Someday I will Understand

Chapter 66 Big girls don't cry

Entering the doctor’s clinic Kate could smell the odour of a disinfectant which was very pungent and reminded her of a type of hospital smell, Standing behind her Mikey was looking at the people that were there seeing only an old couple he continued to look around the clinic and saw how neat and clean it was not that there was anything wrong with that but he could tell this was where the rich people came and Kate was one of them in away it kind of dawned on him as he had never seen Kate like that.

Just simply as a person nothing more nothing less but now he was starting to understand that she had more privileges then simple classed people had and that was fine but he didnt want to put her in that category not that he had a problem with people that had money but some people just used their money to gain power and that’s what he hated when it could be used to help others.

Kate got to the reception desk and started to speak to a young woman “Hi I’m Kate Bartlett and I have an appointment with Dr. Watkins at 10am”

The receptionist looked up at her with a pleasant smile “That’s fine Miss Bartlett, please take a seat and I will let Dr.Watkins know you have arrived”

“Thank you” Kate said as she found a seat to sit on with Mikey slumping beside her.

Kate waited nervously for her doctor to appear she was starting to get a little scared not at doing the paternity test but more then anything the procedure that was going to happen she wasnt a big fan on needles and she didnt want Mikey to see her bit’s either as that would be rather embarrassing, she was glad however that Mikey was there with her it was better then nothing.

Seeing a woman walk out Kate knew straight away that this was Dr.Watkins as she had that white coat on and the stethoscope around her neck.

Walking up to Kate, Dr. Watkins placed her hand out “Hello I’m Dr. Watkins, if you will just follow me please”
Kate got up as Mikey followed behind her as they walked to an office near by and both went in.

“So Miss Bartlett I see you’re here for the amnio and is this here your partner?”

Before Kate had a chance to speak Mikey did “Yes, yes I am” Mikey said with a proud smile who then turned to Kate who was looking at him confused.
“Wonderful as I’m sure your aware before we go ahead with the procedure I need to advise you what will happen so you have a full understanding, basically what will happen is first I will proceed to do an ultra sound to check the baby and basic anatomy I will then use the ultra sound to pinpoint a sac of amniotic fluid from there I will be inserting a long, thin, needle through your abdominal wall and into the sac of fluid around your baby, the amount of pain differ’s from each patient but you can choose to have your abdomen numbed first with a local anaesthetic if you like.”
“No that fine, I’m happy to have only one needle” Kate said grimly

Leaving the doctor’s office Kate and Mikey followed the lady to a room where Kate would be having her procedure.
“Please get changed here Miss Bartlett, you are able to leave your underwear on we just need you to put on a hospital gown and then get in to the bed that is here and when your done, just press that buzzer and I will return”

“Ok thanks”

The doctor walked out leaving Kate and Mikey in the room by there selves so Kate could get changed

“Mikey why did you tell the doctor you were my partner, that was a bit stupid” Kate said

“Um... I said it cause if I didnt maybe they wouldn’t let me be in here and I wanted to stay to give you support” Mikey said with a sad face like he had done something wrong, like the naughty child that needed a time out.

Kate could sense that Mikey was only trying to help so she place her hand on Mikey’s shoulder
“I understand I was just a little confused, I don’t want this woman to think that there could be 3 people that could be the father of my baby”
“Sorry” Mikey mumbled
“Don’t be sorry but what you can do is turn around so I can get in to this silly hospital gown”

Mikey stood there confused and then realised what Kate was trying to say “Aahhh Sorry” he said as he spun around and started to stare at the wall looking at hospital posters

Kate got into the white hospital gown and started to regret wearing the underwear she had on as they were white with pictures of Tweety Bird on them and now she needed Mikey to tie the gown up at the back.

“Um Mikey could you please do this up for me?”

