Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


I let out a rather large sigh and sat on my suitcase. Slowly spinning around it until the zipper was zipped all the way. I had over packed this suitcase more than my other ones. I didn't even hear my door open and my older brother walk in.

"So Little Annie is really leaving?" I rolled my eyes and got off the black rolling suitcase that was on my bed.

The second youngest in the family, Draco, smirked to me. He sat down on my desk chair and made himself comfortable. Against my wishes. Draco had brown eyes. Ones that just started in to my bright ocean blue ones. I hate them. They were so dark... almost black. Not like my brother Baltazar. Baltic's eyes were green and glittered. Like Lucinda and Kirsten's. Draco was tall, around 5' 11'', blonde hair, white skin.

"Why do you care Jackass? Why don't you go to your apartment and hump your new wife?"

"And least I have someone to hump." I looked at him disgusted.

"Pervert. Get out so I can take a shower and leave out of this house."

"Where you going?"

"Oh like I'm going to tell you."

"Fuck you too."

He turned around walking away and closing the door. I took the set of clothing that was set out on my bed taking them to the bathroom. I took a shower, drying my hair with a blow drier in one hand and a brush in another. I chose on wearing a grey tube top, black pin stripe cropped pants, and my favorite black wedge heels.

With a free hand I dug through my black and red plaid make up bag. Pulling out black eyeliner, black mascara, a bottle of red glitter liquid eyeliner and a bottle of bright red nail polish when I finished. I lined my eyes with heavy eyeliner on your bottom eye lid, and a thin line of liquid eye liner on the top eye lid. I barely closed my eyes while sitting on the toilet seat to paint my toe nails. With the bright red nail polish of course.


"Be there in 10 mom!"

I finished by applying some mascara to my eye lashed. I carelessly threw everything I would need into my tote. It's the most retarded tote ever, but I don't care. I'm like the only one in the world that has a red and black striped tote that has a penguin sewn on. I love it.

Hearing my dear mother scream my name again I hurried out of my room. It's very hard to leave my room with more than three bags of suitcases. Candy was giggling at how pathetic I was looking. I only glared at her.

"Luther, be a good brother-in-law and help me with some of my bags." Luther shrugged and took three of my bags. Leaving me with my laptop bag, tote, and one last suitcase.

"I'll go put your stuff in the car." Luther added walking outside.

I could finally see who of my family was here. My sisters Lucinda and Candy were here with their husbands and children. Draco was in the near by coat closet with Emily, and no one else. Baltic lived in Europe, I haven't talked to Aaron in years, and I'm too chicken to talk to Marie. Only because she's a little moody due to her pregnancy.

"Auntie!" I heard a younger voice call for me and grab my pants.

"Hey you." I said smiling and hugging Kirsten.

"I got you a gift." She said gladly holding up a Jack Skeletington luggage tag. I'm a bit of a Tim Burton fan...

I smiled and clipped the tag on my bag then hugging everyone that came. Emily and Draco were still in the closet though. And I don't want to know what they're doing right now.

"It's an hour drive to the air port Annie." My mom informed my once we were both in her BMW convertible.

"Let's get this party started."

I took out the bright red nail polish and started painting my finger nails. My mom is immune to the smell of nail polish; she herself is addicted to painting her nails and use to the smell.

'In about 24 hours more or less I'll be in Helsinki.... God I can't wait! No more Draco, no more protective brothers, I'll be on my own.'

"Name Miss?" The lady at American Airlines said to me. It was 5:32 in the morning and she was greeting with an over peppy grin. It was too early for anyone to sound so giddy.

"Antoinette Kavinstavanti. K-a-v-i-n-s-t-a-v-a-n-t-i." One of the disadvantages to having a long last name that's not in English. No one can spell it without help.

"First class to JFK International Airport. Here is your boarding pass and ticket. I'll take those bags from you."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

I rode down the escaladers towards security. Security opens at 5am, already it was getting packed.

"Please place all cell phones, lab tops, iPods, bags, jackets, and shoes in the bins. And remove any metal jewelry you have on."

Oh great another peppy lady.

Like that last one, her smile just bugged me. It was a little creepier too. I slowly walked through the detector and walked out. Nothing worth escorting me to the police. My bags and shoes were in the middle of the X-ray. By simply moving over I could see exactly what was in there. I even found my camera.

"Here's your stuff Miss. You're free to go know."

Mutter 'thank you' again I slide my high heels on and my bag over my shoulder then walked into the mini mall of the Denver International Airport. Sadly, there's no Starbucks, Peaberry, or Seattle's Best where I was.
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This was my first story on quizilla. I think it's about time I move it over to mibba.