Someday I will Understand

Chapter 48 Its nearly time

A week had passed and Kate and Gerard had been having a great time. Kate herself knew she had made the right decision in coming on tour with MCR she found that Gerard and herself had opened up more though she still had one thing lurking in the back of her mind but she couldn’t bare to tell him yet though she knew eventually she would have to and the longer it took the worse it could become cause she didnt know what his reaction would be.

Kate had spoken to Frank and told him that she was going to tell Gerard one day what had happened between them he wasnt happy about it but at the same time he felt it was the right thing to do.

Gerard enjoyed that Kate was being so honest with him and allowing him to see a side of her he had never seen before he felt that it was a new experience as it wasnt like when they first met and they would talk, this was different and he felt as though they were bonding and he was getting closer to her emotionally.

Kate could feel that her feelings towards Gerard were changing she was falling head over heels in love with him, it was though she never thought she would be able to have so much happiness in her life especially after the death of Hayden. But at this stage things were changing for the best.

There was one thing that hadn’t changed and that was the fact that Kate was still addicted to the X-Box, she thought it was the best creation ever made, it was as though it had over taken her and she enjoyed the thrill of the game and trying to complete it.

Everyone was astounded at how well Kate was doing out of the 15 levels Kate had already clocked it while the boys were still trying to get past level 10, Kate was already on to a new game but this time she was trying not to hog it as she knew it wasnt hers and she didnt want to start any little quarrels.

Kate was looking forward to the Canadian leg of the tour finishing she had enjoyed spending time with Gerard but before everyone went off to Europe the guys would have at least a few days off before the boarded a plane to japan and then off to Germany which meant that Kate would have Gerard to herself (besides the confinement of a tour bus) as they were planning to stay at Kate’s place. Gerard himself was looking forward to it too.

Frank on the other hand was finding it harder to hide his feeling as time progressed and also to keep it from Kate especially when he would see her everyday and it would for him re-ignite the feelings and passion he felt towards her, Though Kate was oblivious to the fact on how Frank was feeling she thought they had gotten over what they had done and it was all over with but with Frank that wasnt the case.

The tour had finished in Canada and everyone was headed to Seattle, Kate was counting the days down there were 2 left and then Gerard would be all her’s it may have been selfish on her account but she really didnt give a damm, she loved him and wanted to spend time with him by herself.

Getting into Seattle the guys were all psyched about the performance that night and Kate was glad to be on American soil she liked Canada but was looking forward to some good American food.

Being that it was early morning it was decided that everyone would check into a hotel first as there would be interviews conducted there and everyone would be able to have a nice warm shower and relax for a few hours before any work needed to happen.

Kate and Gerard checked into there private room where they just slumped themselves on to the double bed it was like it was heaven as they had both been sharing one bunk and it could get a little squashy in there.

Getting off the bed Kate went on to the balcony to check out the Seattle view, her thoughts started to wonder about the secret she was keeping everything was mind boggling and she felt that she had basically cheated on Gerard and worst off she had done it with one of his best mates it was like history was repeating itself.

She knew that she didnt deserve him and that he didnt deserve the deception that she was creating, so she decided that tonight she was going to tell him hoping that he would forgive her as this would make or break the relationship and she was going to prepare herself for the worst which she was sure would be the outcome tonight.

Gerard walked out on to the balcony and wrapped his arms around Kate’s shivering body “Babe why don’t you come inside where it’s warm” Gerard said slowly pulling her inside
“Well I guess I am now “Kate said with a little giggle as she allowed Gerard to pull her inside

Coming inside Kate didnt know what to do she new what Gerard wanted but she thought it wasnt right more then likely tonight she was going to break his heart so the last thing she wanted to do was to give in to the advances he was trying to make on her, more then anything she wanted to talk to him first after the show.

Gerard tried to make another advance towards her by kissing her neck softly and how Kate liked it knowing this would be sure to turn her on “Babe we cant”
Gerard gave her a look as if to say why not, Kate rolled her eyes and spoke “We cant I’m sorry”
“Katie c’mon” Gerard said trying to unzip her pants
“Gerard it’s that time of the month so bugger off” Kate snapped

Gerard backed back a little shocked at how Kate had spoken to him, Kate realised she had been rude “Babe I’m sorry I didnt meant to snap”
“It’s cool, I’ve just missed being close to you and now was like the perfect time”
“I know but there is always going to be heaps of time” Kate said and planted a soft kiss on Gerard’s lips

The rest of the day Kate decided to take in the Seattle site’s while everyone else had interviews and get ready for the show tonight, so walking along the street’s by herself she was grateful that no one was following her it was like she was unrecognisable and she was happy, Kate went up in the Space needle which is a defining symbol of the Seattle skyline where she was able to take in the spectacular views wishing that Gerard was there to share this moment with her.

Knowing it was time to leave Kate headed back to WaMu theatre where everyone one would be.
So she could get ready to watch there performance and then once back at the hotel she would be able to speak to Gerard.