Mikey spun around and saw that Kate’s back was facing him, he knew what to do as he stared at her back he saw on her lower back that there was a small tattoo of an Asian symbol that said peace

“Nice tatt Katie, I never knew you had one” Mikey said as he looked at her back and then a little lower where he saw the Tweety Bird underwear he couldn’t help himself “So does Gerard get turned on by Tweety”he said as he started to laugh

“Fuck you Mikey” Kate said as she turned around with a smile on her face “And as a matter of fact he loves them to bits”

Kate had finally gotten changed and was now sitting on the bed she had pressed the buzzer and was now just waiting for the doctor to return, Dr.Watkins walked in and proceeded to walk over to Kate where Kate got under the blankets so her bottom half was covered and the doctor lifted the hospital gown to expose Kate’s stomach.

“Ok Kate I’m just going to clean the area and then we will get started”Dr.Watkins said as she proceeded to clean Kate’s abdomen with a iodine solution Kate could smell it and she hated it, Mikey stood there and watched while video taping the procedure with his cell phone

“Mikey what are you doing?” Kate said looking over towards him
“I think someone is just being a proud father” Dr.Watkins piped in
“I’m taping it so I can show Gee and Frank” Mikey said with a smile and continued to video tape the procedure.

Kate could feel the needle go in to her it felt like there was a lot of pressure the whole time it was in there, it wasnt too painful at all which she was grateful for, Kate didnt handle pain very well.

“Ok Kate I’m all finished, I’ll get this sent off and you will have the results your after with in a week”
“Great thanks Dr.Watkins”
“Your welcome, just remember you'll need to take it easy for the rest of the day, Avoid any heavy lifting, intercourse and air travel for the next couple of days. You may have some minor cramping for a day or so, If you have significant cramping or vaginal spotting or your leaking amniotic fluid call your practitioner immediately. Otherwise everything should be just fine”

Kate left with Mikey who drove her back to her property in Brentwood on the way there she phone Gerard to let him know what had happened

“Hey baby”
“Are you alright?” Kate said wondering if everything was alright as Gerard sounded quiet and this she could tell from just the one word he had said
“Yeh I’m fine, I just miss you”
“Aww Babe I miss you too, I’ll only be gone a couple of days and then I will be back I promise, Everything went fine and I feel good just a little sore but I got to see the baby and it’s soo small, I wish you were there”

Gerard already felt bad and now he felt worse for not being there but Kate had wanted to do this herself until she knew who the father wa,s neither Gerard nor Frank were happy with the situation but they were living with it and there was nothing that they were able to do about it besides move on from it.

“So what did the doctor say?”
“Um... oh yeh they said we should have the results in about a week, are you nervous I am I don’t know why I feel it”
“I’m not nervous I think I’m calm I’m just waiting till we get the results” Gerard said in a calm voice
“Sometimes I wonder how you can be so patient but I do love it”
“I guess its just a natural thing”
“Well baby I’m nearly home, please let Frank know what happened, oh Mikey taped everything for you guys I think he’s gonna send it via email. Ok anyways love you Bye!”
“Bye” Gerard said and hung his phone up

Kate was glad that the procedure was over she had kind of been dreading was finally over and in a way it was a good thing that Gerard wasnt there as if he had seen the needle that went in to her stomach she was sure he would have fainted.

Still sitting in the passenger seat Kate was still trying to direct Mikey back to her property through the LA traffic though out of the rear view mirror she could see they were being followed one thing Kate had a good eye for was spotting paparazzi a mile away, the last thing Kate wanted to do was worry Mikey and get him all nervous while driving so she decided to tell him once they were back at her house behind secure gates cause one thing Kate had learnt with paps were that they would drive erratic just to get their stupid photographs.

Kate was sure they would have been at the medical centre which also meant that there would have been photo’s taken and now the media would write stupid articles about her, but she knew she had to put this to the back of her mind as there were more important things to think of.

****** Ive added some more picture's in the myspace the address is please take a look there is also a sonogram pic and some other good ones******