understand he never ever meant to hurt her.

Arriving back at the hotel the guys were all waiting in his room to find out what had happened.
Gerard walked in and they all rushed up all speaking at once
“Hey I cant understand you”
“What happened” Ray said with much concern
“I think I got through to her, I could see it in her eyes”
“Do you think or do you know” Mikey said
“I know I did, I just have to giver her some time to process it”
“So she is still going back to LA then? Frank said
“Yeh she is, but the good thing is Emma believed me after she tried to give me grilling, so I think that will help”
“That’s great man, just take it slow and she will see sense” Bob said
“I know it’s just hard, I just wanna hold her”
“You will soon my young pad one”Mikey said trying to impersonate Yoda from star wars, instead everyone started to laugh

Kate was now on her way to the airport where she could go back home and re-cooperate, all she had been thinking about what Gerard had told her, she couldn’t get it out of her head, but at the same time she didnt want to talk about.
Emma on the other hand kept trying to push but at this stage Kate didnt want to hear it.
So the flight home was a quiet one.