Someday I will Understand

Chapter 98 On the hour every hour

Kate was going out of her mind the last thing she wanted to do was go to Rehab and have her career sink even further or turn out like the next Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, Kate felt she was better then that, but at the same time she knew that if she didn’t go then it could or would finally destroy any relationship she hoped to have with Gerard.

If anything Gerard was angry he couldn’t believe that Kate had gone behind his back especially when he thought that she had improved, He wanted to just walk away but knew that he couldn’t they had to much together and he couldn’t walk away from her, even if she was breaking his heart with her constant lies, all he was hoping for was to have the normal Kate he knew return to him.

Once Gerard had told Frank the situation he was genuinely upset and distressed over what could have happened to Sadie, Gerard slowly defused the situation and advised that he had already knocked that in to Kate’s head telling her she could have hurt Sienna.
“So what are you going to do Gee?”
“I’m sending her to rehab, I have Brian looking at places now and he is getting in contact with her management to let them know as well...Enough is enough…I thought she was getting better but she’s not coz now she’s gone on the drugs and worst of all its fucking cocaine”
“I think that’s the best idea, I’m going to arrange threw my lawyer to get full custody because right now Sadie doesn’t need this and I don’t think it s best for Kate either”
“OK...I won’t tell her that is something you will have to do man, because I can see her blowing up if you want full custody”
“I just want it while she’s in rehab coz I don’t need her parents on my back wanting Sadie taken to Australia or nothing”
“Frank they wouldn’t do that, heck I don’t even think they know all the shit she has caused…but they are now seeing everything was on the news…I wanted her to tell them I didn’t think it was my place”
“Look Gee I got to go, Sadie has woken up” Frank hung up

Eliza knew that her plan was working as she had heard off the grapevine that Kate was going in to rehab, Eliza also knew that this wasn’t the end of it she was going to expose who the father was of Kate’s child was, cause as far as the public were concerned it was Gerard (who was indeed the real father) not Frank.

Eliza wanted to humiliate Kate as much as she could she hated her with a passion and her goal was to destroy her in which she was doing, Once again Eliza had gotten the current birth certificate ofKate’s child, which now had Frank Iero as the father. This time Eliza sent it to once again it was done anonymously so it couldn’t be traced back to her.

Eliza didn’t have to wait long for the news to be exposed; it was once again headlining news with the headline being ‘A list star sleeps around with band…Who’s the real father?’

Kate didn’t find out about the news until the next day as she had secluded her self in Gee’s house to stay away from the media who were wanting interviews and trying to get pictures of her.

It was Brian MCR’s manager that broke the news to Kate and Gerard, as soon as Kate found out tears began pouring down her face “Why this happening to me…How is everyone finding out about my personal information?”
Gerard was extremely pissed; he didn’t know who was leaking the information. Brian spoke “We don’t know Kate…We have people looking in to it but at the moment it seems to have been sent in anonymously”
“It’s like people are destroying me its ridiculous”
Gerard put his arm around Kate to try and comfort her “We will get to the bottom of this” Brian replied

After Brian left a statement was released stating that neither Kate nor Frank would comment on there personal lives and that it was a private situation that would be dealt with privately.
Kate was going out of her mind having her personal information leaked to the media that she was actually looking forward to going to rehab. The next day Kate was ushered to the airport to attend a Rehab clinic in Utah, away from the prying eye.

Kate didn’t know where her relationship stood with Gerard as both had not really been talking to one another once Gerard had found out that Kate had been taking cocaine.
Right now Kate was more concerned for her daughter and what type of impact this would have on her in later live. What Kate hated was her daughter was now 3 months old and Kate had already missed so much and was now expected to be in Rehab for the next 45 days to fully recover.

Gerard was happy that Kate would finally be getting the help she required firstly to get off her drug habit and next to understand what her problems were with therapists; he also didn’t know where his relationship stood.

Eliza decided it was time for herself to get back in the picture hoping that Gerard would accept her back she was aware that he would be hurting and she hoped she could be the one to help him.

Standing on the doorstep Eliza rang the doorbell where Gerard answered
“Eliza what are you doing here?”
“I came to see how you were…I’ve heard what happened and I wanted to see how you were doing”
“Oh…um I’m fine”
“Great…can I come in?”
Gerard didn’t know how to reply…he wanted to be by himself, Gerard didn’t have to wait to reply as Eliza self invited her self in to the house.
Walking in the house Eliza walked in the lounge where she noticed how quiet the house was ‘Where is everyone?”
“Gone out I think...look Eliza you shouldn’t be here please?”
“Why Gerard what are you scared about?”
“I’m not scared Eliza but I know what you want but I can’t give that to you”
“Gerard all I want is your friendship…What more do you think I want?”
“How come you told Kate I was coming around?”
“She asked and I couldn’t lie to her” Eliza replied lying

Gerard went quiet and stared at Eliza’s big blue eyes, he had no feelings for her but knew that they would always have a mutual attraction for one another, Eliza moved in closer where she could hear Gerard breathing becoming more quick, she tilted her head and kissed him on the lips.

Gerard didn’t want this but with all the pain he was feeling and distrust he gave in, pulling Eliza in his arms he kissed her back passionately; to Eliza it felt magical she was finally getting what she wanted and it was being returned. Gerard pulled Eliza in to his room where there kissing continued Gerard was well aware of what he was doing and all he wanted was a little satisfaction.

Eliza saw it as lovemaking and that she had won where Gerard was seeing it just as raw sex.